It feels good to be back!!!!

  • Today has been a good day....

    I stayed 100% on plan, and somehow, I marshaled the common sense NOT to buy myself more raisins or dried cherries even though they were IN MY HAND at Trader Joe's... I looked at the calories of several different packages of dried fruit, trying to make an argument to myself of why it would be a good idea to buy them, but then I remembered that I had been binging on raisins and dried cherries and it there was no possible universe in which it would be a good idea to buy them....

    I also FINALLY exercised, after ditching my routine for close to three weeks for no apparent reason. I was tired, but it also amazed me that even after taking three weeks off I am still a lot fitter than I was this time last year. No comparison.

    Going off track like that made me feel like I had regressed all the way back to where I started. Not true!

    Now, that I've got one solid day under my belt I'm going to weigh in and then readjust my ticker in the morning.

    To goal, or bust trying.
  • UberGirl on getting back 100% on Plan and Exercising!
  • I'm glad to see you are back! You have done an awesome job reaching your goals and it is good to see you are back on track!
  • Yay Uber; great job getting back on track! I think just getting that first day under your belt will be a big help.
  • I am so glad to see you back ANd I am so warped, when I read your post I saw "marshaled" and immediately had visions of marshmallows dancing in my head...
  • woot! well done!
  • You may just make some gains in fitness now, having taken a break...after the initial week, of course. It's hard coming back!
  • "Going off the track" is what messes me up every time I diet. I do well, then I really go off, and I cannot rationalize that there is no way I ate an extra 3500 calories, so there is no way I gained a pound. Instead, I totally give up and gain back every single pound, + .