3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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jar1965 03-09-2008 08:58 AM

At Home Support Group....3/9 - 3/15
Hi Girls!!! New WEEK!!

Hope everyone had great WI's last week and are ready to start another great week!
Make sure to get some activity into your day......
Drink lots of water and eat your veggies!

Can't wait to hear how everyone is!

Keitha - Hi girl! I'm sorry that you are still in pain! I must have missed that you recieved whiplash! Urrrrgh. So so sorrry! Feel better soon! Hugs:hug:

jusalilbabefat 03-09-2008 10:58 AM

Checking in?
So is this thread like a place where us WW at home users come to check in and report any weight loss victories? I am just starting so I don't have any weight loss to report. 221/221/150lbs. My short term goal for right now is 196lbs. I think it will just feel so good to be under the 200 mark again.

Mom2QJandT 03-09-2008 11:49 AM

I weighed in today, dead even with last week. Grrrrrrrrr. I usually take a day off from WW on Sunday, but I was over on Friday (lunch for work that went badly), so I'm staying OP today and hoping for a big loss next week.

Thanks Jeanne for getting us up and going!

I hope you're feeling better soon Keitha. Thanks for the diet soda info; I think I'm going to make that today. I usually make one dessert for the week and when it's gone we're done for the week. The kids are getting sick of brownies, so maybe I'll do this today.

It was good to see you Julz, I browsed your website, very nice!

Have a great week everyone!

AvsGirly 03-09-2008 12:12 PM

Hey ladies! Hope you had an awesome week. I lost another lb this week. Im so surprised cause I was majorly slacking this week. I need to drink more water for sure. How is everyone else doing in here lately??

bethz 03-09-2008 06:20 PM

Maintained at weigh in
Maintained on Friday. I think being PMS and using all of my weekly flex points was the issue. I usually see the best losses after TOM.

I do well with breakfast and lunches during the work week. My greatest challenges are evenings when I get home from work, and weekends when I am home all the time. Any tips to planning and sticking to plan during those times for meals and snacks when you have a family?

Thanks ahead of time for the support.:hug:Beth

LondonJulz 03-09-2008 09:49 PM

I don't really have a whole lot to say, just checking in. I miss all you ladies and have missed checking in on here as much as I used to. So, this is me checking in :D

Weigh-in for me is tomorrow. :crossed:

BrianaSalvatore 03-11-2008 08:37 AM

Checking in.
Wow, sounds like everyone is doing good for the most part. I'm still at a plateau...I've been playing around with 2 to 2 1/2 lbs the last few weeks. I need some help. I've been 1/2 on the system, the sweets are killing me. Does anyone have any ideas?:(

BrianaSalvatore 03-11-2008 08:50 AM

I found the cake receipe and am going to give it a shot. Guess I'll just have to work harder this week on keeping my points in check.

Thanks for the help!:)

jar1965 03-11-2008 10:16 AM

Hi girls! A super busy week for me! We are nearing the Easter Holiday so the candy store is crazy! I had an awful few days. Yesterday I was on my feet from 8:30-5 and all I did was eat candy and junk! Like, a lot of candy and junk! Urghhhh! Last time I was on the scale I was up 3# - :(
Sunday was my nephews 1st birthday and I ate a ton that day too!

Briana - Keitha (mkjohn) has a really good cake recipe. You should check it out! Sweets are a killer for me too so I can relate!:hug: I know you are hugging that 2 -2 1/2#, try adding some extra water, I'm sure you see it soon! Good Luck and keep us posted!

AvsGirly - Yay and woohoooo on that pound gone forever! Good job!:carrot:

- Hi! We're missing you too!

Bethz - Hi - I have issues in the evenings and w/e's too! THE ONLY SNACKS that come into my house say 100 calorie snack on them! I say that if my family wants a snack.......100 calories is plenty for them too. If they are too pricey for you, I would buy the bigger and less expensive ones, but as soon as I get home I would break them down into 1 serving and put them in ziploc baggies! Keep track! Good Luck and I hope that helps a little!

Well I have to run! I am at work and we are so busy that I only get to sit for a few minutes!
Have a great day girls, drink your water, eat some veggies and shake that bootie!

Hi Mom2 & Keitha! And Daph.........if your lurking out there.......we miss you!

bethz 03-11-2008 11:07 PM

Only problem with 100 cal snacks...
The only problem I have with the hundred calorie snacks is that I usually want more than one package, which defeats the purpuse:D...

Best motivation for me today was that I have lost 2 pounds since Friday, hope I can maintain this for my official weigh in on Friday...

Actually had a chance to hall-walk today at lunchtime...20 minutes equals about a mile...

Doing well with journaling, drinking water, counting points...Hope you all are staying on-plan, getting back on plan, or just planning... I'm trying to...:hug:Bethz

LondonJulz 03-12-2008 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by BrianaSalvatore (Post 2094466)
Wow, sounds like everyone is doing good for the most part. I'm still at a plateau...I've been playing around with 2 to 2 1/2 lbs the last few weeks. I need some help. I've been 1/2 on the system, the sweets are killing me. Does anyone have any ideas?:(

Same here! I've been dangling between 192 and 195 since November!!!! :censored: It's gotten to the point where I start thinking "screw it all...." and am tempted to eat anything I want to and not care. It's really frustrating when I eat the same way as my hubby and work out the same as him... he's still over here dropping pounds every week.... whereas me?........ same old weight every week. Grrrrrrr....

sorry to leave this on a negative note but the hubby is informing me that we need to go..... workout is calling.... hooray (that's my sarcastic-ness) :^:

BrianaSalvatore 03-12-2008 08:06 AM

Still in progress....
I can totally relate. I had the same thing happen to me last year and I actually went of WW for a while. Then my brother-in-law informed me he was getting married in May. I knew then that I had to get back on the horse (so to speak). Try to shake up your food habits a little (after a while you get to eating the same things and your body gets use to it).

Oh, btw ladies I tried the "diet cake" yesterday. I just want to say "yummy". When I told my husband how to make it he totally thought I was nuts, but he loved it as much as I did. We didn't put any FF Cool Whip on it but it was still good just the same.

Off to start my lovely day of work.

2thinme 03-12-2008 10:23 AM

Hi everyone...

well I weighed in yesterday and my scale went......DOWN!!!!! ok so im doing the happy dance....I am at 241.4 so I lost 3.6 lb :) im so happy to finnaly know whats going on...

for all you that are stuck....just believe ....I was stuck since oct of last year and I know it is really hard but we can do this.....I am now just thankful that the scale is moving Or so I hope in the right direction for good...and now I can say that at least I didnt go hog wild and gain eveything back that I had lost before Oct....

godd luck everyone...I have to fly to work now...have a great day.

jar1965 03-12-2008 10:34 AM

Biggest Loser Disappointing
Hi 2thinme! Good job!:carrot:

Ok.............Biggest Loser Vent...................

First and foremost .............I am so dissappointed in the langauage used in last nights show. Jillian was appauling in my opinion! Then, I feel she set the standard and when Maggie got up there, she to, used the same langauge! I think that the girls are whiney and negative! It's time for Kelly, Brittany or Maggie to go home! (which obviously Brittany or Maggie will next week)!!! Which............brings me to the next subject............."to be continued" so to speak! Come on people! urghhhh! Oh well! sorry about that girls! I was just so worked up! It is the only tv show I watch, so I want it to be good. lol!

PS - I'm not a "stuffy" person........but we all know what words were gettling bleeped out!!!!!!! I hate that word!:devil:

Nancy CA 03-12-2008 11:59 AM

Well I'm just starting here. I usually do my own weigh ins on mondays and I'm down 10 lbs. That was the first week. I do realize that it mostly water that I lost but I don't care, it's gone! I also know that it won't be like that every week either (it would be unhealthy anyway) but it was a nice surprise to get a good jump on things. I look forward to getting to know everyone and lending any support that I can.

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