Poll: Since you began WW's have you ever been able to...

  • successfully maintain without counting points? Any input you guys have on this would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  • Well Jamie... I've tried to maintain with just being observant, and not having to count everything. 'Cause... who really wants to? But when I don't use the journal, even when I think I'm counting - I lose track and those BLT's just keep adding up.

    One would think after 3 years at goal, I'd "know" better, but boy those patterns of self sabotage (re food) go waaaay deep. That fat brat keeps prodding me saying "I gotta have it". And if I'm not really focused and committed that day, I uhhhhhh - lose it?

    Some people really have that internal discipline - I wish I could be like them, but I like food way too much and if I'm not careful, it shows at the scale. Hope this helps.

    Whenever you feel the urge, and even if it's only on a periodic basis, you might try posting your points to see how you're faring. The feedback we get keeps us coming back for more!
  • Jamie:

    To maintain successfully, I have to keep a running total somewhere - in my head or on paper. It keeps me aware of how much I'm putting in my mouth. Of course, if my choices were always healthy and I didn't have such a big appetite, I might be able to maintain without counting but that's just not reality for me.
  • I just noticed this thread!

    So far, I haven't attempted to eat without journalling. I have toyed with the idea, but I think it's not a good one. Anyway, I actually enjoy journalling! You know, anything related to food even writing about it, is enjoyable to me.
  • Thanks so much for your input everyone!
  • Gotta journal. That was true with exchanges (how I originally lost my weight) and is even more true with points. You think you have it all figured out, get lax and then the pounds start inching back.

    This is for life.
  • I absolutely MUST count points and journal. Any other way such as guessing just doesn't work for me, as I have sadly learned in the past.
  • I can't go by "guessing"; I need to keep an accurate account of points in order to maintain my weightloss. As long as I journal my weight maintains; the week that I don't keep up with my journal I can generally guarantee my weight will reflect it.