50 or more pounds #73

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  • If you have 50 or more pounds to lose, jump on in and join us! You'll be sure to get a warm welcome!
  • Good morning everyone! I hope the week is off to a good start.
    Beth, I'm glad your faculty presentation went well. If you were totally off the plan and only gained .2 pounds, you must have been doing something right in spite of yourself! The old subconscious must be keeping you a little more on track than you thought! Think what you can do this week if you journal and stick to he program!
    Joyce, I'm glad to hear that during your 6 hour "sabatical" you did do something you enjoy (the dolls).You are such a selfless lady that we all worry that you never do anything just for Joyce! Sounds like you enjoyed the visit with dd and the grandkids- probably even more than if the yard sale had taken place! Congrats on your resolve to get back to WW this week.
    Janet, yes, the double cousin thing did make us pretty close, but my aunt and uncle had 3 boys, the youngest of whom is 18 months older than I am, so we didn't always have a lot in common. But I was an only child, so it was like having 3 big brothers. They lived only a couple miles from us, and we all spent all holidays together. It was nice. The younest cousin is the one who now lives in Florida- he and his wife are about 1/2 hour from Homosassa. I'm so excited for you with the school year starting- I know how much you have looked forward to being back in the classroom! Congrats to dh for getting back to journalling! Now if I could just get myself to do the same maybe I'd get off this plateau!
    Texaslady, I thought about you when I saw the weather for Houston! We've been pretty lucky this summer- some bursts of real heat, but nothing like we usually get in August. Tell your dd to be glad that her fiance's involvement in the wedding preparation is minimal! My dear sil is a bit of a "control freak", and he had to have his hand into every detail- we were ready to choke the dear boy by the time the wedding arrived! But it was truly lovely, and amazingly, 7 years later, people (including their married friends) still make it a point to comment to them (and my exdh and I) that it was the nicest wedding they ever went to and what a good time they had. So it was worth all the effort!
    Well, I'd better run. The mind is willing but the body protests this morning- however, duty calls! Hi to everyone, and have a great op Tuesday!
  • Hello Ladies!

    I had my WI yesterday and was VERY surprised to see that I actually lost 1 lb. I was totally off program last week and it is my TOM. Well, I am back on track eating right and journaling. Hopefully next WI will bring another loss.

    It was first day for the students to come to my class and we had a really good day. I have a sweet little group of students this year. I feel like I have been going at full speed for the last couple of weeks and now I am incredibly tired. I get to school around 7 each morning and usually don't leave until after 5. It usually takes me a couple of weeks to get my body back to "school time." Jan, how is it going with you at school?

    Hope you all have a great OP week!

  • Texaslady, sometimes it's the thought that counts; just the fact that sil-to-be was willing to get involved in the decorations aspect of the wedding is *very* sweet, imho. Hope the ribbon comes in soon! And like you, we are also experiencing quite a heat wave. As you know, we have no lawn; that's just a hopeless cause here. But we're scrambling each morning to water the potted plants enough to keep them semi-alive.

    Carol, that's so great that you grew up near your cousins! Mine were scattered all over the country, so we didn't know each other well growing up. But as we've grown older, we've gotten to know each other pretty well. (For better or for worse!)

    Beth, yay, a 1 pound loss! That's quite an achievement at this time of year. Be sure to get plenty of rest; I can just imagine how tiring this has been, esp. with all your presentations. And thanks, yes, I've really enjoyed our first two days with my new students. They're quite a mixture: one that may well be a genius, some who are sincere and capable, and others who will need lots of hand-holding and extra help. It will be a challenge, and I can't wait to see what the year brings!

    Guess what, y'all? I made lifetime tonight! Got the little gold key and the whole thing. Don't have to pay now, which is nice. Am still below ww goal, but want to lose 5-10 more to reach my personal goal. Maybe by New Year's; I'm in no hurry! And to celebrate, Dad and DH went with me tonight and I found two lovely dresses, a red and gold silk and a black & tan print, on sale no less. Size 10; still can't believe that. Then we went out to dinner; I had a big salad and some good wine. Am heading to bed early so I can make it through this hectic first week.

    Linda, it's working: dh has taken his journal with him to work, and is keeping it religiously. He's lost a little weight already!
    Hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow!
  • LIFETIME, JAN!?!?!!
    YAHOO!!! That is great!! And how special for your dad and dh to go with you to be honored!

    congrats to you too Beth!!!

    dgd went home today, dd called to say she got there o.k., but one of her suitcases is still floating around the airways somewhere..

    But now it is time to get back to normal, I have much to do tomorrow, including going to the store to have a face to face *discussion* about compensation or replacement of carpet. grrrrr.
    I detest empty promises, and waiting by my phone for a promised phone call!!...that never comes.
    but the fun part will be Trader Joes's I need to stock up on good stuff!

    More tomorrow.....

  • Jan! You did it! You're a LIFER!!! --Many congrats to you for reaching lifetime; I knew you could do it! I'm so happy for you, and what a nice way to celebrate, buying two size 10 dresses. WOW! And a big salad with some nice wine sounded like a lifetimer's meal to me! Gee, I am just so happy to read that your DH made the Boca Burgers and is back to journalling. That is such a positive step! Wonder what the snag was, and what the impetus was for him to go back OP? Whatever, I'm happy that he's back!

    Beth, wow -- you lost a pound after not being OP last week! That's super! I was happy to read that you jumped right back on the OP bandwagon; good luck on the next WI and be sure you let us know how you did! Slow and steady wins the race....

    Carol, I haven't tried the Milton's multigrain bread. I'll look for it next time I go.

    texaslady, I'm still about six pounds from my goal weight -- I just know it is because I'm still not walking on my treadmill. Lack of discipline; pure and simple! Thanks for your kind thoughts.
  • HOORAY, JAN!!!!!!!
    Jan, I'm so thrilled for you- and so proud of you!!!! And your celebration with dh and your dad shows how proud they both are of you too! I'm beginning to think I'll never get there, but you are my shining example!! And cngrats to dh for getting back to his journalling!
    Joyce, I know you must miss dgd already, but I think having a little more time for yourself will be a good thing. Good luck with the carpet people. I don't think there is anything that irritates me any more than people who say they will call you back about a problem and never do. Go get 'em girl!!! Have fun at T.J.'s- I work in VA this Friday, so I think I may swing by there after work that day.
    Linda, hang in there and drag out that old treadmill!! You did it before, and you are so close again!!
    Beth, congrats on the 1 pound loss!! Now, just don't let that lull you in to thinking you can get away with being off program whenever you want! I'm glad your first day of school went well- you really have some long days during the school year! And teaching is mentally as well as physically tiring!
    Saara, how are things going with you? How was the weekend visit with your host family?
    Texaslady, are you going tp be able to take any time off from work when the wedding draws near? I hope so- although I know that's not always easy with a new job! It seems like no matter how organized you are with a wedding there's always a dozen last minute details that rear their heads! Speaking of your new job, how do you like it by now?

    Today after work I have to go to Baltimore for my post-op check up. My appointment's at 4, so I'll be going in and out of the city right in the middle of rush hour. Oh well- this should be the last trip I have to make up there for the next 6 months or so!
    Gotta run- have a good op Hump Day, everyone!
  • Thanks, y'all! Your support has meant so much to me throughout this journey; just think, we started over 1 1/2 years ago! I think we've all done really well, both at losing weight and making positive changes in our lives. So, congrats to all of you, too, for your many successes.

    Carol, let us know how the post-op appt. goes. Sorry you have to go through that rush hour traffic! It's well over an hour drive, isn't it? Whew.

    Linda, thanks, I'm convinced that dh went back to journaling partly because we were sending those good vibes his way! Also, maybe starting a new school year inspired him to renew his efforts. He ordered some new clothes from the Big & Tall catalog, and announced that would be the last time he'd have to order that size; isn't that a good sign? I think he's really getting into it now.

    JOYce, sure hope the carpet thing gets straightened out; what a hassle! But if they think they can stall and put you off, they just don't know you, do they?! I know you'll get them to make it right! It's just a shame you have to put in all this time & energy on the matter, though. Hope they find your dgd's suitcase soon ...

    Guess I'd better go; have some grading & lesson plans to do. Everyone have a great Wednesday!
  • Jan, that's a GREAT sign that your dh said this is the last time he'll be ordering from the Big & Tall catalog! Wow, that was quite a statement, I think. Tonight we went to dinner with dd and dsil and we were talking about being in better health overall, and dh mentioned to the kids that he has lost 10 pounds so far. They were so supportive of him for that, and praised him a lot. It has been ghastly hot here, so he hasn't been working in the yard very much, so his weight loss has slowed to zero (he hasn't gained any back, though); when we start getting cooler days he's going to tackle some more things out in back and we both know that he'll benefit a lot from that; from the exercise and so on.

    Isn't it fun to weigh less, though!
  • Good morning, everyone! Another week is rapidly drawing to a close- I can't believe the summer is almost over! Any exciting weekend plans? I work Saturday, but that's about it for here. I'm still needing to organize some of my stuff- can't find a few things, but there's a limited number of spaces for them to be, so I hope to get a working system here by the end of the weekend!

    I had my post-op followup yesterday, and everything is doing fine. I don't have to go back for 6 months, barring any unforeseen problems.
    Jan, I applaud dh's determination as well as his progress! It sounds like he's really going to follow through to goal! You mentioned grading and lesson plans, so I gather the kids did start already- how are things going? How is your dad's photo project coming along?
    Linda, that's wonderful that your family is so supportive of your dh's efforts! As you know, that helps a lot! Congrats to him on the 10 pounds he's lost and is holding!
    Sara, I'm glad to hear that things are going well for you! Have you had a chance to do any sight seeing, like over the weekend?

    Well, I woke up a little early this morning, so I'd better try to use the few extra minutes productively. Have a great op Thursday, everyone! Talk to you all later.
  • Just checking in...
    Carol, you are very supportive of all of us (and our families) on the board. I hope that you have a wonderful weekend, even though you have to work tomorrow. Glad to read that your post-op exam went well. Thanks for telling us about it so we can give praise for answered prayers....
  • CONGRATULATIONS, JAN, FOR MAKING LIFETIME! We are all so proud of you! You kept heading for the finish line - and you made it! Yea! I know your family is thrilled with your progress. What do your sisters have to say about your successful journey?

    And congratulations to you, too, Beth, for a nice loss this week. As long as the scale is moving in the DOWNWARD direction, it doesn't matter how fast (or slow!) it goes. I am sure you will adjust to school time soon. I remember when I was teaching school all my friends would say - Wow you have an easy job - getting off so early in the day! They didn't know about all the "other stuff" . I can't remember a night when I didn't have papers to grade, exams to construct, etc, etc, etc. Definitely one of those jobs where you take your work home with you!

    Carol - You get congrats, too, for your good check-up news. That should take some of the stress out of your life now. It seems you are having lots more aches & pains recently. I think that you probably overdid it with the move - and, of course, being with the baby and all that lifting isn't good for you either - but I know you can't give that up! Just take care of yourself. I worry about you. Sorry you have to work Sat - bummer!

    Joyce - How did your "chat" with the carpet people go? Were you able to get them to see the error of their ways?? I bet you are getting excited about the New Orleans trip. It's getting pretty close - the end of SEpt, right?

    Linda - I wish I could get on my treadmill. I just can't risk screwing up my back right now with all the wedding stuff coming up. Maybe I will try to ease myself back into it after the big wing ding. If I can't, guess I will have to get rid of it. I hope your husband can use all the family praise to spring back into the program. It always helps to have that support.

    Jan, how old are your students? I wish I could talk to the Near-Genius one! I spent all afternoon typing a document at work and then promptly "lost" it just before quitting time! I am just sure I saved it - probably not where I thought. First thing tomorrow I will do a search of my hard drive and see if its there. If not, guess I will spend another few hours re-doing it.

    I am feeling more like I know what I am doing at the new job, but I am still overwhelmed by the scope of it. I didn't realize what a big chunk I had bitten off! I keep thinking it will be better when I am more organized, but I don't have time to get organized!! But the days sure do go fast! Can't believe we are mailing out the invitations next week! I will take about a week off just before and after the wedding. That was part of the deal before I accepted the job! I am not sure I will get paid for it, but it really doesn't matter. I need those few days beforehand to get it all together and then a couple to recouperate afterwards. OK - maybe I need more than a couple, but that's all I could get!

    Guess I will close down now and go do a little wedding stuff before bedtime. There's always something on my craft table waiting for me! Everyone have a great TGIF day tomorrow.
  • texaslady, I am so glad to read that you are taking time off both before and after the Big Wedding -- you are very smart to take care of yourself so well. You won't be sorry that you did it. That's too bad that you are hesitant to get on the treadmill because of potential back problems. I wasn 't aware that you have a bad back, that's the bunk. You're wise to be cautious--you don't want to be limping down that aisle! From one who knows: The biggest thrill of *all* is being the one to stand up first and face the doors at the back of the sanctuary just as your daughter appears there.... you will have to choke back tears, I'll bet. Your heart will just swell with pride and love. Too bad we can't bottle that feeling; we'd get rich overnight selling it!
  • Linda, that is so great that your dd and dsil were so supportive of dh's 10 pounds off; you know, guys like to seem *so* tough, but they are just as appreciative of compliments as we gals are! (Now that I'm nearly 50, I'm getting smarter. Finally.) And I love your play on words, yes, it is fun to weigh less!

    Carol, I am so glad your followup appt went so well; what a relief! Sorry you have to work Saturday, though. Remember: Sunday is YOUR day!! Re: the kids, juniors & seniiors, they came in Monday; an interesting mix, and very "into" computers, in one way or another. Should be a challenging year! Dad is still gung ho on the photo project, thank goodness, and I am learning something new from him every day. Saw a photo today of the pyramids that he took from the cockpit!

    Texaslady, so glad that you could arrange for time off before & after the wedding! That was so wise. Hope you find that document; have been there, know what you mean! (You might try a find file on "untitled," sometimes that works. Or try searching by creation date.) Thanks for the congrats; it took me long enough, didn't it, though? Good advice to Beth; and I know what you mean about those teacher "comments," have heard my share. If they only knew! Re: my dear sisters, my younger sister (size 0, omigosh) is so happy for me; I haven't told my other sister about my reaching goal yet, but I know she'll also be supportive.

    Well, that huge audit they did on our district last spring finally came to a close; they published a glossy book on it, which we got today, and I came out looking ok, 5 commendations. Whew. A quarter million of taxpayer $$ to find out that we were doing the best we could with what we had. (And we were chosen randomly.) Oh well, that's politics for you!! With that $, we could have sent every student home with a state-of-the-art computer and Internet access for two years! And with the hours I spent dealing with the audit, I COULD have done something more worthwhile for our students! (See why I went back into the classroom?)

    Oh well, ignore the ranting above. That was then, this is now. And tomorrow is Friday ... everyone have a great one!

  • Jan, good for you for getting all those commendations; that is really something. I am glad that you are back in the classroom, too; you seem to be the kind of person who will do a good job reaching the students, no matter what their individual level may be. Wish I could sit in the back of your class and learn, too.

    Happy Friday to all.