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Garon1199 01-21-2002 08:16 AM

Weigh In At Home 1/21-1/27
I am back! What a great time we had, ate way too much, drank way too much, won't be going near the scale for a week but OH SO worth it.

I will not have time this morning to catch up on everyones week, I am sitting in a huge pile of paperwork to catch up on. UGH!

Brief summary then I will be back to post more. Flight down uneventful, 1st day in Miami was great, next day got on ship (it is HUGE) room was nice the ship is georgeous!! Spent 1st day at sea and had formal night and I wore the dress, I will post pics later today/tomorrow dropped off film this morning. Next day was Haiti, did not like too much but just laid in sun and floated in ocean, then to Jamaica we went horseback riding on the beach, then climbed Dunns Falls which is a beautiful waterfall. Best day I can ever remember. Then on to Grand Cayman where we went snorkling while my husband went diving and Friday was Cozumel where we went on a snorkle, beach party, catamaran party boat. Finally Sat. was spent at sea. I had a seaweed wrap thing done at the spa. We spent way too much $$, lost too much $$ at casino. My husband bought me a diamond anniversary band in Mexico. Overall we had an incredible time! We had wonderful weather. Could not ask for better week

There were some problems on way home but that is a whole other story. Have to go. Hope you all had a great week and I will try and catch up later.


Merrylegs 01-21-2002 09:50 AM

Happy Monday, Everybody!

Welcome back, Michele! We missed you! Your trip sounds fabulous, looking forward to hearing more. Good plan on staying away from the scale, I know I would.

Have been on program and exercising all weekend, so my trip to the scale tomorrow should be rewarding! Will post more tonight, have to dash off to work.

Hope you're all having a terrific day,

Karen B

jennifa 01-21-2002 12:06 PM

Hello all,

I think I missed A LOT last week. Have been struggling with the "why me" problem.

Garon, sounds like you had a blast! I am SO PROUD of you for wearing the dress! :D You must have looked awesome! Sounds like you kept very active on your trip, too, which is good to fight off those extra calories.

Judy, how is your shoulder / ankle? I know you will be svelte soon!

Did everybody watch the Golden Globes? I did. I saw a lot that made me feel better. I have been working out a lot as you all know and my back is WAY buffer than a lot of the actresses wearing backless dresses. But then I have always had a gorgeous back. Hey - you gotta like SOMETHING!! Anyway, maybe we are getting to a point where people can actually look like they really look; a lot of beautiful people there but also a lot of normal looking non-plastic folks, too.

gotta dash, more later!

Phoinix 01-21-2002 03:50 PM

Michele, so happy you enjoyed yourself! Now get back on the program, haha!

Jennifa, WOW! Maybe you should get a dress like Michele's to show off your assets.

Karen B - Congrats on an excellent weekend. Have you started the new job/hours yet?

I am leaving early tomorrow to meet my mother in Las Vegas. I packed all my new clothes Friday in a carry on so I don't have to bother with check in. Can you tell I'm anxious to go? I went to the mall today to find a new purse, and then went looking at the clothes, sales racks. The sales clerk came up to me and told me I was in the wrong department, the clothes would be too big for me. I realized I was in the Women's Dept, old habits die hard! I thanked her, LOL! Anyway, everyone have a great week and I'll be back online next Monday.

jennifa 01-21-2002 04:01 PM

Ok, I'm back.

How was everybody's weekend?

Cece, how are you doing? Keep those workouts going!

Karen, good to see you again. Sounds like you are well on your way down the scale!

Phoinix, we were posting at the same time. I loved what you said about the wrong department! That's great. Nordstrom here (in their infinite wisdom) put the GIGANTIC petites department right next to the women's department so you can't go shopping without picking up some dinky thing. (I'm really tall). Their dept. is really really bad and a great incentive to lose weight. It is so hard to find formal wear in a 16. Usually it's a column dress that is REALLY a 12 and a 12 on top at that! Anyway, I would LOVE it if they would kick me out of that department!!

In short... HAVE FUN IN VEGAS!!!

Everybody else, please post and let us know how you are losing!

I have a Valentine's Day challenge. :love: I am going to eat 5 fruits & veggies a day.

Sounds easy, but....

(and that's a BIG but!!!) ha ha ha (__|__)
soon to be small... (_|_)

How about you? What's YOUR cupid wish?

Merrylegs 01-21-2002 09:52 PM

As promised, here I am, live and in person...

Jennifa, you're just way too funny! Good to see you in a great mood! How's the Chopra thing going? I've been looking for the book, but can't find it. I've gotten the gist of things tho'. I'd join you in the fruit and veggie challenge, but it's just way too easy for me. We're eating fresh everything, I think I'm up to about 10 a day. Too bad I missed the Golden Globes, nice to hear there were some normal looking bodies in those gownless evening straps!!

Karen, ...what tragedy getting the boot from the Woman's department. You poor poor thing! LOLOLOL! Have a great time in Vegas, you lucky thing. Hope your luck holds up for you. We will miss you.

Have kept strictly OP all day:angel:

Bye for now... Karen B

Pepper 01-22-2002 12:21 AM

Michele - Your cruise sounded great. Glad you had a good time. Wow, a diamond anniversary band...Lucky you.

Karen B - Good job staying OP and exercising. Hope it shows up on the scale.

Jennifa - Sorry you've been struggling lately. Me too, but we can stop it right now. I'm starting by concentrating on the exercising again.

Karen C - Hope you have a great trip. Wow, it must have been a great feeling to realize you were in the wrong department.

I've been struggling lately, but had a long talk with my sister yesterday and we are both working on getting back OP. I got up and did a weight workout this morning. I did a lot better foodwise...Darrell even cooked dinner tonight.

Talk to you later.

Merrylegs 01-22-2002 09:34 AM

Good Morning!

It's a winter wonderland here this morning...what a change from the usual rain rain and more rain!

Pat, sorry to hear you've been struggling. Way to go on the weights! You'll be back on track full time very soon...see, you even ate well yesterday!

The scale gods smiled on me again. 2 more lbs gone!

Off to work now, yes, I just started my new position. I'm a care coordinator in a long term care facility. Nice to be working just dayshift from here on. Makes it a lot easier to have a "normal" (whatever that may be) life.

Have a great day...

Karen B

JudySP 01-22-2002 10:55 AM

Michele - I'm glad you had a good time. I'll bet you ate "less damage" than you thought. Your trip sounds like a balst - horseback riding on the beach - right out of a movie!

Karen B - glad to hear you had a good week. Congrats on those 2 pounbds gone forever!!!

Jennifa - Sorry to hear you've been struggling. Still, it's great that you've been working out a lot. I'm, not sure my back if "buffer" than the actresses at the Golden Globes. My shoulder is improving slowly with the new PT. My ankle is almost back to normal but I still have to watch out that I don't do too muc high impact.

Karen C - I guess I missed you and you are on your way to Vegas. Have a great time. That's great about automatically going to the Women's Dept and being told the clothes were too big for you. Kinda' makes all our struggles worthwhile!

Pat - I'm glad you and your sister spoke. It's much easier when you have someone close to talk to (other than us online of course). Way to go on getting up and doing a weight workout!!!!!! Glad to hear that you did better foodwise too.

I had another rousing loss on Saturday - 0.2 again! I joked around that at this rate it will be the year 2010 before I lose all the weight. It's OK though - it was a week of PMS and I'm glad for any loss. I also think that the loss will "catch up" - I had a great sneak peek this morning. One thing before I get back to work (first day in new location and things are crazy). I'm very proud of myself - yesterday my step daughter and grandson came over for dinner - we had a nice healthy dinner (lentil soup I made from a recipe in Cooking Light), chicken, potato and carrots. Unfortunately, my step daughter bought a little 6" cheesecake. I decided to have a tiny piece rather than nothing at all because I wanted to avoid my past problems of being "good" at an event and bingeing afterwards. It worked - I had a tiny piece and it was very satisfying. After my step daughter left, we threw out the rest of the cake. Victory!

Have a great one,

cece 01-22-2002 11:58 AM

Hi everyone,

Michele - Welcome back. Sounds like you had a fabulous time! All that fun in the sun and water and a diamond anniversary band to boot! I'm glad you had a good time.

Karen B - Congrats on another good loss. Hope your new job is going well.

Jennifa - Hmmm. I'd keep those workouts going, but I have to start them first. :) Sorry to hear you've been struggling with "why me" but you're sounding very "up" and positive in your posts. Go get yourself a dress to show off that back! That's a great Valentine's Day challenge. I'll try to match you in it.

Karen C - Hope you're having fun in Vegas. I can't wait to get kicked out of the Woman's dept.

Judy - Congrats on your loss. It may have been small, but it was definitely in the right direction. Sounds like you have a good attitude about it. And your right, the loss will catch up. Good for you for a successful dinner with your family and for throwing out the remainder of the cheesecake!

I ate absoloutely horridly last week. I had the flight from **** to Philadelphia. It snowed here on Wednesday and I flew ATA. The two things don't mix well. My flight, which is supposed to leave at 3:00 pm on Wednesday afternoon, left at 1:15 Thursday morning. We got to Phildelphia at 3:30 and had to drive to Wilmington Delaware. Got to the hotel at 4:30 and got about an hour and a half worth of sleep. So I was crabby and exhausted. Not a good combo. Luckily, the flight home went much better. Yesterday our office was closed, which is good. Spent part of my day taking Ana to the dentist where I found out she's going to have to go to a pediatric specialist and will have to get crowns. At age 3 and 1/2. Poor kid. Right now I'm dealing with PMS and I'm bloated beyond belief. I'll probably stay off the scale tomorrow because I just don't think I could deal with the number I'll see there.

Have a great day everyone.


Pepper 01-22-2002 11:44 PM

Karen B - Congratulations on the great loss. Hope you like the new job.

Judy - Way to go handling the cheesecake. Congratulations on the loss. At least you are moving in the right direction. Hope things didn't get too crazy at work.

Carla - Sorry you had such a rough trip. Poor Ana...dental work already. Probably a good idea to stay off the scale if you think it will bother you.

I didn't do very well with the snacking today. At least Darrell didn't buy any junk this week so my snacks haven't been too bad...just ate too much. I did a short workout again this morning.

Talk to you tomorrow.

Garon1199 01-23-2002 08:18 AM

Good morning! Sorry I was unable to post yest. got a call on my way to work from the mother of the boy Bobby walks to school with. He was bitten by a puppy and split his ear open. By the time I got him took to emergency room, sat around like what seemed forever, I never made it back on computer. 5 stiches later Bobby is fine, but the puppy(9 weeks) has never had a rabies shot and have to have the dog monitored and maybe quarantined (?) depending. So that was most of my day yest. I have been right back on since my plane landed so that is good. Now about flying.........if you don't have to, I would not. Since they started the new security measures, which I totaly agree we need, but something has to be done about lines and confusion!! If not for a little trick we pulled at airport we would have missed our plane standing around in line. We asked a porter if there was any other way to get to our plane. He said he would be right back, brought a wheelchair, which I did not agree with, but the other 6 people I was with just followed his lead so I had to follow or be left alone to miss my plane. We were brought to the front of the lines and made our plane, but the guilt about it stinks. Moral of story? I guess leave PLENTY of time before your flight to arrive at airport!

Everyone seems to be doing so well, the scales are coming down I see.

Carla-seems you know the airport problem too. Crowns on a child? seems odd. Good luck with the PMS monster, he can be such a problem.

Pat-sorry you were struggling, I hope that talk with your sister helped. Not having snacks in the house is a big help. Working with weights is a great help, the more muscle the more fat burned! I chant that to myself when I think I can't lift the weight even 1 more time.

Judy-.2 loss is great, it is not a gain!!!!!!!! The cheesecake sounds yummy, and I agree you are better off to have a small piece right away if you want it instead of eating 3 different low point things to make up for it and never satisfy craving. Good luck getting that shoulder and ankle all better.

Karen B-It snowed here on Monday, great way to get yourself right back into winter, from Sunny and 90 right into snowing and 17. WOW! on your loss, you are doing great! I wish you all the best at your new job, I think having a "normal" life will make this a lighter loaded journey for you.

Jennifa-Hey, want to borrow my dress? I watched the Globes too and could not get over how terrible (imho) Jessica cant think of the rest of her name now Parker looked (sex in the city). That dress thing, the haircut with that flower. Made me feel good anyway. All that working out sounds like it is paying off big time for you. That is great!

Karen-I hope you are having a great time in Vegas and have much better luck than I did in the casino on the ship. Great story about the womans dept. Must have brought a smile to your face.

I got the pictures from my trip back and will be trying to post some on my site today, having a problem with scanner yest. I think I can finally see myself for what I am now and not who I was then. That is a great feeling.

I hope everyone has a great day!!

Merrylegs 01-23-2002 10:25 AM

Hi Everybody,

Just time for a quick hello, gotta be out the door in 15 minutes!

Michele, I'll check your site later. You looked gorgeous in the dress. That's great that you're starting to see and accept the new you. Body image is so difficult for women isn't it? Mine has been skewed since fourth grade when some evil boy told me I had fat legs...but that's probably a topic for a therapist!!! Poor Bobby - hope he's okay!

Pat - good job on working out, and that Darrell didn't buy any junk. You'll make it. Stay strong!

Carla, glad you're back. We missed you. Put the horrible week behind you, get through the PMS thing, and keep on keeping on. Poor Ana, needing major dental work already. How is she with the dentist? Jen used to love going when she was little.

Judy, I think we can get you to goal before 2010!!! Next week spit a few times before you get on the scale! Or take your socks off too! I've been tempted to remove my contact lenses before weighing in, but thats a bit drastic I think. Congratulations with the cheesecake victory!

Off to make my breakfast smoothie (vanilla soy milk, banana, frozen strawberries - totally delicious) then off to work.

Bye for now,

Karen B

cece 01-23-2002 01:39 PM

Hi everyone.

Pat - I'm sorry to hear that you had problems with snacking yesterday. At least it wasn't junk. Here's to a better day today!

Michele - I managed to avoid the lines in the airport, although I did have my tote bag checked thoroughly at security. But that was simply a matter of timing. I did notice the lines trying to get through security when I was leaving the airport. You're right - crowns on a child aren't usual. Unfortunately she has several teeth where the enamel is wearing thin and in some cases, part of the tooth has eroded. The dentist explained that filling them would be futile as the wearing away could just continue around the filling. Fortunately, this doesn't signify future problems with her permanent teeth. We really don't know what her pre-natal care was like, although I'm sure it was slim to none, and that could be contributing to her current problems. But adult teeth start forming at 2 years of age when she was already well into our care and eating properly. I can't wait to see pictures of your trip!

Karen B - Actually, Ana did really well at the dentist. She went for a get acquainted exam and initial check-up 6 months ago and I had to sit on the chair with her in my lap, but Monday she did great. We did a lot of talking it up and talking about how nice our dentist is, which is true. For the crown work she'll go to a pediatric specialist. Our dentist felt he was out of his area of expertise, especially in administering to a three year oldwhatever sedative might be necessary. He was also concerned that if she freaksout about all that dental work and he's the one doing it, then it would be very difficult to get her to be at ease at her regular check-ups with him.

I did stay off the scale this morning. It's a cop-out, I know, but PMS has me really moody and off-kilter this month and I knew that, with all this water retention, I'd see a gain and it would put me in a frenzy - probably a feeding frenzy. Instead I'm feeling very in control today and am geared for a good week. A word of caution to those of you who, like me, are in love with Pirate's Booty: they've changed the machinary used to make it and as a result the fat content and calories are higher and one ounce is now 3 points instead of 2. Bummer.

Have a great day everyone.


JudySP 01-23-2002 04:49 PM

Carla - I'm so sorry you had such an awful week - it sure was the trip from ****! I understand your feeling about the scale - I'm glad to head that you feeling very much in control today. Big bummer about the Pirate's Booty! I'm so sorry that Ana has to have dental work done - I know how much I hate it! Still, it's good that it won't affect her permanent teeth. Anthony has some semi-rotten teeth in front (from taking his bottle to bed with yogurt/juice - the only way he'd get his calcium). I hope they won't affect his permanent teeth. I know he's been to the dentist - and didn't like it.

Karen B - I cracked up at what you said about spitting before you get on the scale. When I weighed in on Saturday, I came to WW in my usual outfit (the lightest clothing I have that is not shorts) and then afterwards, changed into my jeans to go into work. My friends were laughing that I have special WW socks (very lightweight) - my leader chimed in that she understood exactly what I was doing because when she was losing the weight, she'd kid around about spitting into a tissue before she got on the scale!

Pat - Way to go on getting the workout in. I'm glad Darrell didn't bring any junk into the house. Tony bought chocolate covered Milano cookies (can you say PMS nightmare???) but got rid of them all (by eating them) the same night we threw out the cheesecake.

Michele - I'm so sorry to hear about Bobby. I hope he's doing OK. I hope to get to your site to see the pics - things at work are so crazy though - when I'm in the office it seems like one thing after another. It's hard to believe it's 4:45 and I'm first getting here today!

I had a good day yesterday considering I didn't get home until almost 8 pm. Luckily, Tony was home and had dinner all ready to go. I could feel the urge to snack (as relief from stress) in the evening after dinner. I did have some Wasa's (4 for 1 point) with ff cream cheese and it helped. It was very crunchy and filling. I managed to stop there. I hope I can do the same thing tonight - I'm pretty tired because I got up at 5:15 to catch an early train for an early conference call. Coming here helps though because as I tell you all what's going on with me, I become aware of it myself!

Gotta go,

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