I feel flippin great I tell you....great!

  • So... I woke up this morning with ease at 4:45 and realized for the first morning in a long time I just feel great. I wanted to get up and get out of bed, I didn't feel sick, I had no trouble getting to the gym. I was at the gym before my fail safe friend calls to get me out of bed...and this is all coming off the heels of what was the best on track weekend I have had in a very long time.

    First off...I have felt like CRAP...absolute crap, every day since I put down the cigarettes. Apparently day 37 is my lucky day as far as my body adjusting to me removing a long time toxin. I've continued eating healthy and exercising and posting and counting for a week (I re-committed to being health serious in December - whole health...starting with the butts and now moving into serious commitment to food and fitness) and while it's only been a week...the first week of any change is the hardest.

    The weekend was a full of NSV's for me. I stayed eating healthy and not boredom snacking. I worked out. I got good rest. On Sunday morning when the BF rolled over and said he was going to Honey Dew I said fine, drove him, got a black coffee, dropped him off at his house, went to the grocery store, got healthy provisions and made healthy Sunday am breakfast while he at bagels and donuts(to which he then whined and as always ended up eating some of mime)...he isn't heavy...at 6'4" he weighs in at a whopping 188 but still he always complains that he needs to eat less sweets... THEN ... because he's a waste in the kitchen and it's just easier if I cook I made healthy Greek night...to much protest from the boy who agrees to give me free reign in the kitchen then whines for me to make him pesto pizza...well that's a big fat no from me. I did not give in. It was home made bruchetta with wheat bread and just a touch of olive oil and tons of herbs and I found this recipe for Greek pasta...whole wheat, spinach, tomatoes, white beans...delicious. He ate a ton and loved it so pesto pizza problem solved...and I was happy to measure and eat appropriate servings and get to have a healthy meal which still felt like a guilty pleasure treat.

    This morning I was up, out, worked out, back, showered and ready for work before I even woke him up at 6:30am. AND now I'm finally starting to feel energized after the early morning work out...not whipped.

    Anyway I was just feeling really good today and I needed someplace to share it. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Happy Hallmark Holiday to all!
  • Quote: Happy Hallmark Holiday to all!
    Spoken for truth!

    Your energy is contagious! I'm so glad you posted this! Isn't it something to way up at 4:45 in the morning and actually be awake? It feels amazing. I'm a ridiculous morning person, granted, but I really enjoy my morning workouts.

    Your dinner sounds amazing! I hope your BF is being supportive. It sounds like he is...sort of. You certainly shouldn't have to cater to his needs in the kitchen.

    You're off to a great start!
  • That's great! I felt like that all weekend and still do today. Keep up the good work!
  • That's awesome to hear. Keep up the good work and I hope this feeling lasts for you.
    Have a fantastic day. I love the Hallmark holiday comment. This is how me and my husband refer to it.
  • i love coming to this place for inspiration and motivation just like this!!
  • Great post!! Keep up the good work!
  • Quote: I found this recipe for Greek pasta...whole wheat, spinach, tomatoes, white beans...delicious.
    Sounds delicious, can you post or provide a link for the recipe?

    and congrats!!
  • I bet you smell awesome and your clothes smell great, too. That is awesome that you don't smoke anymore. Way to stick it out until you do feel better. It takes SOOO LONG!!! I remember wondering why, if I lost weight, am I still exhausted all the time. Where is this "energy" the dieters refer to??? Um, well, it took loosing about 50 lbs before I was energized. It is not an overnight fix, as people would lead us to believe...
  • Congratulations! Your post is so inspiring and just reading it somehow energizes me.
  • Congratulations!! That's pretty amazing that you are getting healthy on all sides! Quitting smoking and eating healthy. Amazing. I quit smoking 10 years ago this month, and it was the best decision I ever made Now im working on the weight

    My mom has quit smoking and started eating healthy at the same time and I know hard it is - kudos! Seriously!
  • Quote: I remember wondering why, if I lost weight, am I still exhausted all the time. Where is this "energy" the dieters refer to??? Um, well, it took loosing about 50 lbs before I was energized. It is not an overnight fix, as people would lead us to believe...
    I have lost 35 pounds. I have moments when I feel great.
    I feel great for just a short time every other day.

    I know when I lose more weight things will improve.
    But I do have a lot more stamina than I had 35 pounds ago.
    I am getting a lot more done. My house is getting cleaner every day.
    I am no longer exhausted all the time.

  • thanks all! I'm glad that this was able to motivate and inspire! It got hard towards the end of the day...I'm at my busy season at work and everyone is insane. I just took some deep breaths, said screw it and did NOT stay and work all night. I also took advantage of the nice mild weather we are having and walked from my commuter train station to my office instead of taking the T so I got another mile of walking under my belt. I noticed today that the sidewalks are finally plowed in the suburb where i live so this week too with the mild weather I'm going to park very illegally like I do in the summer at the grocery store, save the money I spend on parking and add a second extra mile of walking to my day tomorrow.

    I'm trying to build up for Friday...I have a show opening and it's been a while...we're talking dinner out, post show party, food on trays, open bar so I'm going to plan the best I can, get as much balance out of dinner out as I can and avoid too much alcohol so I won't be tempted to eat copious amounts of food on trays and so I won't be tempted to smoke.

    As for the recipe it looks like I've been off the radar too long to post links so you can just go to allrecipes and search for Greek Pasta with Tomatoes and White Beans.

    I changed it a bit - I used dried beans soaked overnight and I used low fat feta and used fresh tomatoes with lots of fresh herbs instead of canned (basil, oregano, parsley, touch of salt & pepper). My doctor was worried about my BP so I'm trying to not add extra sodium with canned goods
  • That's great I haven't felt like that in a while ... but reading you post makes me want to get up early and go for a run lol