Beck Diet For Life/Solution – August 2010 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

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  • Off to walk with a friend and visit the Farmers Market! We're going early to beat the temps on yet another day of upper 90s, lower 100s.

    WI: -0.25kg, Exercise: +105 770/1800 minutes for August, Food: 80%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

    Welcome AnneofGreenGables!

    Hello to everyone else, including Beverlyjoy, who I saw on another thread had some renewed hope about her latest medical difficulties.
  • Just one more...
    After 3 nights of meteor showers, I find my behavior regarding shooting stars alot like my behavior about food..just one more. Was hard to bring myself in each night..I would say to myself, I'll stay out until I see just one more...hmmm...

    Two nights in a row of GREAT dancing.. Thur. night was JIMMY THACKERY..CeeJay???? the tiny little town ~300 people..10 miles away. Course it in *lakes country, but still, *Jimmy Thackery. Last night was my favorite local band and they were characteristically awesome. Back to the other little town tonight for a street dance from 6P til 1ish. Yay for exercise that is joyous great fun.

    I have been outdanced two nights in a row. The good news is one of the wimmen lives close and we bonded. She will be at alot of the events coming up, so I have someone to dance with. Turns out she works for my organization and even my division--we just hadn't weird, as nothing around here is all that *big. The other woman, the one last night, danced to 3 of the 4 sets *by *herself with *all out WILD abandon. Pretty much looked like something from Woodstock. We all marveled at her, and two of us wished we had burned as many calories as she must have.

    Silverbirch, I was re-reading posts this morning and saw you had used the term "Beckian". I must have picked up on it and thought it worthy of us! Love the "Beck on", too. The way you play with the English language, you could be Gallagher says it.

    AmberPR, even for northwoods Minnesoda, a dawg jumping out a second story window is pretty amazing stuff. Glad she is OK. Such an interesting mix..I love mutts, much prefer them.. wonder which part of her is the "jumper"????

    shepherdess, will keep thinking of you in your marathon. You go, girl.

    BillBE, interesting NPR discussion yesterday on the way interest groups use a tiny bit of science that backs up the point of view, tobacco, coal, big oil, etc..and spins is to created doubt about the prevailing science. One site recommended for straight talk on the science of global warming was Have not been there yet, but it was easy enough to remember. Not sure I wanna know, as some of the prevailing science is we are past the tipping point. *sigh.

    Lo to all my Beck buddies/coaches.
  • Love to talk to myself
    Beckies, a quick break from the sun and fun of gardening..back out shortly. Glad my Beck buddies are too tied up with weekend fun to post.

    Just want to give a shout out to some favorite Beckies whom I miss: Annwonders, kuhljeanie, ChinaMaine, Bennyhannamama...I am sure I have missed some dear ones..

    BillBE, only found one ingeniously hidden cucumber, but added to several others and have done my favorite brine with water, vinegar, a bit of sea salt, dill and garlic..those refrigerator pickles will last until Thanksgiving..make them from the season's last, and the crop is always abundant, so a great late fall treat.
  • Maryblu wrote: "The way you play with the English language, you could be Gallagher says it."

    You wouldn't say that if you heard my ac-cent!

    Sorry to report I've been eating when standing up today. That way trouble lies. Tomorrow is, yes, another day.
  • a surprising day
    Hi Coaches

    Well, I was surprised by how today went for me at the Garlic Festival. I had my best day so far this year today. I even sold a "mirror of positive affirmation" (I'll attach a jpg of one-it's one of the things I make) that I made in 2006! I had to keep my eyes and my demeanour very business-like when I saw that mirror finally meet its new owner.

    Good things come to those who wait: buyer and seller alike

    I was also surprised by our neighbour last night. We have a parking spot out front but we don't own a car. We rent ars every weekend so I can drive to the farmers' market to sell my artwork. This is usually a good financial bet - this year it's been not so good. But I digress. So the neighbour has a van for his family and a Harley for himself. We let him use our spot when we don't have a car. At least if he's in it we know who's there and can ask him to move. It's good for both of us. So last night, around 10pm, he came to the back fence and gave DH a plate of Lebanese food including my all-time favorite garlic dip. Yowsa! And get this I didn't have any until lunch today at the market. On the platter were two bbq kebabs each of chicken, beef and ground beef plus the garlic sauce, hummous and Lebanese samosas (not sure what they are really called). So, since it's garlic festival, I picked up a small braid of Red Russian garlic to give them in return. DH says he'll be bringing the plate back tonight and will pass the garlic along. So, while his oldest son (about 11 or so) is kind of a maniac, the parents seem okay. And they, as has been mentioned here already, are observing Ramadan. In fact my neighbours are almost all Muslim and there was a lot of bbq going on after the sun went down-and a lot of activity too.

    So I ate decently today and it worked out so well my lunch is already planned for tomorrow. Is this sanity or what? Hello?

    Oh and I almost forgot: I wore my bright orange SHORTS to the market today and nobody died. Amazing.

    Okay I attached two things: a painting I made specifically for the Garlic Festival "Carpe Allium" (Latin for seize the garlic [a take on "carpe diem" of course]. Technically garlic is allium sativum but allium is the onion family it belongs to sooooo.... and a mirror of positive affirmation with a dragon on it. Caption reads: whoa. cool.

    Enjoy your Saturday night everyone.

    Billblueeyes I look forward to my dematologist's razor. This self-conciousness about the bump is really tiresome.

    maryblu I'm going to get DH after he's done work at 10 and take him out to the park and we'll see if we can't see at least one meteor. maybe I'm too late but I have to try. So happy you found another kindred spirit to dance your a** off with!

    shepherdess I'm thinking of you crossing the finish line at the marathon tomorrow. Can't wait to hear how it goes...

    newbebop OMG I LOVED reading of your swim suit bravery! I just went through that as well and you know what? I am actually over it now. It's just so much more important for us to live our lives and do what we need to do to be happy than to worry about...what? We aren't supermodel thin? Someone might have a passing thought? Who cares?! So much more important to play with your boy in the sand! AWESOME.

    wow need to go and finish some stuff before it's tomorrow already.
    A big HELLO to everyone I missed... will get to full personals this week.

  • Hello Beck friends

    We got invited to a cabin in the mountains for a few days-pups included. I have food planned out as best as I'm able. My Cocker Spaniel had an incounter with a skunk tonight so my internet time has dwindled...he is bathed and smelling better. I'll be back Wednesday. Have a thoughtful week, everyone!
  • Sunday
    Diet Coaches/Buddies - Dinner. On the patio. With gazpacho. Credit moi. Discussed with DW that we were eating better than the King of Spain in the 1500's.

    My triumph for the day happened while waiting at a car dealership with DS. It came to be an hour past my normal lunch time and I had spotted a box of "granola bars" sitting next to their coffee machine. Note those were FREE granola bars. Even just happened to pick one up and read that it had 190 calories. Then I remembered this thread discussing Ramadan and observant Muslims fasting for 28 consecutive days, year after year. Then I remembered that I had the year's best tomatoes waiting for me at home for my lunch. So I passed on the "granola bars;" CREDIT moi. . . . Boy, was that a good tomato sandwich for a late lunch - with real mayonnaise, on toasted whole grain bread.

    maryblu - I haven't heard of Meteor Showers Anonymous - but you could always start the first one, LOL. Such joy to read of all your dancing. Good stuff on - thanks for the tip. You must have a spare fridge for storing refrigerator pickles until Thanksgiving.

    onebyone - Bright Orange Kudos for wearing your shorts to the Garlic Festival. Yay for accepting you. Thanks for the pictures; your stuff is so neat

    Joy (gardenerjoy) - Yay for Farmers Markets for making it fun to shop for eating well. Kudos for 105 minutes of exercise.

    Shepherdess - Sending supportive thoughts for your marathon run today in Spearfish, SD. Yep, they are "The vines that just keep giving." LOL.

    silverbirch - Perhaps we could have accent fonts so we'd better visualize each other.

    Debbie (Lexxiss) - Yay for a few days in the mountains for a break from your frenzied schedule. Ouch for the encounter with the skunk.

    newbebop - Monster Kudos for enjoying life with your 6 year old and overcoming the Sabotaging Thoughts of "bathing suit" and "unflattering positions." And even more Kudos for the goal "to get over it" - what a day!

    Readers -
    day 34
    Solve Problems

    Identify the Problem

    Tired from a full day of work and from all of her mom responsibilities, Dena would invariably flop on the couch and begin thinking of all the chores she still had to do. The thought, I'll never get everything done that I need to, led her to feeling anxious. To decrease her anxiety without eating, Dena used the Seven Questions Technique, as shown on the following page.

    The Beck Diet Solution, pg 232.
  • Sunday Night - marathon day!
    Hi Coaches
    I can't help but think that Shepherdess is probably preparing for her marathon as I write this - my thoughts are with her. I hope she really enjoys herself and achieves whatever goal she is following. It has been an intense preparation

    Today was pretty well on plan - "tasted" somewhat more of the zucchini and turnip soup than I probably needed to when I salted it (I have discovered turnips and love them!). But I had a plan and stuck with it. I have prepared veggies for the working week and thought about what I will eat so all is not lost. By the end of the week my new book will have arrived and I can plan and shop and adjust my method. I am thinking of trying the Dukan Diet - which is something like what I have been doing (Primal) but a bit more structured (I need lots of structure).

    BillBlueEyes - I seemed to have missed you yesterday and today we cross posted - I always mean to post earlier. Hope the monster cukes were good. Glad the Ramadan story inspired you to deal with hunger as a non-emergency. It is inspiring stuff
    Debbie (Lexxiss) - Have a great few days in the cabin with the pups - sounds good
    Gardenerjoy - Waving - hope you stayed cool
    Maryblu - Sigh for the " sun and fun of gardening" - sounds good
    Newbebop - Yay for a day at the beach in a costume doing what we all have a right to do and having FUN - I was so impressed
    Onebyone - Yay for bright orange shorts to draw attention to a girl having a good time. Your mirror looks gorgeous
    Shepherdess - Thinking of you during the marathon - can't wait for a report
    SilverBirch - Eating standing up must be catching - and indeed that way lies trouble

    Progress -
    - I motivated myself by reading A&R cards - Yes - just did or I would have had to say NO
    - Consciously gave credit for positive eating / exercise
    behaviours - Yes
    - Limit junk food to once per day - Yes
    - Made food plan - Yes
    - Logged food soon after eating - No
    - Food on-plan - Yes
    - Ate seated every time - No
    - Ate mindfully & slowly & put down fork occasionally - Yes
    - Weighed myself - Yes - 213.6
    - Exercise - no - but will do weights before bed

    Working on -
    Sweeten up that plan - make it more appealing, make some food laws...(wish I new where the whole quote came from)

    Have a good day Beckies
  • Hi Everyone:

    I was just reading an article in the Aug 2010 Psychology Today called "The New Quitter: Falling off the Wagon-Whether by Bakery Binge or Drug Bender-Doesn't Mean Total Defeat. In Fact, Relapse is the Best Teacher."

    This is long but thought you might be interested. Many of the points in the article will sound very familiar to Beckians.

    -relapsing is the rule, not the exception
    -when it comes to major behavioural changes-anything from losing weight to quitting hard drugs-few people do it perfectly the first time. For most, it's a long and winding road.
    -many people do eventually overcome their bad habits
    -if handled the right way, a relapse can actually open the door to lasting success
    -relapse is no longer seen as a catastrophe
    -all-or-nothing perspective doesn't square with the facts
    -the trick is to view an episode of backsliding as a chance to learn, an opportunity to develop better techniques for anticipating and avoiding or overcoming urges.
    -black-and-white thinking can turn a minor lapse into a major one--it leads the quitter to conclude he just doesn't have the willpower to succeed
    -backsliders should view lapses as errors rather than defeats. Instead of stewing in guilt, the quitter should think analytically about how it occurred, dissecting the circumstances. What was he feeling? What happened earlier that day? Who was around?
    -a recovering addict can learn to identify the situations that are likely to push him into a relapse
    -this mentality can help prevent the lapse from spiralling into a full-blown crisis
    -one of the reasons relapses are so common is that temptations seem to emerge out of nowhere. In fact, many invisible pressures, psychological and circumstantial, may build gradually, then suddenly combine to push you over the edge
    -one researcher found that the number-one predictor of lapses was emotional: the level of "negative affect" during the four to five hours leading up to the lapse. Anger, anxiety, depression, and upset are the most powerful potentiators, especially a bad mood that ramps up over a period of hours.
    -identifying the factors behind a relapse is only the start; the crucial step is to make an explicit plan to counteract or avoid them
    -the plan should be concrete
    -cognitive tricks are another way to prevent relapse- "urge surfing"- learning to mentally detach yourself from the craving by monitoring the way your desire builds and then recedes
    -another trick is cultivating a vivid memory of the past you are trying to leave behind. People with a stronger "past-harm appraisal"- an enduring painful memory of the damage done by their addictions-were less likely to relapse
    -look for diversion, distracting yourself, escaping the situation or focusing on the consequences of giving in. Doing something is essential; people who use some kind of coping techniques in response to an urge are 25 times more likely to resit the temptation than those who just try to just gut it out
    -develop meaningful life goals, which may have been forgotten or cast aside in the obsession of addiction. Quitters need to reconnect with parts of life that provide pleasure, enjoyment and meaning-so called"emotional future goals"
    -the work of kicking an addiction may never be fully complete
    -continued "booster shots" of treatment or reevaluation may be necessary months or even years after stopping
  • And speaking of relapse....

    After a string of many, many good days...Friday was not great and yesterday was just terrible. I am beginning to face the fact that my eating behaviour is based partly on my very bad lifelong habits, but also on a need to comfort myself in stressful, emotional situations. Yesterday it was all about that.

    Today, I have to acknowledge that yesterday I was feeling overwhelmed and a bit out of control and I reacted by not dealing with my feelings, but instead stuffing my self with food (numbing? "if I have to deal with this *&%^ then I am going to eat", who cares, etc.). I am thinking of the Beck card that says something like: eating won't help this problem, overeating just leads to two problems.

    So I have a plan for today and I am going to get right back to where I was at 2 days ago. I have 3 nights in the hotel this week and I am planning on repeating last weeks success.

    Hope you all have a great week.

  • Friends took us out to supper last night, unexpectedly. Mexican. I special-ordered a side of zucchini and yellow squash instead of rice and beans, then took one of the three enchiladas home. That felt about right. But I didn't weigh myself this morning because I feel bloated from the salt and from the water I drank all night trying to get rid of the over-salted feeling.

    Today is my one-year anniversary of joining 3 Fat Chicks. As of yesterday, I weighed 189 pounds, meaning I lost 52 pounds in 52 weeks. I can't tell you how many times in my life I planned that, thinking that if I started today and lost at a modest rate of a pound a week, I would be 52 pounds lighter on this date next year. I didn't have that plan this time, because it never worked in the past. But, here I am, and it's great and I'm grateful.

    I'm particularly grateful to BillBlueEyes and to all of you who participate here in our Beck group. Posting here and reading your posts have been a key to my success. Thank you!

    maryblu: yay for falling stars and dancing!

    silverbirch: hope you find a seat!

    onebyone: cool that you got a plate full of ethnic food and saved it for your lunch. Sounds delicious. I love your Carpe Allium picture!

    Lexxiss: have a wonderful and relaxing vacation -- you deserve it!

    BillBlueEyes: what a great mini-observance of Ramadan that helped you truly appreciate a good tomato sandwich!

    Shepherdess: thinking of you this weekend!

    CeeJay: excellent points, thanks for sharing what you learned from that article. Some of those are getting to be second nature and some of them are still things I'm learning.
  • Good Morning!

    Last night, my right eyelid was red, greesy (weepy?) and was a little tender. I wanted to put something on it, so thought perhaps neosporin. I put some on both lids even though just the right was sore (but both were weepy.) This morning I awoke to my right eye lid being swollen and sore. I've put a warm compress on it and have done so again, this time with epsome salt. Yuck, I feel like the "elephant eye." I had an instance of emotional eating this morning because of it -- blah! At least it's the beginning of the day and I should be able to adjust myself for the remainder.

    Yesterday was a busy day. Walks, visits and projects. Eating seems to be o.k., but I'm feeling guilty because I'm not writing everything down, everyday. I know I have breakfast down and I know how many calories are in my snacks. Lunches are usually similar. Dinner is usually meat and salad and another veg.
    I know I would feel better if I made myself some recipe cards based on the diet - I would just feel more accountable.

    So, New Goals:
    • Go through my past meals/snacks that I did write down and transfer them to cards so I have something to reference.
    • Create new cards when I have different meals.
    Question for all of you: I picked up the latest Prevention magazine and they had an article on herbal remedies. One that was mentioned is called: rhodiola. Have any of you tried this or know of anyone who has? (It's not for weight-loss)

    ------- -------
    • Two walks in!
    • Ate lots of fresh fruit & veggies
    • Weighed myself
    • Considering my food choices and amounts
    ------- -------

    BillBE: Way to love them veggies! I've been getting donations of cherry tomatoes and cucumbers ( the garden variety really are much better then the store bought.)

    Newbebop: Planning ahead of time has been the best trick for me. I think you'll find it works for you too. Summers are too short for us Midwesterners - I'm glad you're out enjoying the water!

    Onebyone: Sounds like a really tough week. I'm glad your appt. went so well. We are always given the gloom about our weight and I know (having just had my appt.) how great it is to know that our bodies are still healthy and doing great. BTW- I love the look of the dragon - can see why she wanted it.

    Gardenerjoy: Yeah for getting right back into the exercise after your trip and hitting the market early. I went to our little local market yesterday and got some Blue - Barb jam - sounded like an interesting mix.

    on your one year anniversary
    and to the changes you have made to your life!


    New2me2: Good luck with the weigh in!

    Houston: Neat way to measure progress - in pizza slices!

    Silverbirch: Have a great day today!

    Mikkijoe: Awesome! 5 lbs is great!

    AnneGG: You can do it!

    Maryblu: Yep, very Beckian, and timely for me. I keep promising myself I'll check for the meteors, but it's been cloudy before I go to sleep- sounds like you are getting a heck of a show not to mention the dance exercise. (I believe it's the shepherd in her that gives her the extra jumping oomph - I think of the police/attack dogs I guess)

    Lexxiss: Tell us how you like "nourishing wisdom" I haven't heard of that one. Congratulations for staying on plan. Have a fun trip!

    Seadwaters: I'm feeling myself slip too. I think I just need to make it easier for myself. I know when I eat all of my meals, on plan, I don't even feel like snacking.

    Shepherdess: Go! Have a great run

    ceeJay: Thank you for the run down on the article which emphasizes the huge undertaking we are all pushing forward toward, our journey of change. Loved it! I'm so with you in the emotional eating. My week was just that - I do so good, and then a few slips. It sure is easier to get back on the wagon than it use to be though!

    Catch ya all later!
  • Thanks for posting that excerpt, Ceejay. I found this part particularly good:

    "One of the reasons relapses are so common is that temptations seem to emerge out of nowhere. In fact, many invisible pressures, psychological and circumstantial, may build gradually, then suddenly combine to push you over the edge."

    As you may have noticed, I've been posting for ages about how busy I am. Life with a business, a partner, a child and a parent in her 80s is full. Today I am doing nothing much, for the first time in I don't know how long. There's more room to reflect than I usually have. Luxury, really.

    Psychological and circumstantial pressures. Yes, I am no stranger to these.
  • Talk about Beckian!
    CeeJay! Thanks for the review from Psychology Today. Every single line was so directly the equivalent of Beck. Every single point. I will highlight the one that I have always thought was the number one biggest problem for those of us who suffer along with the weight and are seemingly "unable" to lose it:

    -black-and-white thinking can turn a minor lapse into a major one--it leads the quitter to conclude he just doesn't have the willpower to succeed

    That all-or-nothing mentality is to me, the biggest reason we don't succeed. It is such a *trap,. Now, we could say failure to plan, etc..but much of that is a daily act, a behavior we need to execute. That all-or-nothing mentality is an attitude so maddeningly, deeply rooted in so many of us.

    I think that is the reason Beck is adamant that we give ourselves credit, and I have to give my Beckies credit here..I see lots of that behavior going on.

    I have to (grudgingly) admit, I am finding the green book very was meant to be that I would be "forced" into was on *sale...and I had given the pink book away!

    Out to the garden..perfect, perfect gardening day...hope the sore muscles loosen up quickly..not sure if it is 3 nights in a row of dancing or the marathon gardening yesterday, but these old muscles are sore!
  • Just a quick post today.

    The weigh-in on Friday went very well...down 1 pound from last Friday.

    Saturday was on plan. It was a rest day so no formal exercise, although did a little spontaneous exercise.

    My company is really all about health these days, so on Friday we each were handed a little backpack bag thingy with a few health related of which was a jump rope. So, that was a little spontaneous exercise as I haven't tried jumping rope in years and just had to try it.

    Had a nice 1 hour massage yesterday...heaven as usual.

    Today I was determined to do some weights. I haven't been interested in them for a while now which is very strange since lifting weights has always been my preferred exercise over cardio. So, I picked my favorite weight DVD and popped it in. Great muscles are very nicely worked and feeling a bit wobbly even a few hours later, lol.

    I've been trying to figure out how to make what I eat everyday just a bit more healthy, and still not aggrevate the gastroparesis. I opted for ground turkey instead of ground beef for my pseudo chili, lol. I'll try some of it later.