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Itryharder 07-19-2006 07:39 AM

Bale of Turtles Moving Ahead! #162
:carrot: :welcome3: we are the Turtle Group here at 3fatchicks.com. We welcome you to join us as we work toward good health and fitness in a persistent manner. As our inspiration we use the race between the turtle and the hare where the turtle was the victor bcause he didn't give up. We believe in keepin' on even when the odds are against us. We believe in giving each other support. Good luck to us all!
(for Lin and Lauren)

Itryharder 07-19-2006 07:41 AM

Hi Turtles,
I tried to get on page 5 on the last thread to let you know we were starting a new one. However, my computer kept timing out and I wasn't able to do so. Here we are moving along very well! I printed out a menu from flylady menu mailers and will grocery shop today. Yay! I also need to get moving again (have been swimming) to knock off some pounds. Good luck to us all!

Princess1122 07-19-2006 09:06 AM

Morning all. Nice but hot and humid day here again. We had a lot of rumbling last night but never got a drop of rain, storms were all around the city but missed us so it was loud but dry night.

Judy: Thanks for all of your hard work on the threads!

Chris: I sure hope the spinal curve does not increase... this has to be so hard on you and your family... best wishes for a happy outcome.

Ariana: I would love to work an earlier schedule... I tend to be a morning person and like to go to bed early so that would work for me but I understand that most folks like to sleep in so best wishes to you that this will let you get more done and have less stress.

Have to run but will check back later on!

chrily 07-19-2006 10:45 AM

Morning all, I didn't stay on the computer long last night. The stress of the day caught up with me I think. I started seeing ziggy lines in front of my eyes and got a whopper of a headache. I'm assuming it was a migraine. Headache is still here and my vision is still kind of off but feeling okay other than that.

I went to the gym last night with my sister again and worked out on the elliptical and the treadmill. Tonight, if Kelly hasn't got anything planned, we were going to go again and get in some weights too.

Well gotta go do the housewife and mommy things. I have a ton of white clothes to wash....and no bleach! :( So I guess a trip to the store is in order today. Darn!


bandit2 07-19-2006 01:32 PM

Hi everyone:

Sounds like you are doing well. We have had really hot weather up here & some nasty storms. Power at trailer was out for 1-1/2 days this week and lots of trees down.

I have been busy with work & car problems. But, hopefully they have now fixed my car. Going to show tonight to see "Devil Wears Prada" - looks good, so that should be fun.

Have not been going to Curves lately & really have to get back on some schedule. Lately, busy at night with house/trailer & bf pool. Lots to do!

Anyway, just thought I would say hi & that I was down 1.6# last week, but have not done well this week.

Keep up the good work, everyone. Bye for now.

chrily 07-19-2006 01:56 PM

Bandit-We've had super hot weather too and lots of storms that have sparked off quite a few wildfires. We've had such a drought for several years now, it was bound to happen.

I wasn't doing very well for awhile either. I'm really trying this week and I did jump on the scale this morning and I am FINALLY down a bit. 1.5 lbs!

Well gotta go ladies...


Itryharder 07-19-2006 03:45 PM

Chris and Bandit, :cheer: for :goodscale: You guys are doing great. It's so easy to beat ourselves up when we slip here and there. The "right" thing to do is keep on keepin' on and we'll feel confident again and the weight will come off again.

Got swimming today and am watching what I eat, so hopefully this will be a good day, followed by another good day, etc. etc. :cool:
We had a thunder storm so vicious last night that I came downstairs to keep dh company because I was sure we'd lose power. Turned out that it passed, but it sure was scary/ Take care everybody and do the best you can!

chrily 07-19-2006 04:26 PM

Judy, I'm keeping myself in check today. I had lunch and breakfast and still have 17 points left for the day. I'll use some of that up with a snack later, but not bad for me for once. I'm heading to the gym with my sister again tonight. I'm playing a little mind game with myself and telling me that I'm exercising because I want to and its fun, instead of I have to in order to lose weight. It kind of keeps me more level headed and not so hung up on the "have tos".

Gonna go. Next load of laundry is waiting! :D


bandit2 07-20-2006 10:19 AM

Chris - nice job on the weight loss and congrats on the exercising, whatever works to get us there.

Judy - swimming is great exercise, I really enjoy it myself.

Power back up at park, am planning on going up tomorrow & hopefully stuff in freezer will be OK. Probably will have to throw out a few fridge items, but so be it.

Enjoyed the movie, Prada & had my popcorn for supper.

Have a great day.

Itryharder 07-20-2006 11:59 AM

Chris, glad you're changing your attitude toward exercise :tread: with a purpose in mind. Great! I figure we can whine and make ourselves and others miserable or we can look at why we're doing something, get the positive spin on it, and then do it without whining. Weigh to go! :grouphug: You've lost such a wonderful amount of weight and you're soooo close to onederland. :cheer:

Princess, sorry about the power outage, but I'm with you: so be it if we lose a little food from the fridge, etc. :idea: I'm trying really hard to keep the "small stuff" all small stuff. Popcorn for dinner was the perfect solution! I saw the movie too and thought it was a lot of fun. Love Meryl Streep in almost everything she does and liked seeing Anne Hathaway in this role--very cute.
Loved the clothes!!!!!

All goes well. Dh mentioned a place around here that has buy one, get one free for ice cream. Well, that thought stayed with me all night and really annoyed me. Luckily he didn't make a move to get some, and I really didn't need the calories, so I'm glad he didn't. But, and this is a big but, the image of that delicious treat stayed in my mind and raised all sorts of emotions.
However, I also saw a video of my dgs and me playing in the pool and came to terms once again as to how big I am. Not a pretty picture. Top that with a casual comment a friend made to me the other night that I look like Daisy on Keeping Up Appearances (not a flattering comparison) and I'm down on myself. It's hard to keep on thinking I look quite a bit like Kim Bassinger with all this evidence around. LOL.
Anyway., my menu mailer arrived, :chef:I got it in two portion servings for the recipes and will see how this goes. Wish me luck. I need a new prod to keep me going. Day by day, we can do this.
Heather, are you out there? All the new joiners, keep on posting. You give us as much as we try to give you.
Itryharder :cool:

Princess1122 07-21-2006 08:28 AM

Happy Friday!
Morning all... nothing new here but wanted to stop by and say hello.

Very happy that today is Friday... I am ready for the weekend... I am looking forward to being able to get out and take some walks, hopefully it will help get rid of some stress that has been building over that last couple of weeks.

Have to run but best wishes for a great weekend to all!

Itryharder 07-21-2006 09:05 AM

:Hi Turtles, good day to everyone! :grouphug:
Princess, what a grownup concept that exercise (rather than food) can relieve built up stress. Weigh to go! :tread:

All goes well here. I finally got the courage to step on the scale :goodscale:
and wasn't horrified at the results. Will get into pool today and follow the guidelines offered by the menu mailer I received. I like the variety of foods and simple preparation. I grocery shopped yesterday and could buy a few more items today to have what I need on hand. I am looking at this as a Core with flex points adventure and am simply using the recipes to perk up my interest in foods that are good for me.

Everyone have a great weekend and do the right thing for yourself! :bravo:
234.6/214.5/thinner into onederland :cool:

mousie 07-21-2006 11:00 AM

Good morning Turtles! It sounds like everyone is doing well. We're buzzing right along, aren't we? We're going to have to change our names to the Bumblebees! :lol:

Judy, whatever works for you regarding new threads. I come in from the main page, so I'll see it. :)

Turtles, this morning I dropped that 0.5 jump from last week AND 2.0 more pounds! :faint: Yes, I'm down to 255.5. 38.5 total so far--my year anniversary is next friday, and I've got my eye on making it to -40 for the year. :D Only 1.5 more to go!

Hubby told me to spend a "chunk" of money on myself and book private Pilates sessions to rehab my back. I was reluctant to spend so much money, but he insisted. He says he's completely okay with spending money on my rehab, because he knows how important my back is to my career. So I'm booked in for 30 minute sessions on mondays and fridays for the next 6 weeks! :cheer: That'll get my back strong again, I'm sure! The first session is today, in about half an hour, so I have to run.

Take care, Turtles, and have good weekends! :)

mousie 07-21-2006 03:50 PM

Turtles guess what!! :)

I had a doctor's appointment in the middle of the day today, and when they took my blood pressure it was 123/85!!! :dance: Last year and 38.5 pounds ago it was 152/103. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!! :cb: :carrot: :cb:

I just had to come and tell you all. Getting healthier WORKS!! :dancer:

Ariana2000 07-21-2006 04:18 PM

Chrily -- sorry about the news about Tiana -- but at least it is not so bad that she needs a brace. I have minor scoliosis as well. I had a lot of pain when I was younger -- scoliosis does not work well with the heavy backpacks most kids carry -- even when I got older I still had a significant amount of discomfort, as I was now sitting with poor posture all day long in uncomfortable work chairs (it was too boring to sit up straight all day long, I was having enough trouble staying AWAKE.) I found that stretching helped a lot. Sometimes the back hurts because the muscles in the legs are tight, so back stretches and leg stretches might help if she starts to feel discomfort. Just a thought. And hey -- congrats on the WL!

Bandit -- how are you doing? Are you back on track going to curves? Sorry to hear about the weather-related headaches.

Princess -- thank you. The early schedule is working out pretty well. :D

Judy -- I understand what you mean about core. I never thought of it that way. I might give a try again someday. We'll see. :D You know, sometimes, seeing yourself in an unflattering way can be emotionally uncomfortable, even painful, but sometimes it serves to kick-start us. I started on my weight loss when I saw a picture of myself in my Halloween costume -- a princess dress I had made -- and I just could not believe that was *me*. I had always felt big, but seeing that picture made me realize I had to do something about it. That's when I joined WW. It was seeing another picture of myself that made me kick start my weight loss plan again in January. Just a different spin on these uncomfortable self-confrontations.

As for me, the work schedule is working out quite well. It's still hard to get up early in the morning, but not as bad. I have found the trick is to set my alarm for 20 minutes before I get up, then reset it for 20 minutes of rest -- that way, I'm not pulled from a deep sleep and forced to function. :o It's easier to get up the second time. The important part is that I get a lot more done at work, since I have two hours to get focused, and then when everyone else comes in, I have my laser focus. I am so focused and productive that I just can't stand to be there past 3, and I don't stay late. That happens when I focus intently -- I accomplish more, but I get burned out faster. Either way, working less hours can only be good for me. :D

I was better -- not good, but better -- when I went out to dinner last night. Social eating is still my biggest weakness.

No more time catch up ladies. Back to work!

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