DOWSX4 WINS the June Points Challenge!!!


    DOWSX4 WINS!!!!

    DOWSX4 WINS!!!!!!

    With an awesome score of 111 Julie WINS!!!

    Congratulations Julie!!!

    The top 5 scores scores were:

    1. dowsx4 ~ 111
    2. Chibit ~ 108
    3. Sheila53 ~ 106
    4. Daners ~ 104
    5. Raelynn ~ 96

    Great Job everyone!!!

    As always I MUST mention those who went a whole month with no zero days!! That takes dedication!!

    ~ dowsx4 ~ Chibit ~ Sheila53 ~ Daners ~ Raelynn
    ~ SuchAPrettyFace ~ AmyJ
  • Congratulations Julie!! You work SO hard and you are such and inspiration! Congrats! -Apryl

    To dowsx4, Chibit, Sheila53, Daners, Raelynn, SuchAPrettyFace, and AmyJ...... WOW. I very seriously hope that you all take a few minutes and pat yourselves on the back. You will all, no doubt reach your goals with that kind of determination. Good job! -Apryl
  • Congratulations, dowsx4! And congrats to everyone who participated and had the courage to post their points no matter what they were!!
  • YAY!!!!! GO JULIE!!!!! Congrats, hon!!!
  • Thanks everyone! It has really paid off here cause i am now down 75 lbs!