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Old 08-21-2009, 01:04 AM   #1  
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Unhappy I'm confused on how the calorie thing works...?

Hi, I've been on a diet for the past 2 weeks and I did not lose a single pound. I eat 800-900 calories daily and I run 5-6 miles every morning. Then, I saw online that 1200 calories is the absolute min daily calorie requirement for the body, so my diet actually put my body in a starvation mode and made my metabolism slow down, instead of losing weight, my body clings on every bit of fat I consume.
I really want to lose 10 lb in a month, but based on the calorie system, it means that I need to eat 1200 everyday, but in order to lose 10lb in a month, I need a daily deficit of 1250, that is I'll have to burn 2400 everyday. That seems to be impossible. It's like running 30 miles. But then why can some people lose 10 lb in a month?
Am I calculating it wrong?
Is there any way to lose 10 lb in a month?
Thanks for reading this and please comment : )
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Old 08-21-2009, 01:12 AM   #2  
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10 lbs in a month is a lot, depending on your starting weight. But I think you're forgetting to count the calories you need every day to keep your body alive and functioning, in addition to any exercise calories burned.

Our bodies burn a certain amount of calories just to keep us breathing, our hearts beating, etc. We'd burn those even if we never got out of bed. This is called your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). So you already have THAT (it depends on your weight, age, and other factors) before you add in any activity.

Depending on your current weight, even 1200 calories may be WAY too low...a good goal is to eat AT LEAST your BMR daily. You can calculate your BMR via any number of calculators (Google "BMR Calculator" and you'll get lots of choices). This is a good starting place. Stay at that calorie level for a few weeks and see if your weight changes. If not, lower it by 100 or so until you're getting consistent results.

A good, healthy rate of weight loss is around 0.5 - 1% of your current body weight per week. Depending where you're starting, 10 lbs a month may be reasonable or completely unreasonable.
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Old 08-21-2009, 01:22 AM   #3  
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Ok, lets start with the basics.

Depending on your weight and your activity level, you use a certain number of calories every day just to get out of bed. You burn calories breathing and using your brain. You burn more if you get up and walk, and still more if you exercise.

So the amount of calories you burn just by being on this earth is called your basal metabolic rate. That amount varies from person to person, but can be calculated using various methods that give around the same result. That result will depend on your age, height, weight (you have a higher BMR if you are heavier, because it is more energy intensive to carry all that excess weight around).

As an example, my BMR as a 40 year old, 185lb, 5'8" female is around 1600 calories. So to lose weight I need to add my activity calories burnt to this, and that is my maintenance range. Then the deficit of 1250 comes off that.

HOWEVER (there's always a but, isn't there?) your body is not a science experiment. Your weight loss is affected by a whole bunch of external and internal factors - your overall wellness, the types of foods you eat, your stress levels etc.

Plus 10lb in a month is probably doable if you are quite overweight to start with, but not so achievable if you only have 10lb to lose!

My advice? Find a good calorie counting website like CalorieKing, the Daily Plate, something like that. They have calculators you can use that will give you a suggested range of calories based on your weight, height and activity level. See how you go for a month or so, then adjust up or down depending on your loss.

It's simple really, but it's definitely far from easy. If it were, there would be way less overweight people in this world!

Good luck, and keep hanging around 3FC. There's lots to learn and the knowledgeable chickies (and occasional rooster!) round here are more than willing to help you.
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Old 08-21-2009, 03:06 PM   #4  
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not much new to add. unless you're pretty overweight, 10 lb in a month is probably not an attainable goal, and if you do succeed, it will probably all come back. sometimes its hard to remember that its not a race! take it slow, set reasonable goals.
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Old 08-21-2009, 04:32 PM   #5  
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How much do you weigh, now and how tall are you ? This will have a bearing on how much you need to lose. The less you have to lose the slower it will seem. Try not to complicate yourself with all these figures. Do ypu have a diet plan ? Lower calories and exercise together is a better way to lose.
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Old 08-22-2009, 07:39 PM   #6  
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1200 calories is DEF the MINIMUM you should but yourself on for the reason that your body puts itsself in starvation. You were doing more harm then good. But thats ok you'll get it together. As some others have said 10lbs is a lot. And it all depends on you weight and current height. Good luck.

Some things that have helped me are a food journal if you not keeping one already.

Your a trooper. 1200 calories is hard for me I wouldnt have been able to do the 800-900 calories
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