3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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dixie_chicken 07-06-2004 12:55 PM

How did ya'll do it?
I am wondering how ya'll stuck with what ever program you are doing? I have done literally every diet that is out there, and finally found Dr. Phil (God love that man) I am on day 4 of the Rapid Start and can feel the difference already. I feel more energy, more alert, less hungry... BUT the cravings are still there. Granted I took all the "bad" food out of the house, but still, Mickey-D's sounds blissful right now. How did ya'll do it? Also, what excersise did you incorporate into the daily grind. I have a gym at school but rarely have the time. It will be easier in the fall when I am at school more but until then...

I am glad I found ya'll. I have noticed the posting has been slow lately but I am hoping that all will pick up after the holiday is officially over.

Hope to hear from you soon!

barbygirl43 07-09-2004 11:36 AM

Hi and welcome fellow Okie...For me I know that I have to lose this weight. I can choose to not do anything about it and balloon up or I can choose to change my habits and eating styles. In the past when I started I diet I would jump in whole body first and try and change all things at once. Of course when I couldn't, I would get discouraged and quit, gain all the weight back and then some.
This time I knew that I can't change it all at once so I've been taking it one step at a time. Of course I still slip up but I don't let that get me down and quit. I no longer drink regular pop--I still have my diet pop, I drink at least 64 oz. of water a day, and I try to exercise at least 5x a week for at least 30 minutes.
I've also now cut out all my table salt and I'm working on trying to get my meals to last at least 30 minutes and eat only in the kitchen area again.
I also do not restrict what I eat. Sure if I start craving those Micky D's fries I will eat them but I'll also try to compensate by eating less my other meals or eating less the day before or day after.
The weight isn't coming off fast but a loss is a loss and I'm happy with my 27.5 pound loss in 3.5 months (That's an average of 1.8 pounds a week)

As time goes by I get rid of all my clothes that are too big and I'm replacing the mayo and dressings with fat free, switching the family over to whole grain breads instead of white, stuff like that.

I haven't done the rapid start plan and I'm not fully following his eating plan right now. I still need a lot of structure until my eating ways become eating habits so I monitor my food on www.fitday.com. Right now I take between 1500-1900 calories a day. Next week I'm dropping my high end down to 1800, etc. I'm taking in way too much fat each day and I also work to try and get that down.
My goal is to be eating by Dr. Phil's plan by Labor Day. That is another thing. Have you set your goals yet? I have several that I'm working toward. I also know that I haven't met many of them but I'm not upset and didn't quit (For instance I really figured I would be down to 250 by July 4. I figured with as much weight as I had to lose that I would lose an easy 20 pounds in the first month alone. But 2 kids, hormone changes, being older, etc. my body has changed and old losing patterns are just that...old)
Take it one day at a time. If you feel yourself slipping up, make it to the next meal, then the next, then the next. I think if you'll check out the maintainers forum, you'll find a wealth of information and insight.

dixie_chicken 07-09-2004 04:53 PM

The thing that gets me the most right now is holidays and birthdays. I know I am going out to eat tonight with the dh and I have cut back calories for the day so I can at least enjoy a meal. I have always wanted a quick fix too so this is very difficult for me to be patient with myself. I am working out 3-4 times a week, the hardest part for me is drinking water and I know that's the most important. I go food shopping on payday which for my dh and me falls on the 1st and 15th of the month so we were out of food by the 1st and i shopped straight from his list. I jumped in head first and will not fail again. I can't. I know slips are expected but failure is not an option again. Thank you for the advice on the calorie counting! Keep in touch-I look forward to seeing more of your progress-it is an inspiration to me!

Jen 07-10-2004 10:02 PM

I did this plan and what worked for me though I know it is not really the best way to do it was to eat basically the same thing every day for 2 weeks. Of course I couldn't stick with it longer than those 2 weeks but I still lost 6 lbs. I gained back 3 right after I stopped the plan but have lost them since. Since I was eating the same thing every day if there was something I was craving I would just say to myself that it wasn't part of the plan and therefore I wasn't going to eat it. It's not practical of course because in the real world you don't eat the same thing day in and day out. Still I think it is an excellent plan and want to do it again but this time I will eat a better variety so that I don't get tired of it and not be able to onto the next phase.

maureen kempster 07-11-2004 09:36 PM

I just picked up Dr Phil's books and I really would like to join you ladies on your journey. I too have tried almost everything. I am a lifetime member of WW's but at this point in time I need to lose about 30 lbs to be at my ideal weight. Maybe with your help we can all reach our goals

good luck



dixie_chicken 07-11-2004 11:29 PM

Welcome and good luck! I too am just getting started and with the exception of a couple of "relapses" I feel great! Keep us posted on the progress!

Mima 07-12-2004 06:00 AM

Hi guys-suggestion?-read Dr Phil's book one chapter at a time and do all the writings-all the keys are important-not just the food. And if you don't have time to do anything else-walk. Mima

dixie_chicken 07-12-2004 01:50 PM

Thanks! I have had the books for over 3 months now and did do all the book work. I think that's why it has been so much easier on myself than previous diets. I weighed today and after 9 days I have lost 5 pounds!!! I am making time for some activity weather it's walking, swimming, or going to the gym. If all I can do is run around Wal-Mart doing grocery shopping, I make sure I take the least convenient paths through the isles so I am at least moving.

UnaChicaGorda 07-25-2004 05:53 PM

Hello there!

i think that the best thing is not to pressure yourself. Hey if you need to lose weight then you need to do it! but not stress about it..we have to realize that we gained the weight in a matter of time so it will take time to take it off. I have gone from 308lbs to 241lbs yeah I probably could have been smaller by now but I sliped off a few times but that is the past I can't stress over that. I have to think about tomorrow and what my plan is. I say eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies and cut the meat atleast to once a week and eat more grilled chicken. Drink a lot of water, exercise and keep a positive mind. Do this things and do it everyday, be happy, love who you are right now and with no time you will start seen a new you that you will love even more! About the parties and holidays be strong about it's called taking CONTROL don't let people talk you into eating something unhealthy, if they insist or if they tell you " you can break your eating habits for a day, it's not going to hurt" that's telling you that they don't know how hard it is to lose weight. I stick to my good eating habits even at a party or the holidays and it doesn't matter how much pressure I get I am just straight out and I tell them why I don't eat what I am being offered, hey! if they get mad I don't care because I care about myself and no one knows how hard it has been but me! those people are not going to carry my weight so it doesn't hurt me to say no, I have no regrets. Another advice I can give you is that yes, you can go and eat out but order the healtier menu you know salad, chicken(not fried), a bottle of water, fruit salad for dessert..educate yourself be strong and keep a strong mind so you can reach your goal. We have to be healthy forever not just for awhile

dixie_chicken 07-26-2004 11:20 AM

Your frame of mind rocks! I think a big part of the reason I have had problems losing in the past is that my DH is one of those skinny people who can eat whatever, whenever, and he is one to say "Let's grab a burger/pizza/chinese/ for dinner, grab a movie and veg out." Of course it has no affect on him but I gain weight just thinking about a BigMac. I know he is trying to understand and hopefully he will. Guess only time will tell. Congrats on your loss though, and seriously--I am going to try to adopt your attitude about this. THANK YOU!

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