very confused about turbo jam

  • Hi everyone, i purchased the turbo jam dvd set but now i wonder if i have even purchased the right set?!
    these are the dvds i got.. i have no idea what to start with or how to incorporate this into my routine. I dont think I received a schedule?
    Maybe I did but I had a new housekeeper in and think she probably could have misplaced it.
    These are the dvd's i received:
    Fat Blaster
    3T (totally tubular turbo)
    Lower Body Jam
    Cardio Party Mix 3
    Cardio Party Mix 2

    i dont see a learn and burn here? Turbo sculpt? I have never done turbo jam before
  • Hmm, so you got the set with all the DVDs but you don't have Learn and Burn? That's really strange. My combo set is a blue case, and I have the Learn and Burn, 20min workout disc which is what I started with. You might have gotten a more advanced package, not for certain.
  • What you got was the Turbo Jam Fat Burning Elite set which is the more advanced set. The one you want is called Maximum Results. It has the workouts you're thinking of including the Learn and Burn. The good news is that you'll be able to incorporate the ones you have now with the ones you need. The Fat Blaster workout is a really good one too!
  • do you think i need the learn and burn? I live in south africa and delivery would take 3 weeks
  • The Learn and Burn is where she teaches you proper form for all the moves. I think she calls them like the Elite 11 or something like that. Here's a video with some of them: You may be able to look around on youtube or elsewhere online and find the rest of them.