Juice Plus anyone?

  • This isn't a weight loss pill, it's more like a supplement, four pills a day, 2 are fruit and 2 are veggies. The Orchard blend (fruit) has seven fruits in it and the Garden Blend (veggie) has ten veggies and grains. This seems to be all the rage amongst the moms at cheerleading, of course at least two of them are reps, so maybe that's why?!?! Anyway I wanted to know if anyone on here has had any kind of success with this product. FYI-all things considered it's not bad price wise, because I'd just pay for myself and the girls would be free. So that's something as well. Let me know!
  • Seriously....No One?
    So I guess no one has tried this? Has anyone even heard of it? I went ahead and ordered it yesterday for me and my oldest (apparently kids are free only with a paying adult) so I guess I'll be the guinea pig and let you guys know. I just thought someone might have some opinion on it. I mean statistically speaking someone here should have some info, but I guess not. So it's up to me!
  • This is a webpage I found about it. Apparently it is a MLM scheme (which is probably why someone you know is trying to prompt you to buy it)


    If you need veggies and fruits in your diet, why not eat them?
  • Most of us are into eating our fruits and veggies, not trying to get them from a pill that has little or no fiber. What are the benefits supposed to be? Sounds like another rip off to me.
  • The University of California recently reported on Juice Plus and had nothing positive to say about it. Apparently the 'studies' published on their website are less than truthful. I personally would never recommend it. I'm so sorry that we overlooked your post

    The two links below contain excellent unbiased and very reputable articles on Juice Plus.



    Here's a quote that MrsJim found earlier (from an earlier discussion on juice plus) from the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center site...
    While it is true that nutritional supplementation is important in maintaining health in many segments of the population, particularly the elderly, none of the scientific studies undertaken have sought to prove that Juice Plus+® is more effective or more bioavailable than other supplements. In addition, no studies exist to compare the physiologic effects of supplementation with Juice Plus+® and eating whole fresh fruits and vegetables. Juice Plus+® is distributed through a multi-tiered marketing scheme with exaggerated value and cost.
  • Actually I tried it for quite some time and loved it!!! I used the drink mix though rather than the tablets. I also took the can to my doctor and asked her opinion, and she was very positive. I found it very helpful. And yes, I am aware of the controversy It's not a diet plan though, as you mentioned... just a vitamin supplement.