shortcuts to getting fit?

  • hi there i'm simon i usually hand in the 100lb club. a bit about me i'm 21 currently about 229 down from 320 18 months ago. i just got he guts to start jogging/running. i been slugging it out in the trenches to get fit recently. i set myself a goal of being able to complete a cardio circuit that equates to 16km.

    5 km run. 5 km cycle 3km row. 2 km cross trainer. and a 1km swim.

    all to be done back to back with no rest. i'm training to do a half marathon in may for charity and also a small finacial gain my mates were stupid enough to bet i tried this circuit today for the first time and made a stupid mistake. i didn't do the run first i did the cross trainer then tried running i got 1600m then collasped with legs of jelly.

    i do some cardio every day apart form sunday when i coach a kids rugby team. usually just 1 piece for about 30 mins and i rotate the equiptment. i do weights 3 times a week. and every 5th day i do pure cardio. and every 10th day (second cardio) i'm gonna try and do the above 16k challange.

    but is there anyway i can increase my fitness faster? any little tricks i'm missing?
  • Good for you!
    Wow, congratulate yourself....
    It is certainly not easy to run no matter how fit you are....I know how it feels too, I had a baby 3 months ago and weighed 215 was SO hard to start running but I did it, I could feel my skin jiggling with every step, but I havent let up. I run 5-6 times a week as I am going to be running a 10km run next May.
    Simon, best advice I can give you, is certainly stick with it...the fitness benefits from running are HUGE....and I really feel that if I can do it, anyone can...

    Keep up the good work, I promise it DOES get easier.
    Good Luck to you,

  • Shortcuts, unfortunately, are not the way to go.... Great work in taking this on though... regular exercise, eating well, and sticking to it! That is the way to go. Sometimes it is important to allow yourself a rest or a snack treat to stick to the plan. Good luck!
  • Be happy with the progress you have made! You are doing great, but don't obsess about short cuts or working more than you are or I guarantee failure for you. You have come so far and will continue to do well as long as you stay on a good path and try not to do TOO much. Congratulations on what you have accomplished so far.