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Shay 10-02-2007 10:32 AM

Hi everyone thanks for the support. The doctor said I sprained a ligament. I was off my foot yesterday and I am home today in hopes I will be good to go tomorrow.

Daph & LondonJulz-- I can't even talk about the game. Some of my co- workers have even joked that they thought I hurt my foot kicking the tv during the game! I could barely tolerate watching it.

Despite being confined to my apt since Sunday except for the Dr's appt yesterday I am in good spirits and doing well with food. Water--nada and of course I'm not exercising.

LondonJulz 10-02-2007 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by likenoother (Post 1877359)

Daph & LondonJulz-- I can't even talk about the game. Some of my co- workers have even joked that they thought I hurt my foot kicking the tv during the game! I could barely tolerate watching it.

Glad to hear your foot is doing better! I laughed when I read about your co-workers. I'm glad I didn't have to "watch" the game, they didn't broadcast it up here Oklahoma (I guess people here would rather watch the OSU and OU games). So, we listened to it on the computer through yahoo sports. I couldn't sit still... and I actually cried when it was over. Not sure what happened with Florida (or the refs for that matter) - but they'll be back with their next game against LSU (I get to actually WATCH that game :carrot:) But, Florida slipped from #4 to #7 in the polls :mad: OYE!

mkjohn 10-02-2007 11:51 AM

Hi ladies, I have MIA for a couple of days. Things here have just been hectic. I bought a new WATP dvd and love it. I had the walk and kick but I didn't care for it. So today I did my workout!!:carrot: I feel so much better now that it is out of the way. Since it is too cold to walk outside atleast I can get my walks in. I am also back OP. I gained 7 pounds back the last few weeks. I am so disappointed in myself for allowing my cravings to get the best of me. I am done with that. I feel just awful, but there is hope because I am back OP and sure I will lose the weight plus more.

My son goes to the cardiologist on friday to find out what is going to with his heart and lungs. I will let everyone know friday evening. Thank you for all of the support through this time. It has not been easy but you all have made it bearable.


GAGIRL320 10-02-2007 12:54 PM

Hello, I hope I am not intruding, I was hoping some of you could help me figure out the best way fo me to do WW at home, I really can't do meetings or the online thing. Any suggestions would be great.

I am eating the WW & LC meals and using the 100 cal snacks but I know nothing about points so any thing you could share would be great!!

BTW LondonJulz I live in Tal Fl. and I am an FSU fan! Go noles! (Please don't hold that against me)

LondonJulz 10-02-2007 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by GAGIRL320 (Post 1877571)
BTW LondonJulz I live in Tal Fl. and I am an FSU fan! Go noles! (Please don't hold that against me)

http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b6...mileys/lol.gif again, it's okay that you like FSU, if God is willing to look past your faults, so am I. ;) I actually think that Daph is a SEMI-noles fan too, right Daph? So, 2 SEMI-noles fans and 2 GATORS fans on the same board?? This could be real fun this season.... :D

Shay 10-02-2007 06:13 PM

Londonjulz--I haven't gotten around to reading the Sunday paper. Isn't that amazing since I'm injured. Anyways my co-worker who is an Ohio State alum told me about the drop in the polls. Wasn't that nice of him?

I am so excited that it is Biggest Loser Day again! Can't wait!

GAGIRL320--Welcome! Many of us here were never members of WW or were once members. I was a member and I am using the Flex Pt system from 3 years ago. According to your weight you can have 24 pts a day. In addition to that you can have additional 35 extra points a week for you to use in anyway you like. You figure out points based on calories, fat, and fiber. I get what I need from e-bay. Just search for Weight Watchers and people sell the companions, calculator, journal, tracker. They sell it all. Even fully complete welcome kits. Hope that helps.

Back on Track 10-02-2007 08:27 PM

Hi Everyone ~ Not so new newbie here!
Hi everyone! I am hoping to become a regular here. I stepped on the scale this morning and couldn't believe it 197 :eek:.

I have been on the 3FC site on and off trying different things and nothing seems to stick. I am not new to WW but in the past I have tried going to meetings and I just find to many excuses not to go (with 3 kids in sports many times I really couldn't go, only Monday night meetings in my town). I am hoping this will make the difference. I don't know why but I need the accountability of others knowing when I had a bad week and even better when I had a good week.

I started today and I am having a really good day so far. My energy was pretty low early afternoon but I made it through.

Hoping to get a really good workout tomorrow while DD is at preK.:):woops:

LondonJulz 10-03-2007 09:45 AM

http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b6...ys/morning.gif to all my fellow WW Losers!!!!


Originally Posted by Back on Track (Post 1878155)
Hi everyone! I am hoping to become a regular here.
I am not new to WW but in the past I have tried going to meetings and I just find to many excuses not to go (with 3 kids in sports many times I really couldn't go, only Monday night meetings in my town). I am hoping this will make the difference. I don't know why but I need the accountability of others knowing when I had a bad week and even better when I had a good week.

I started today and I am having a really good day so far. My energy was pretty low early afternoon but I made it through.

Hoping to get a really good workout tomorrow while DD is at preK.:):woops:

Hi there Back on Track and welcome to our little corner of the world. You'll love it here!!!! I have lost about 13 pounds since Aug on WW.... and I don't go to meetings. I just strictly come here as often as I can (and follow in my books from WW that I got off of Ebay). I think that everyone needs accountability of others knowing when they've had a bad week or a good week. I'm that same way. You'll notice that we have threads on here about "confession" times when people have eaten something (or lots of things) that they shouldn't have..... it just feels great to be able to confess stuff to people and have them, in turn, give you pep talks and tell you it will be okay...get back on the horse and try again tomorrow..... or give you a swift kick in the arse... :kickbutt: :D It's also great to have a place to come and "brag" about your weight loss, exercise, NSVs or just your life in general. This is a place that does not judge. We're all here for one common purpose and it's so awesome to have other women (and men) that share the same goals and can be a support system along the way.

I had a "funk" day yesterday. Not sure why.... I think it's because TOM is around the corner. I was so glad to go to bed last night because I knew that a new day was coming. I woke up this morning, stepped on the scale and saw I was OUT OF THE 2-TEENS!!!!!! And, so now, I'm having a great day!!! http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b6...Smileys/14.gif
I'm going to go have a date with Bob (read: The Biggest Loser workout DVD), and then I have a whole house to clean and laundry to do, so I'll be working out all day between running after the kids and the cleaning!

Hope all have a great day!!! I'll be in and out all day!

Mom2QJandT 10-03-2007 10:16 AM

I just ate two doughnuts at our general staff meeting. Ouch! 10 points!
Looks like it will be a light lunch and dinner.

Thanks so much to everyone that commented on my before and during pictures!

Congrats to all of our losers and welcome to the new chicks.

likenoother - I hope your foot is feeling better!

mkjohn - still thinking about you guys, hang in there!

julz - congrats! I LOVE moving out of a "decade"

I've been a little quiet the last couple of weeks. Just been feeling blah and like a loser, but in a bad way. I took a new job so that I would be less stressed out and a better mom and have more time for the kids, but that meant a pay cut and we are really having to adjust our lifestyle accordingly. Add that to my ex-husband getting married (I'm happy for him, just scared that my kids will like her more than me) and some other personal stuff and I've been a weepy, sad mess. My bf, who is usually very supportive, has been really busy this week and not able to be around and I'm just having a case of the "nobody loves mes". Tonight the kids want to carve pumpkins for a contest tomorrow, so I'm thinking that we'll do that and have some fun. Maybe it will be good for me to just hang out with them and do something silly, messy, and fun.

Hope everyone else is having a good week!

LondonJulz 10-03-2007 10:25 AM

http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b6...eys/bighug.gif I felt that way all day yesterday (the blah's... nobody loves me)... I cried for most of the day and just felt generally depressed. My hubby lost his job in January (we had sold our house and moved from Missouri to Oklahoma last October). When we sold our house, we were able to buy a practically brand new mini-van outright, and hubby got a great job here so I could stay home and we could pay off debt. We were well on our way to being debt free. Then, in January...he lost his job (and was out of a job from January until 3 weeks ago). We had to do MAJOR adjusting. We had to take a loan out on our debt-free mini-van, I had to get on WIC, put the kids on medicaid.....and I don't think a day goes by that creditors don't call us and send us threatening letters in the mail... it has been ROUGH! The job he has now, pays about $6 less per hour than his old job did. There's a chance (a slim one) in the spring that he could possibly get a new job that pays more than his old job did. But, it has been a big year of change for us..... you'll get through it, and it's only going through the crap that you can become a stronger woman. But, it sucks for the time you have to go through it. And don't worry about your kids liking their new step-mum more than you.... no one could ever take the place of their mommy.

jar1965 10-03-2007 11:14 AM

:hug:Mom2QJandT - May I add...............BEEN THERE - DONE THAT! Just last weekend my ex remarried and she and her kids moved into OURhouse! I was feeling quite threatened myself! :shrug: I am totally and unconditionally happy and secure at where I am with my life, but...........it just seems ............um...........odd I guess! My oldest (20) lives with me and I still have legal joint custody with my youngest (15) who is ALWAYS with me but legally you know - the papers say joint so I don't get anything from him! :( Anyways.......last w/e - yea, my daughter and his new wife and kids (12 & 15) DO NOT GET ALONG!!! It's a big mess!

Everyone - hello and have a great day! I really need to get some exercise today! Can anyone give me a swift kick in the ...............

LondonJulz 10-03-2007 11:25 AM

Jar1965... I'm on it... :kickbutt::kickbutt::kickbutt::kickbutt::kickbutt:


ruthannie 10-03-2007 01:03 PM

Hey Gang,

Welcome newbies- :welcome2:

Maybe it's a moon phase- I was feeling kind of blue and out of sorts yesterday too- tip toeing awfully close to the edge of abandoning all goals and control. Today is better, maybe exercise this morning helped. :swim:

Wow, the blended family thing! I happen to be the not-Mom with the Dad. Kids would be with us weekends and vacations. Mom is, well, I just better keep my mouth shut on that one! :tape:

Even when they were upset with Mom (teenage issues)- there was never any way I was a replacement. I think I was always there as another supportive adult and someone to talk to when they didn't want to talk with mom or dad and needed that female support system. In fact, one of them continues to call me for advice or to talk because he's so comfortable with me. It wasn't always easy for any of us, though. Good Luck! Mom's the Best always :queen:

LondonJulz- sounds like a really challenging year! You must have some inner strength to be here and taking care of yourself and family! Maybe someday the ship will come in and you can relax. :beach:

Well have a good day everyone- here's some :dust:!

LondonJulz 10-04-2007 09:37 AM

http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b6...ys/morning.gif ladies!

The forum was quiet yesterday. Hope all is well with everyone!

Went grocery shopping at Super Wal-Mart last night with the hubby and kids. I wish I had a pedometer - I swear we walked at least 3 miles, we were in there for nearly 2 hours!! It had been about 3 weeks since we'd really gone grocery shopping - so we are well stocked on fruits, veggies and lean meats (amongst other things).

Today is my "last chance workout" day as tomorrow morning in weigh-in day for me. Me and Bob will be rendevouzing all day long!!! I feel like laying around all day though - that could be a problem! I just want to make this last push for my 210 goal for this week!! So, I just gotta keep chanting 210, 210, 210, 210......

Keitha - I know your sons doc appointment is tomorrow. You (and your son) are certainly in our thoughts and prayers! Congrats on being back OP and on your new WATP video!! I have no doubt that you can lose the weight plus more!!!! :hug:

Jeanne - Did you get your exercise in yesterday?? I noticed how GREAT you're doing on your way to your Halloween Goal!!! Keep going, you can do it!!! http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b6...eys/gogirl.gif

Ruthannie - Thank you for the Will Power Dust.... I NEED IT!!! It's funny that you mentioned a moon phase and how you were feeling the blues too. I was going to mention that in my post - but I couldn't think of the phrase "moon phase".... I kept thinking something about the moon, and for the life of me could not think of "phase".... so I just gave up...lol http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b6...leys/dummy.gif

Daph - October is my favorite time of year too. I think it has something with coming off of the HOT summer days - getting the cool, crisp days is a blessing! Hopefully we'll get to have the kids out a lot this fall. We don't venture out much in the summer - we both HATE the heat.... so, I know the kids are dealing with cabin fever! http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b6...ileys/sahm.gif

Likenoother - how's that foot doing???? You gotta have it all better in time for game day.... all that standing up and CHEERING because the Gators are beating the socks off of LS-WHO?! http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b6...Smileys/11.gif

GAGirl320 - how are things going for you?? Have you found out anything about your points?? Or any other WW info?? I know we have to tread lightly when sharing specific WW stuff here since there's all kinds of copyrights flying....

Did thing get any better for you yesterday? How did the Pumpkin Carving go???? I want to do that with my son this year (I think my daughter is still a little young - and my son may be too for that matter - maybe I just want to do it for myself.... http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b6...ankenstine.gif[/U]

HunieBunie - http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b6...s/birthday.gif (late!) How is your planning ahead working for you??? I have a big problem with that too. I'm lucky to plan one day ahead.... I can't imagine doing it a week at a time!

BackonTrack - How's it going for you today??? I understand the "too busy to go to meetings" thing. That's exactly why I do it from home (well, that and I can't see spending $10 a week for support that I can get here for free....

And, for all those who are MIA: Bree4Bryce, LosingInCanada, DJMommy, Imnotquittingthistime, INVU, Starlet, Jacque, MRSN0521.... how are all of you doing this week??? Anything new going on???

jar1965 10-04-2007 11:08 AM

Morning everyone! Ouch Julz!!!!! lol!!! I needed that! Thanks!
Tomorrow we are having a surprise 40th for my DH! So I have been scurrying around trying to be sneaky and all this week! I'll be glad when it's over! Only about 20-25 people - so, it'll be fun!

Have a great day everyone!
Good job to you LOSERS!
And........Welcome newbies!

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