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Old 01-04-2011, 05:25 PM   #61  
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Hi goodness so many neat new people to add to all the wonderful GG allready here..hope i can keep everyone sorted lol..still working on my quilt,Bobbie i use several techniques but mostly machine pieced..once i get the top together i hand quilt..ive made this quilt for all my grkids and friends babys..they call it grmagale grkids still have them but a few are so worn u cant tell it once was a blankie..ill take pictures when its far as make up i only wear it when im going some wear..a little powder base,blush and mascara..never have been a lipstick or shadow girl.ive found that the hardest part of having this surg is the pycological aspects of food..we celebrate with food,use it for stress control,boredom that im physically halted from eating like i did im finding that i have to face those challenges in a diff way..staying busy helps,my dd laura whom u all met used exercise..i never realized how much i relied on food to make myself feel i said its a journey of self discovery. hoping you all have a great day..remember to pass along your smile,it just might be the nicest thing to happen to that person today.. rosey
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Old 01-04-2011, 09:13 PM   #62  
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Hi everyone and welcome to the newcomers! I made a pledge to lose 5 lbs by the end of Jan. and I am still determined to do it. So far I have not seen any change on the scale, but I know it will start showing up soon. I have kept my daily calories between 1100 and 1200 for the last week. Per WW my maintenance calorie intake is only 1300, so I am not surprised nothing has happened yet.
Anyone else counting steps? Today I did over 8,000 and will try for 10,000 steps tomorrow.
Make up?? I do still work full-time so I wear a little. I wear a water-based foundation and a little eyeliner and mascara. I also use a little mineral blush (it looks more natural) and some under-eye concealer. Never have worn lipstick as I always felt like I was playing with my mothers make-up if I tried it. When I was younger I only wore the eyeliner, so this is a lot of make-up for me. Weekends I only put on a little blush.

Loved the texting for seniors Jess1.

You make me laugh Bobbi. I set my original goal weight higher than what is recommended for my height. If (did I say if?) I get there I can always adjust it down.
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Old 01-04-2011, 09:25 PM   #63  
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Anyone want to reveal the best dieting tip they have ever heard or had success with in losing their weight?

I would have to say mine is doing something physical like taking a walk or running or walking in place for a few minutes when I feel like getting something to eat.
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Old 01-04-2011, 11:09 PM   #64  
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Hi! Everyone.
Bobbi, thanks for the tip on using my word processor. That helps in a lot of ways. My SO’s daughter is home from college right now, & because of the kind of internet connection I have, we can’t both be online at the same time. This way I can have my post typed & ready when she gets off. Yay! I did see the pics of the cat stroller. I was telling my SO about it. We’re pretty sure it wouldn’t work for our cats - they’re way too active, at least the 2 younger ones (they’re not quite 9 months old yet). Maybe the older one, he’s calmer.

Karen3, I don’t think I’ve ever heard the term halfwayer, I’ll have to ask my friend that still lives in FL if she has. I’m not sure what that makes me. Reverse halfwayer doesn’t sound quite right.

Lynn, I live right outside of Hickory NC, about 100 miles east of Asheville (& about 50 miles NW of Charlotte). It’s pretty here, but not as pretty as in the mountains. About calling my SO my DH, that just wouldn’t feel right to me, but it does feel like he’s my husband (though I’ve had 2 of those, & he’s not anything like them, thank goodness! & he’s had 2 wives, so that explains why we’re not married I guess). About talking to the human resources dept. at my SO’s workplace, they no longer have one here, that’s handled by the main office in St. Louis. There is one lady that’s supposed to deal with HR problems, but she alternates between 5 plants in the area, & she’s one of the people I couldn’t get ahold of today. His company is the one that pays all the insurance claims & disability payments, but all the paperwork is handled by different insurance companies. It’s all just one big hassle!
Of course the only one I heard back from today, was the hospital to set up payments. At least that’s one thing taken care of.

WoodLily, I think the thing that’s helped me most with losing weight, is to only allow myself to eat if I’m really hungry. For quite some time I would have to have some major arguments with myself about that, but it’s gotten a lot easier. That, & drinking a large glass of water before I eat anything seems to be working for me. However, I do have one exception to my hungry rule, & that’s to allow myself a snack every night. I haven’t had that yet, & it’s really too late, but I’m going to have it anyway!

Good Night Golden Girls.

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Old 01-05-2011, 09:39 AM   #65  
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Hey....Nancy, according to my bridge partner who summers in NC they call them halfwayers because so many snowbirds orginally came from the North and NC is half way back. AND my DD lives in Snow Camp. That's literally a cross road just below Burlington. Gotta run to therapy BBL...karen3
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Old 01-05-2011, 09:49 AM   #66  
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G'morning, GG's! I stayed home today. Blah. I have plenty of sick time, why not use it? (Can't take it with me, after all...) I took a big dose of Nyquil last night, which I KNOW isn't necessarily a good choice, but it does pretty much get me off to sleep and keeps me that way long enough to get a decent rest. I feel a bit more human this morning - still a little bit of a sore throat, but I do think a bit better, otherwise. Yep, Karen3, you're right, I guess. Somebody at work said the same thing to me - "you've got that bug again?" I guess I'd forgotten, myself. I always think of myself as never getting sick, but it seems I do from time to time. I'm really scared to take the flu shot, as they grow it in an egg culture, and you already know how I react to eggs. Anyway, if I feel well enough after lunch, I may take myself down to the social security office and see what information I can get about retiring before I turn 66.
DD installed a shoe rack in my closet last night - it was actually one of my Christmas gifts (I told him I wanted it; poor thing never knows what to buy me unless I give him a list) - and it's fabulous. Holds forty pairs of shoes/boots, and I filled it right up. Still have one of those big plastic bins full of summer shoes and sandals out in the back hall closet. Yes, I KNOW that's ridiculous . Well, that's how it is when you're still working. Seriously. As an "older worker", I really think we have to make an extra effort to look well put-together and professional. If we let ourselves slide on that front, people start treating us like we're "older" and less important to their operation. I've seen it happen. People who were once in on all the meetings, people who were out meeting with upper echelon donors, people who were looked to for opinions and planning strategies gradually relegated to "background" status and eventually replaced. I guess you KNOW that nobody's going to be putting THIS fat chick in the background of anything, and I would prefer to be the one who decides when I want to be replaced, thank you very much. Nope, I'm planning to get out while the getting's good, and I still have juice enough - and reputation enough - to do some consulting on my own terms. And, do you know that even while I'm thinking all of this through and trying to do some viable planning, I'm thoroughly disgusted with the whole corporate system and the way things work in general. But I suppose that's a whole other discussion.
Nancy, my sister lives in Hendersonville, which is, as you know, right up the street from Asheville. I head down there a couple of times a year at least, and she visits up her in Massachusetts at least once a year. NC is beautiful country for sure, but we were born and raised on the ocean in Rhode Island, so she's never quite adjusted to mountain living. My dh and I were looking at properties in the Charlotte area - you can get so much more house for your money down there - but finally realized that we wouldn't manage very well with all of our children and grandchildren still living in Massachusetts, so I guess I'll be stuck up here in the snow belt for the rest of my life unless my kids all decide to move en masse. My sis, incidentally, moved to NC from Florida, too. She moved from MA to FL when she was in her 30's (she's 75 now) and she and her dh used to vacation up in NC - I guess that's what a lot of the old Floridians used to do, and maybe still do (?) - and they retired up there @ 10 years ago. Sorry, incidentally, about all your problems with the insurance companies and all - I try to stay away from using them as much as I possibly can. The people who actually process claims and do "customer service" - and even THEIR supervisors tend to be low-level employees who aren't paid enough to give a darn about much beyond how much time is left before they can go to lunch. I've been lucky that I've been a relatively well person, and not very accident-prone. I know, of course, that this may not always be the case, and I truly do NOT look forward to having to navigate through that health coverage provider quagmire. You have my heartfelt sympathy.
OH, and with all this talk about FL - enjoy your visit down there Lynn! (I know you will!). Bring back pictures, please!
Lily, I guess I'd have to say that I'm in Bobbi's camp when it comes to successful weight loss and maintenance - keep track of everything you eat! That's the only way I achieve any level of success, and it's when I stop keeping track that I start to blunder.
Rosey, it appears that I may have another grandchild on the way. My 40-y-o daughter, mother of one little boy, Devon, who is nine years old - I think you've seen some pictures of him when I've posted some taken on our monthly grandkiddo "field trips" - believes that she's expecting. Good grief. Well, anyway, since I was so successful making scarves for my children (daughters and son) for Christmas, I'm thinking that if she is having another baby, I'll see if I can't knit a nice baby blanket. Will wonders never cease, huh? I hadn't knitted for years, and now that I've started again, I LOVE it - find it almost meditative. Can't knit and do anything else, though, like watch TV or anything....I'm afraid I'd drop stitches left and right.
Hah, Bobbi, once a flower child, always a flower child, I suppose. And thank you for the hug. We all love you too, you know.
PT, I don't know if it's the January doldrums or life in general doldrums. I guess I'm just trying to figure mine out - and where it's going, you know? Plus it's more fun chatting here than writing junk for work.
Freda, how awful about your niece! Oh, I do SO hope and pray that they'll find something simple to take care of, or find that everything is really okay after all! What a worry for your family! I will for sure be thinking of you and sending all the healing energy and good intentions that I can muster.
Hi Bunti. Alaska, huh? Good grief, you and Rosey are some courageous women. I understand that Alaska is breathtakingly beautiful, but I am so NOT into cold weather, myself. And the limited sunshine would really do me in - I think I have SAD because I'm really mean and miserable in winter, and then I perk right up when spring and summer roll around. But as the man said, "Other than THAT, Mrs. Lincoln, what did you think of the play?" Gawd...I'm sorry to sound so negative about your state! I mean, I LOVE Rosey's log house.... y'know what? I'm just gonna shut up! Welcome to the Golden Girls (one of which is a bit of a looney tune )!
Emaline, my mother was English, and held onto her "high tea" habit all her life. That's probably why I am always needing to lose weight. She served everything in a cream sauce - creamed cucumbers, creamed carrots, creamed spinach, shrimp in cream sauce, salmon in cream sauce on toast points....oh, the list goes on ad infinitum. Even now, as an old lady myself, when I think of "comfort food" something in a cream sauce invariably comes to mind.
Gayle, I like your daughter's list, but find myself wondering how a crotchety old thing like me could ever do them all. Nice goals to set, but then what do we do about my disappointment in myself when I don't reach them? (You'll need to have the crying towel ready, and be VERY sympathetic, agreed?)
Hope the week's going well, Karen31 - having great fun with your Wii, are you?
Hi Debbie.
You are still thought of, Isabella.
Enough (MORE than enough, actually) out of me this morning...I'd better get off here before somebody diagnoses my verbal diarrhea....(ack, right?)

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Old 01-05-2011, 11:14 AM   #67  
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Good Morning, All...
PT/Zoe (and the others who do this), I so admire your personal words to everyone. I tried, once, but I got lost going back and forth and having to reread and then relate... I'm old and tired, okay? Okay. Just know that I do read everything, that I welcome all the new ones, and that I appreciate so much all your postings.

Lynn, I've never been called pithy before! Pissy, yes... and I'm going to take pithy as a compliment!

Bobbi, you haven't mentioned the headaches lately. Are you CURED???

Rosey, how are you doing? KarenMO, are you well? Mary, come home. I miss you! Freda, KarenFLO, hope all your kith and kin are okay.

It's supposed to be almost 50 today, so SamCat and I are going for a wee trek. I put him in his stroller last night, just to acclimate, dontcha know?, and he just looked at me like I was nuts. I'm very interested to see how he does with the noises in the great outdoors.

Enough! Everyone, hang in there. Be warm, dry, and safe!

Last edited by jess1; 01-05-2011 at 11:17 AM.
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Old 01-05-2011, 11:25 AM   #68  
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Hello all,

Hope you are having a nice day so far.

It has been a rugged couple of days here. My daughter called on Monday sobbing ~ needing help ~ she was at the side of the road ~ had been called at work and told that their little dog had been hit and was laying dead beside the road. I am so thankful to live close by and be able to be here for her when stuff happens.

I was enjoying reading your posts, but the time got a way from me ~ gotta quit fooling around and get ready to go to the weight watchers meeting. I have been back on track, so feeling like I will have a good weigh in.

Zoe ~ About that 2011 handbook list ~ when I read it, I didn't feel that we were supposed to neccessarily (sp?) try to do each thing on it and feel disappointed with ourselves if we couldn't accomplish that. My impression was that it was just suggestions ~ things that would be nice to do ~ which ever thing ~ as many of few as you felt like ~ the ones that were meaningful to you. Maybe the list is supposed to be just food for thought more than a check off list.

I'll finish catching up with you all later on.

Take care

Last edited by glynne; 01-05-2011 at 11:56 AM.
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Old 01-05-2011, 11:46 AM   #69  
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We're all glad you joined the group! Have a great year and remember to check in often for support and encouragement!
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Old 01-05-2011, 11:49 AM   #70  
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Mornin' Everybody. Here in Juneau it is still morning, 7:30 am and still very dark, will be for awhile, although we are starting to have more hours of daylight. Zoe, I think I also have SAD, so this is a heckova place to live in the winter....but boy do we have daylight in the summer!!!
I take vitamin D and had to get a treadmill because the weather stymied my walking much of the year.(not into skiing or snowshoeing) My knee is messed up because of a slip on icy pavement- Kinda scary.

I sure like all of the posts on this thread... it is almost like wandering into a warm coffee shop and running into friends! It is so interesting and inspirational to see all the posts. I will need to check in each day, so that I can "get to know everyone", I sure identify with so much I see here.

Am a little miffed at myself for a slip last night. Was on plan all day, then hubby and son made popcorn last night. I measured out a cup, ate it enjoying every bit, and it was though I ate a hungry pill. I ended up finishing theirs as well--and had a piece of cheese. Aaagggh. Used up my weekly points on Tuesday no less. Oh well, live and learn. Popcorn is obviously a heck of a trigger for me.
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Old 01-05-2011, 03:48 PM   #71  
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Our leader at the weight watchers meeting today read this poem ~ it was funny ~ thought I'd share

'Twas the month after Christmas,
and all through the house
Nothing would fit me, not even a blouse.
The cookies I'd nibbled, the eggnog I'd taste
at the holiday parties had gone to my waist.
When I got on the scales
there arose such a number!
When I walked to the store
(less a walk than a lumber).
I'd remember the marvelous meals I'd prepared;
The gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared,
The wine and the rum balls, the bread and the cheese
And the way I'd never said, "No thank you, please."
As I dressed myself in my husband's old shirt
And prepared once again to do battle with dirt---
I said to myself, as only I can
" You can't spend the winter disguised as a man! "
So--away with the last of the sour cream dip,
Get rid of the fruit cake, every cracker and chip
Every last bit of food that I like must be banished
" Till all the additional ounces have vanished.
I won't have a cookie--not even a lick.
I'll want to chew only on a long celery stick.
I won't have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie,
I'll munch on a carrot and quietly cry.
I'm hungry, I'm lonesome, and life is a bore---
But isn't that what January is for?
Unable to giggle, no longer a riot.
Happy New Year to all and to all a good diet!"
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Old 01-05-2011, 04:42 PM   #72  
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Good afternoon goldengirls,

Busy day! Decided (oh why!!!) that the kitchen wallpaper was terribly outdated and must be removed. It's been horrible. Sticking like it was superglued on. One inch at a time. HELP? Son went back to work today. Hope he does ok. I was supposed to work also, but got a L/C day. I almost wanted to be called in for the last 4. AND, the phone went out. I do think I might have gotten water in the jack when washing the wall. I suppose it will dry out. If not DH will change the jack. If that doesn't work, I guess it's call a repair man. Always something.

Gayle, Cute! And so true, alas! Poor daughter. You know we feel for her. We love our pets. I'm glad you could be there for her.

Bunti, Is that your name? Anyway, the longer you come here the more comfortable you will get. It will be like talking to friends. Don't kick yourself too hard for a little slip. A lot of popcorn still has very few calories. Cheese? Hope it wasn't a lot. But today is another day. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and began again. None of us are perfect. It happens. If we didn't all fall from time to time we'd all be model thin.

Donna, not sure what kith is but my kin are doing much better.

Z, I thibk it's important to "look the part" too, especially when you're working. but how many shoes do you have lady? My niece was put back on heart medication. Hopefully they can fix the problem with medication. She was on a couple of heart pills and did so well they took her off. Guess we know now that she will always have to take them. Hard for a 13 year old. But it coudl be much worse. Feel better.

Nancy, dealing with any kind of corporation on the phone is a nighmare. In my experience they either put you on hold for hours, if you really get to talk to a real person.

Woodlilly, diet tips? a few I guess. biggest one is plan. I plan all my meals and all my snack a week at a time. then I shop to make sure I have the food in the house. And lift weights. Make all the difference for me. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories it takes to maintain.

Rosie, Please post pictures of your baby quilt. I quilt too, althought I haven't been doing much lately. My sisters quilt all the time. I did hlep my younger sister make a quilt to be auctioned at school. Their school is the hornets. she found black material (black and gold are their colors) with bees on it and we pieced black bee material and plain black and gold blocks. turned out great. We just hand tied it insted of quilting. They sold tickets and she made lots of money for the school. And it was fun and didn't take long at all.

Lynn, Hope you find Florida warm.

Karen, you Must be busy with that new WII. We're waiting for an update.

Karen. Lynn going to be anywhere near you>

Take care,

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Old 01-05-2011, 07:12 PM   #73  
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Good evening all....supposed to be decent today but the sea fog never burned off. Lynn should have better weather inland at Orlando. It's still 68 here now, but such a low ceiling the air smells like old cooking oil. Nasty french fries. Old fried fish. Not sweet and fresh. Yuckiest I have ever smelled except the summer Georgia burned. That was old gators and frogs burning....

Zoe...think you have been getting school yard germs. After your kids are raised being around young kids kills your immune system. Need a daily dose of snotty kid to ward of the school yard germ.

I am sure if I lived in the far North I would have SAD, too. The most fabulous thing about here on the West Coast of Fl we're amost on the time line between eastern/central time. So in the Winter we get sunset at almost 6pm. snaps? Kith are friends which you can choose as opposed to kin which is what ever you got.

Gayle...loved the poem. So glad you were able to help your daughter.

I am becoming addicted to green ice tea heated. (diet) It tastes so much better. Nope not the green tea you can make with a bag. The instant type you make quarts at a time. Don't laugh at me...try it!

Tuesday I got the troll closet done and tomorrow I'll get the kitchen cleaned. I've been up and out of here since 9am. A home day will be nice. Have left over chicken gotta figure out how to use it. Recipe??

5 days OP. Even went out to dinner and stayed OP tonight. Had an order of brocolli and an order of spinach with lemon juice and garlic. Probably be green in the am. What's Hermit's song? Happy being Green? Dessert will be a cup of my vegies. Won't hit the scale until Monday. No leg cramps and maybe the beans are doing it this time.

Last edited by Karen3; 01-05-2011 at 07:15 PM.
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Old 01-05-2011, 09:09 PM   #74  
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Originally Posted by the slim me View Post

Emaline, Looking forward to getting to know you and the other new ladies. The "tea" sounds fun. What does a proper tea consist of? Is that like a lunchen or tea and biscuits?

Interesting point about "tea" is that it can be anything you want it to be. Very often the term is for the evening meal which is a cooked one or could be a substantial salad type meal. On the other hand you can invite someone for tea meaning, as you suggest, a cup of tea with biscuits and/or a cake. It can also be termed as dinner which would signify the main meal of the day either at around noon or as an evening meal.
Quite confusing really but we are adept at deciphiring which is which!
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Old 01-05-2011, 09:37 PM   #75  
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Hello everyone! Welcome to all the new people! WOW! Great to have so many new faces here. Although I still like all our "old faces" too!!! I havent' been able to do too much with my Wii yet--- I'm really starting to feel great but Tim is still dragging so he kind of likes just sitting on the couch and trying to take it easy--- which pretty much ties up the TV. Plus I went down to my "Woman Cave" this afternoon for the first time since our son has moved back in and all my exercise stuff is kind of pushed to the side and he has his stuff there---- gonna have a talk with him and make him move my stuff back out where I can use it!! He has his weight bench down there and he has made sure he has plenty of room for it--- he will just have to learn to share the space!!!
I went to lunch with my Aunt this afternoon and it was wonderful. I love spending time with her... But I know I ate the wrong stuff but it was good anyway! I had spaghetti red-- which is spaghetti with chili on it... I didn't even get through half of it but it was sure good! Then after lunch I went on to Walmart and bought the Wii Fitness and balance board. My intentions are to use the Wii in the mornings and then after he leaves and goes to work I can go down and use my treadmill, gazelle and recumbent bike while watching a little TV down there in MY WOMAN CAVE DARN IT!!!! I was thinking today that there is only about 4 1/2 to 5 months before I will be wanting to open the pool again and I would sure like to be 30 to 50 pounds lighter by then! I know that seems like a lot and I'm not really stuck on the "number" but just really want to be lighter!!
Donna, tomorrow is supposed to be pretty nice here and up in the 50's again---next week is a whole other story--- I wish you were living closer and we could really make people do some doubletakes with our "babies" in their strollers!! I'm hoping to be able to take them out for a little bit tomorrow---I know they get cabin fever too!!
Gayle-- love the poem. And so true, I went looking for stuff in the closet today, not much to wear but I decided to not buy anything much right now. Did buy a new slip though so I can wear some skirts and dresses to church. Been wearing pants but I kind of like dressing up a little bit every once in awhile.
Zoe, I think that you would love to retire a little early. We didn't plan it that way but once Tim lost his job in Colorado he just decided it was close enough. I get a little aggravated at having him around all the time but I also like the fact that if we want to go and do something we can. I bought one of those 3 nights 2 days packages for Branson,MO this past year. You know where you have to sit and listen to a sales pitch for 90 minutes, but I figure for $125 for the 2 of us that includes a $30 dinner certificate, 2 entertainment tickets, and the motel bill paid-- we can listen to their sales speach! We wouldn't be interested in their time share condos but think it is a neat way to visit Branson! We've never been there and we can probably spend a lot of time just walking up and down and checking out the shops! I think we may try to use it for my Birthday next month--- depending on how things are here.
Everyone take care and I will get around to catching up with everyone soon! Think I want to go and fix a cup of hot chocolate.
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