After TOM...

  • I'm not sure if anyone has this problem, but like most, the week of TOM I am ravenous! I crave the weirdest things and am hungry 24/7! But the week after TOM I notice I have no appetite at all. It is almost 4 o'clock and I made myself a 5pt stir fry (weight watchers) and the only reason I did was because I don't want to not eat, but I am just not hungry.

    Am I the only one? It's been like this the past 2 days. I kinda have to force myself to eat because I'm just not hungry at all. I'm not one to eat just to eat, but I know it is not healthy for me to not eat something.

    The female body, or at least my body, is pretty weird sometimes
  • YES! I do the same thing, only it's not the week after TOM. The first day I'm ravenous (Yesterday I ate soooooooo much) but today I don't want anything. Normally I'm not really hungry, my problem was boredom and with friends eating, but for the time after the first day of tom and for about a week after I have to force myself to eat. Hormones are weird.
  • Similar Feelings
    For me it's more the two-three days beforehand, I crave really salty food that I normally would not eat.
  • Same as others until I went on a pill that worked well with my body. But before I would eat everything in site the day or two before and the first day I couldn't get myself to eat anything!