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cece 07-23-2001 10:33 AM

Weigh In At Home 7/23-7/29
Hi everyone.

Boy is it hot and humid here in Chicagoland. I barely crept out of the house yesterday. Saturday we went to Ravinia, which is the summer home of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. It's a large outdoor music park. They also have concerts other than classical music. It's near the lake, so it wasn't so bad there, especially when the sun went down. It's great because we can bring Ana with us.

My weigh-in this morning was a maintain which was good, since TOM is just a few days away and I've been feeling like a bloated beast. My sneak peek a couple of days ago showed me down a pound or so, so I know that if I stay on track this week, I'll see positive results next Monday.

Have a great day and a terrific OP week everyone.


jennifa 07-23-2001 03:42 PM

Hi Carla and everyone,

I went to a concert this weekend - what a great workout! Especially arms. I love the band and was pretty much like one of those teenage girls screaming for the Beatles.

Then yoga on Sunday, then trimming a hedge all day, wow. No wonder my arms are sore!

Good news: Waist is down 1.5 inches. Woo hoo! I am noticing that my food intake is pretty close to the WW points system but I am doing much better attitude wise with the Chopra book. I think the best thing that has come out of it so far is that I don't feel anxious about food anymore and I'm starting to be able to leave food on my plate.

So far I have lost 1.5 inches off my waist. I don't have a scale, but I can guess:


Pepper 07-23-2001 11:46 PM

Carla - Congratulations on the maintain, especially with TOM. The concert sounds great and even better when you don't have to worry about getting a sitter. We're stuck with the same weather as you.

Jennifa - Wow, 1.5 inches gone is great! Sounds like the Chopra book has really helped you get into the right frame of mind.

I lost 2 of those pesky holiday pounds. Not as much as I hoped, but PMS and job stress has been bad the last week. Today was a little better, but still too much snacking. I slept in this morning instead of going for my walk, and tonight we had storms so I didn't get out. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.


cece 07-24-2001 09:58 AM

Hi everyone.

Jennifa - That is a terrific loss of inches! I'm so glad that the Chopra book has helped you. So much of this battle is mental - that is finding that which inspires us and helps us hear the click, helps us change our relationship to food. So its great that you found something you could wrap your mind around. How's the pink bike? :)

Pat - Congrats on getting those two pounds off. That's great, especially on top of PMS and job stress. Has your boss made a final decision as to whether or not he's retiring? Sounds like we sent our afternoon storms your way yesterday. We've had a couple of days of heavy rains now, but the humidity hasn't eased at all. The temperature at the bank by my office read 76 degrees at 8:25 this morning, but it sure felt more like 86. I really hate this heat.

I had a good day yesterday. Ate at my maximum, but didn't go over. Needed to do a better job getting fruits and veggies in though. I need to restock my frozen dinners, so I have to go out and get lunch today. It's farmers market day, but I don't feel like venturing too far in this heat. I think I may do my baked chips and salsa and refried beans from Taco Fresco. Or, I may decide to skip going out and just have some oatmeal.

Have a great day everyone.


Pepper 07-25-2001 12:22 AM

Carla - Good job not going over points. Did you make it outside during lunch? Sounds like we are having the same weather. We've had a lot of storms and a high heat index (110 yesterday). I did get out for a walk tonight, but took it slower than usual. I'm still not sure what my boss is going to do. One day he will say he is going to close the office by the end of the year, and the next he is saying he doesn't want to retire. He has been working half days the last two weeks and likes the lighter schedule, but is worried that he will only make enough to cover expenses so it wouldn't be worth it to work. My Tue/Thur boss (who is a good friend of his) told me today that he has offered to let him work out of his office and I could continue working for both of them. That way he could continue working, but cut his expenses. He has also mentioned working out of his home. I just wish I knew for sure what he was doing.

Talk to you tomorrow.

cece 07-25-2001 09:05 AM

Hi everyone.

Pat - I never did make it outside yesterday - didn't feel like facing the heat. So I had my oatmeal instead. I don't know what the heat index has been - haven't wanted to look and haven't watched the news, but I imagine its up there. I got to work super early this morning and was at the train station at 4:45. It was already very muggy then. On the way in the downpour started and its still rainy. We've certainly needed all the rain we've had. Although, I have to say, John doesn't mind too terribly when the lawn stops growing and he doesn't have to mow. I hope your boss makes up his mind soon. I know it must be a difficult decision to make, but he has to realize that you need to know whether you have to look for a new job or not. Sounds like his moving in with your other boss would be a good solution.

Since I just had oatmeal for lunch yesterday, I treated myself to some Oreos from the snack shop. I got some milk and I dunked them. Boy, oh boy, were they good. I haven't had Oreos in a long time - they're a trigger food for me. We went out for Mexican food last night. I had enough points for the bean burrito that I had, but not for the beer I had with it. So I ended the day three points over. Not too bad. I did manage to snack only on fruit yesterday afternoon and to forgo an evening snack altogether. So all in all I think it was a good day.

Holly - where are you?

And if there are any lurkers out there (and with 44 views of this thread, there must be) please come out and play with us!

Have a great day.


jennifa 07-25-2001 02:26 PM

Hi cece,

I bet the lurkers are the regulars who don't have a moment to post!

The pink bike is sad. I haven't been able to ride it lately. Next week - every day for sure. Some guy wanted to buy it from me and I said in a very whiny voice "no, it's mine, you can't have it!" A very Pee Wee moment. Everybody loves the bike.

Me, I'm doing ok but trying to cut down on the chocolate intake. I have cut out so much that it is easy to think I can at least have chocolate. But the Chopra time of day eating approach is really helping me. I had no idea it could be so easy to go so light. It's totally easier than WW meals and snacks. For breakfast today I had tea and a peach. For dinner I will have some cashews and raisins and maybe some fruit leather. Lunch is a biggie - rice with chutney, peanuts, an egg, and raisins. Very satisfying. How many points for the day? Well, let's see. Lunch is 16 points, breakfast 1 point, dinner 5 points. That puts me at 22. Not bad, not bad at all! One thing I really like about the Chopra plan is that breakfast is optional. I often feel nauseous if I eat anything in the morning and it's great to be able to just go until lunch without feeling like I skipped "the most important meal of the day".

Pepper 07-25-2001 10:18 PM

Carla - Wow, leaving for work at 4:45! Makes me feel guilty for sleeping in and skipping my walk again. I have plenty of time if I just get out the door by 7:00. Isn't it great when you can work in a great snack. I do hope my boss decides soon. If I'm going to be looking for a job soon I need to learn about the software most of the lawyers are using. It took me years to convince my boss to get a computer (Tue/Thur boss still doesn't have one for the office...only his kids have one!) and then his son convinced him to get a Mac.

Jennifa - Hope you can get back to riding soon. Sounds like you are doing great on Chopra.

I didn't do too well today...too much stress. Sara had to have an ultrasound of her thyroid last week. When she went for a school physical the doctor found that it was enlarged. Anyway when I called for results today, the nurse said he wanted us to come into the office so he could explain the results and show us pictures of what he was talking about. I don't know what to expect (I wasn't with her when he told her to get the tests) but we go tomorrow morning. Add to that my boss found out today that he has a large mass in his thyroid and has to have a biopsy next week.

Talk to you later.

cece 07-26-2001 02:29 PM

Hi everyone.

It's a beautiful day here in Chicago - sunny, warm, but not too hot. And not too humid.

Jennifa - I'm the opposite - I must have breakfast, or I'm a raging lunatic.:lol: But I can't eat it too early. The Chopra plan sounds interesting. Can you tell us a little bit more about it? Seems like it advocates having your bigger meal at noon? Is it a vegetarian plan? That was an interesting variety of food you had yesterday - a quite healthy sounding. But yes, the chocolate - hard to give up, I know.

Pat - You're really going through a lot right now. I know you're worried about Sara and on top of your job uncertainty, that's a lot to handle. Take care of yourself and treat yourself well. I'm thinking of you and sending up best wishes.

Had a good day yesterday and I'm really kind of proud of myself. It turned out to be a stressful day (I had a customer conversion I was really worried about and it did go a bit south later in the day) as well as a long one (in at 6:30 am and out at 6:30 pm). I had a filling lunch to carry me through from a great place near my office that does low-fat, high fiber stuff. Best of all they give you the nutrional info so you can figure out points. Had a tuna sandwich, sweet potato wedges, and coleslaw for a total of 9 points. Had one point worth of chocolate and my ff popcorn, as well as fruit for a snack and lots of water throughout the day. I grabbed dinner at the train station and opted for a slice of Sbarro's cheese pizza (even though I had the points for a slice of pepperoni) and ended up my day with 4 points in the bank. Knowing I can make it through a day like that certainly helps to motivate me.

Have a great day everyone.


jennifa 07-26-2001 04:44 PM

Hi Carla,

Well, I'm a vegetarian. The plan allows for some meats but not a lot. Yes, it does encourage the largest meal at noon and emphasizes the importance of the quality of the food. So no fast food!

Congratulations on a great OP day! It's really an achievement if you can stay OP on a stressful day like that.

Pat, hope you are doing well! Just keep up on the exercise and you will be just dandy. But you already knew that! It's always good to know more software - and you can get away with learning and not working!


Judy, where are you? hope you are well.

cece 07-26-2001 04:55 PM

Jennifa - I've always read/heard its healthier to eat your larger meal at lunch and go lightly at dinner. It's how the Europeans eat - or used to at least. I'm not a vegetarian, but I eat meatless a lot. I love all different kinds of veggies and grains and beans and such. Don't miss meat at all when I don't have it. Judy is on vacation - right now she's most likely lolling at the beach.

Mary Jo - What's new with you?


Caseyboo 07-26-2001 05:33 PM

Hi Gals,
Busy, busy, busy, that's what I have been. Well I lost a pound so that is good news, we have had family in from out of town so there has been a lot of eating going on!:dizzy: I have tried to make sure I at least fit my walking in.

Carla~ I am with you, when it's that TOM for me I am happy to maintain. Boy, those oreos with a glass of cold milk sure sound good, I can't keep those in the house or I would eat the whole darn package!:lol:

Jennifa~ Sorry to hear the pink bike is sad:( Spend some quality time with it next week, and tell that guy to get his own darn bike!

Pat~ I am sorry you have so much stress in your life right now:( take some time out for yourself, even if it is only a few minutes alone in the bathroom! Please know I am sending lots of hugs and good thoughts your way!

Well that's it for now, have to run some errands
Everyone have a great week!


Pepper 07-27-2001 01:08 AM

Carla - Great job handling the long day and being able to bank points.

Jennifa - No fast food! That would certainly be my downfall.

Maryjo - Congratulations on the loss.

Thanks for the good wishes. The doctor told us Sara's left lobe of her thyroid is almost entirely taken over by a mass. They did another blood test to see if the thyroid is still working properly (it was earlier this month). We have an appointment with a surgeon tomorrow and he will probably do a needle aspiration. The surgeon may also want some more tests, but the family doctor said he will probably have to remove the left thyroid.

I think I did fairly well with eating today (I didn't count points) and took a walk tonight.

Talk to you later.

cece 07-27-2001 02:13 PM

Hi everyone.

Mary Jo - Congrats on the loss, especially in the face of having company. Terrific! I can't keep Oreos in the house either.

Pat - I'm sending hugs to you and will say a prayer that all turns out well for Sara. I feel bad that just when she should be so excited about starting college, she has to deal with this. I'm proud of you for doing well with your eating and taking your walk.

Did ok yesterday - did some late night snacking. Why did I stay up so late to watch What Women Want? Probably because it was due back to Blockbuster today and I didn't want to waste yet another rental. At any rate, stayed with points. Had Chinese today. I know what I have to do: drink tons of water and go easy on dinner. This weekend we have a couple of challenges. My best friend from high school is in town with her family (her husband was a high school friend too). We're visiting with them at her in-laws tomorrow. I haven't seen her in a couple of years and she's never met Ana, so I'm looking forward to it. We're having a cookout. I'll eat lightly at breakfast and lunch and go very easy on everything at the cookout. Sunday we're having a cookout for my mom's birthday at our house. I'll follow the same plan of attack. Have to have points for that birthday cake!

Have a good weekend.


jennifa 07-27-2001 04:00 PM

Pat, best wishes to Sara. Hope everything works out ok. Don't take it out on food! :)

Carla, sounds like you have a GOOD plan for the weekend. Stick to it and be a "loser"!!

I had fun yesterday. Since I don't have a scale, I went to Target to see how much I weigh on their scales for sale. I got all kinds of variations. I weigh 216, 176 (I wish!), 193, 187. I didn't know I could be so fickle in 5 minutes!!! :lol:

Meanwhile, I'm taking heart that my clothes fit better!

Hope you all have a great weekend!


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