I am back with my tail between my legs.

  • Hello Chicks! I joined 3FC a year ago and had good progress until a neck injury stopped me cold and eventually I stopped posting, reading and following my plan. I have not gained back the weight but the New Year has shown me that I am not where I had dreamed I would be. I want to start new. I want to achieve the goal. I want to not feel so awful about quitting. So, with your help, I will forgive myself and start again. Even though my neck is still an issue I will exercise how I can and be more vigilent on my diet. Thanks for listening and thank you for being here!
  • I came on here to say the exact same thing! I lost 15 pounds just from the support here within two months. I stopped posting and checking the forums and I'm at a standstill.

    Best of luck! I'm glad your back and I am too
  • Welcome back to both of you!

    Buttercup, Sorry to hear about your neck injury but kudos to you for not gaining the weight back!!! That's a victory right there, I hope you know that.
  • always remember that losing weight is at LEAST 80% FOOD and the rest exercise. You can DO THIS even if you can't exercise!!!!

    We're here for ya babe!
  • Quote: Buttercup, Sorry to hear about your neck injury but kudos to you for not gaining the weight back!!! That's a victory right there, I hope you know that.
    yes, exactly. don't waste your time feeling bad or guilty, save your energy for pursuing your goals (that's what I say to myself )

    welcome back, ladies