Accountability, Menus, Plans, Exercise, Stuff.......June 2011

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  • Good Morning!

    jab--I didn't want you to be lonely in onederland, so I thought I would join you!!!!! OMG! I can't believe it!!! I was away for 5 days, did the best I could with food choices, worked my booty off when I came home and lost 3lbs last week!!!! I am THRILLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Have a great day everyone. I need to get ready for work....
  • Wow, congrats mj, look at you guys goooooo!
  • That little sit down has been effective. I'm ready and willing...again. Thanks for all the good thoughts - it really helped put it back in perspective.

    B1: 2 hb eggs, pumpkin, coffee
    B2: greek yogurt
    L: 3 turkey & bean soft tacos, 3 apricots
    D: salmon, broccoli, carrots, cherries, yogurt, pecans
    E: stretch yoga, water aerobics

    Yesterday, I went to our local farmer's market and bought lettuce, grass-fed organic ground beef, organic pecans and a fig tree sapling!! And earlier, my neighbor gave me an heirloom tomato plant. Guess I'm not done in the garden yet. But this is IT.

    BBL for personals.
  • jab & mj5 - Congrats on Onederland!! You guys ROCK! Woohoo!! You worked hard to get to there.

    Beverlyjoy - I hope the brace is working out for you. As with all things physical, you just need to ease into it. Hope your back is feeling better.

    jab - can I just say Awwwwww. Those 3 fat chicks are so cute! I'm a native born Michigander so I can commiserate with you on the 'skeetos and the crazy weather. Like Sonny Elliot used to say, if you don't like the weather, wait an hour... it'll change.

    mj5 - glad you're back safe and sound. Sounds like you had a blast. You are a bargain shopper extraordinaire! When we were both OOT at the same time, my sis and I had a suite for our dogs (2 ea) at the Canine Country Club. They had 2 couches and a TV set to the Animal Planet channel and got 'ice cream' treats every day. I do love my animals

    lottie - you too! 11 bags for $100 is fantastic. How exciting to be planning a vaca to Philly and the Big Apple. Hope the gym works out for or rather that the gym works you out!!
  • Good Morning! Thanks for the congrats! The really cool thing is, the last time I was at 199 was right around the time my dad died. Yesterday on my weigh in day when I got back down to 199, it would have been my dad's 67th bday.

    DixC Chix--Glad to hear the sit down was effective. The farmers market sounds wonderful! I just noticed that the little one by my work started today....guess I better check it out! Awww, the Country Club sounds awesome! We love our Sweet Beagle Sisters too. Yes, I LOVE to bargain shop...its a good thing too...I am going through sizes like crazy right now (and that's a GREAT thing!)

    lottie--your trip sounds awesome!!!! My mom, sis, niece, and I are planning a trip to NYC later this summer. I can't wait!!!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Good Morning!!

    B1: 2 hb eggs, pumpkin, coffee
    B2: greek yogurt
    L: 3 turkey & bean soft tacos, 3 apricots
    D: organic beef burger, broccoli, carrots, cherries, yogurt, pecans
    E: 1.5 hours in garden

    I got my fig sapling and the new tomato planted. I emptied the wine barrel of its contents and removed the plastic liner. I think the liner was conducting heat to the roots of the plants I would put in it, killing first the herbs and then the strawberries. I also moved the barrel off the concrete patio to a spot where the drainage won't stain it.

    I will make a trip back to Lowe's to get more strawberries today as well as a stop at Penney's for summer tops and/or light gym shoes. I have a $10 coupon and a 15% discount.

    I got a small part time job doing odd jobs (gardening, patio cleaning, ironing, etc) for an older woman (she's got bad arthritis). Its once a week for 4-6 hours. I start tomorrow morning. This will take the place of my Wednesday a.m. water aerobics and I'm okay with that cuz its paid exercise!
  • Spend about 80 mins at the gym. Had to leave earlier than I wanted to get lunch with a friend she had to go to work. (She went with me to the gym).

    She's joining too! wooo! A month free for me!

    I absolutely loved it. did a bike with a video screen and terrain, (you steer, go up and down hill, resistance changes, etc.) did a cross training elliptical type thing and swam laps.
  • mj5~ ConGraTs and welcome to Onederland!!!!

    Lottie~ a Vacation sounds GREAT!!! Really something fun to look forward to. Workout sounds awesome!!

    DixC Chix ~ I bought a fig Although being in a northern climate it will have to be moved inside for the winter months. I did see how I could try to grow it like a shrub and cover it in the winter and hope it survives but I think this year we will stay in the pot and see how it works out. It was a whim purchase. The job sounds fun~~

    I ended up staying late at work yesterday because we got slammed, but since we are on a NO overtime policy I left a little early today and have to leave early another day this week too. But then they called a mandatory teleconference and I had to go back into work this evening, so it didn't do me much good. But on the upside I was below my calories last night because I stayed over and didn't have extra food with

    We had a good soaking rain last night, lots of lightening too. Today was hot and muggy...ugh. I wanted a cold Pepsi soooooo bad today but I resisted.

    I hope everyone has a good evening!!!
  • Good Morning everyone!

    I was a little annoyed yesterday...we had this manager "retreat" thing planned at my supervisors house. It was really nice of her to do it. The plan was for us to have lunch at her house and hang out, walk around the cute little town she lives in, whatever. I talked to her ahead of time and told her that I was planning on bringing my own food (she knows what I am doing--nutrition-wise) and she was totally ok with it. So, we all get there and she announces that she was really busy with stuff w/ her kids (she had two sons moving out of her house on the same day...I totally get it), so she made reservations for us at a local restaurant instead--her treat. Grr. Don't get me wrong, it isn't that I didn't appreciate her taking us all out to lunch. It was super nice of her to do. BUT....I didn't get a chance to plan and just coming off vacation, I have been really sticking to my nutritionl plan. Luckily, they had an awesome mixed green salad w/ grilled chicken that was amazing. I was able to resist the ice cream AND the french pasteries that she had back at her house afterwards. I munched on an apple that I brought instead. Everyone was super supportive and asked what I had been doing. I shared my progress pics and they asked a lot of ?? One of the girls was even asking me for workout tips. LOL!!! In the end it was totally fine and actually a LOT of fun. Working in human services (any job really...we all have our stresses), we rarely have time to relax and enjoy each other's company. We are lucky enough to work with some really cool people and have a great management team.

    DixC Chix--What a nice thing you are doing for that lady! I know she is paying you, but I am sure she appreciates it so much!!! I have a $10 coupon for Penny's too...I am going to stop at the mall after my pre-op stuff on Friday to see what I can spend it on

    lottie--That's awesome!!!! So glad you loved the gym AND are getting a free month!

    jab--Thanks! Ugh, hope work settles down! It is going to be super hot here today...I am going to hide in my office today, lol! I have TONS of work to catch up on, so that shouldn't be a problem.

    Beverlyjoy--hope you are doing well. Thinking about you!

    melinda--Hi! Pop in and let us know how you are!

    Hi to everyone else who stops by!

    I talked to my Wellness Coach last night. He told me that he has been contacted by someone on the marketing team and they want my "story". I actually laughed when he said that. He assured me he was serious. He said that everyone is really excited about my progress and attitude. Once it "sunk in" a bit I was actually speachless (something that doesn't happen often, LOL! He said he would give me the 'heads up' so I could be prepared when they call. I'm still kind of in shock....I mean, ME?! REALLY???

    I am going to be doing update measurements and pics again next week (hard to believe it has been another month already!). Can't wait to see the difference!

    Ok, I REALLY need to get ready for work!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Hello everyone, thought I'd join in!

    Main plan for June: finish. the. *%&Ģing. baby. quilt. for. my. cousin. Seriously, I've been dawdling for so long that it feels like much more work than it is. Sashing is quilted, finished quilting the blocks last night and have just marked up the borders, so I feel like I'm on the last lap now. Of course, I should also be careful not to overdo it and quilt myself into RSI again.

    Exercise is doing well, I'm building it up very gradually (now on 5 min total, woo hoo) but I think this is the longest I've ever managed to sustain an exercise programme without ending up with a relapse.

    Scales are being annoying, I've been on a plateau for the last ten days. I've only been dieting 7 weeks and only had the scales for 3 weeks, so I do at least know that I've lost some weight and I'm just glad this didn't happen when I'd only just bought the scales. I feel slimmer and the food plan is doing fine, so I will just wait it out.

    And on the topic of the weather, because I'm British so how can I resist such a conversation, we've been getting extremes here too. Lovely hot sunny day on Friday, mixed weather since, quite a violent hailstorm yesterday.
  • Esofia--Welcome! Good luck with the quilt! What are you doing for exercise? Ugh, scales can certainly be annoying! Keep at it, you certainly have the right attitude! Not loving the hot weather today...but I know some people do. It is going to be rough at the gym tonight, but it's all good!
  • lottie - Oooo, cool you got the free gym month and I'm so glad you picked the gym with the pool. Sounds like it is high end with the electronic stuff. Nice!

    jab - I have been researching figs for months but unwilling to pay shipping charges. Then I found a local guy. I was a bit nervous about the winters here too but the Figman says to just make a surround with chicken wire and fill it with leaves. Leaves?...I got plenty of them!!! I have often thought that although the money is nice to have in this economy, time off (comp time or credit time or whatever) is better for mental health and family.

    mj - you're gonna be a STAR!!! Its not so hard to believe - you've lost 100# so far. That is success by any definition. And you are very photogenic. PRE-OP??? What? I hope everything is okay. You did great with the ad hoc restaurant luncheon and resisting yummy desserts.

    Esofia - Welcome!! Awww, a baby quilt?!!! Maybe you can post a pix when its finished. Not overdo it...RSI...relapse? Hope you are doing okay. Gradual increase is the way to go!

    B1: 2 hb eggs, pumpkin, coffee
    B2: greek yogurt
    L: 3 turkey & bean soft tacos, grapes
    D: organic beef burger, broccoli, carrots, cherries, yogurt
    E: odd jobs

    Weather - We have had smoke filled air from AZ fires for about 10 days now. *cough, hack* Still no rain and none in sight.
    Shopping - I got 5 cotton tops, jean shorts and a rain (haha) jacket for $60. Two of the tops are sorta sleeveless - loose, lacy cap sleeves.
    Garden - I got 6 more strawberries planted in the barrel. Now this is it. Really. For sure. Nothing else. Yeah, right.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • I ate too much last night. It wasn't a binge but it was too much, it didn't help that it was super muggy and I had no plan on what I was going to eat after work. Which turned into nibbling... As we know nibbling adds up quickly...

    I was stressed from work as usual but this week corporate has sent a LOT of changes down the pike. My supervisor is so upset she wants to quit and take me with At this stage it is nothing more than a dream because the job market is so bad, there is no place to go she just hasn't realized it yet. Basically everyone in the dept is upset.

    I've already made a tuna pasta salad for dinner tonight. I promised to cut the ex's hair after work so it will be another later evening getting home, having something made to eat will help.

    mj~ you're going to be famous!!!! That is very kewl

    lottie~ good job on the gym and the pool sounds great !!

    DixC Chix ~ I had never entertained the thought of a fig because of my region but ended up buying a Chicago hardy online when I was buying blueberries and cranberries from ediblelandscaping.

    esofia~ Welcome!!!!
  • Good Morning! Hope you are all having a great day! It's another hot one here. I had a fantastic workout last night, I was a sweaty disgusting mess when I was done, but I felt AMAZING! Also received some encouraging words from my trainer, which always helps too.

    DixC Chix--Oh dear...hope you get some rain. AWESOME shopping trip!!! LOL! Thanks for pointing out that I have lost 100lbs...when I saw that, I was like what??? then I looked at my ticker! WOW. Oh yea, everything will be fine. During my un-ending week of drs appts last month, I found out I have some very large cysts on my left ovary. They can't be drained and won't go away on their own. I also have endometriosis and a fibroid. Fun stuff. I have had the procedure before (it's day surgery...they actually go through the base of the belly button). I'll be tired and sore Thurs and Fri, but by Sat I'll feel fine. Unfortunately, I will be on FORCED rest at least through Sunday. My hubby is taking time off from work obviously to take me for the surgery, but also to stay home and "entertain" me....he knows I am NOT content to sit around and do least not anymore.

    jab--I'm sorry work is so stressful. Great job planning for dinner tonight!

    I still can't believe the whole wanting my "story" thing....I literally stopped talking when he told me that. I'll let you guys know if/when it happens. I am going to send him my next set of update pics..if they use pics, I want them to have the MOST recent ones!
  • Short work day, 11-2, wooo! Then gym. yay!