Week of September 26 - come and chat

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  • Hey all. I was able to get my bag packed this morning for the gym, so I ran over there at lunch. Yah me. I get about a 30 minute workout, which is better than nothing. I also weighed and am down 1.5. Yippee for me. I have 8 more pounds to lose for my vacation goal (we leave Nov. 4). I can't believe it is almost here, where did summer go??

    My poor Kate had a horrendous day of potty training yesterday. She had a really hard time staying dry. I had to do so much stinky laundry because of it. She said she was going to try better today. She was pretty sad about all the accidents. I felt really bad for her. She would just stand there and say "I'm sad" and hug me. At least she knows she should go on the potty... she still doesn't know the pooping yet tho!

    Come out and chat!!
  • Oh, I feel for you, I hated potty training! My boys were all 3.5 before they got it down. Congrats on the loss!

    Todays plans are to grocery shopping in Reno. Not very exciting! I walked 50 minutes this morning. I need new walking shoes. I will come chat more later on.
  • Flower - Where are you moving to? You mentioned you were selling your house. My Emma (oldest) potty trained at 2 1/2 and was instant at it. Kate was born when she was 2 1/2 and after that she decided she was the big girl. Kate started trianing about 2 months ago. She will be 2 1/2 at the end of October. I am not rushing her, but I was spoiled with Emma doing it so quickly. Kate is doing OK, on Saturday all she had was a poopy accident. But Sunday she did horrible. Oh well, life is full of suprises.

    I love that the exercise is making me feel better. I wish I wouldn't have stopped doing it for so long. This spring things got so busy for me and I brushed it off. Now there are no excuses. I know I can't lose weight without it, so that should be enough, right!!! I am a serious slow loser and without exercise I just stay the same.

    OK, lots of work to do. I am meeting a friend at the mall after work so the kids can play in the play area. Our mall is so dinky that food is basically Mc D's!! So sad!
  • We are currently living one town over from where the house I am selling is at. We moved out so we could paint, recarpet, new counters ect.... Hubby needed to be closer to work and now he has a 2 minute commute vs a 40 minute one. We will probably be transfered in the next year. (so we are renting here) Where to? Who knows. We can pick our preferences, his work has over 100 locations all over US. Hubby wants to go back to Vegas. I am not sure I want to, well I do and I don't. Hot and Expensive, but it is home. I kinda want a new adventure, but no small towns, gotta live near shopping and zoos ect...

    I got new walking shoes! Woohoo! Had lunch at Subway, I behaved myself. Yippy!
  • Hey flower... it's just you and I so far this week. Yah on the shoes and eating.

    I didn't fare so well last night for dinner. The good thing is that I worked out over my lunch... yippeee to me. Hubby and I had a horrible fight. Emma woke up to us yelling and heard some of it, she told me this morning. That made me feel so bad. I don't want my kids to think badly of us and to hear us yell. Seems like we argue a lot lately and it drives me NUTS!!!

    I am eating better tho, except last night. I did snack out of anger. That is a problem I have. But on the overall I am eating better. I have chili cooking in the crock pot for dinner tonight. I know it isn't cold enough outside yet, but I was craving it. And the girls wanted it to. I am cooking more meals at home so that helps with the eating. I am trying to save up because on vacation we will eat most meals out. I get sick of that after a while.

    OK gotta run to do a training. I have been training a helper, so I actually do less of this now. I created all the curriculum so it is easy for anyone to do the trainings.

    Ta ta...
  • Maybe we smell? That is why everyone is staying away. lol

    I picked up a carmal apple last night, I am gonna enjoy every single one of those points! I stayed away for the fancy ones with nuts ect. I don't eat when I am angry, I eat when it is all over. I can hold myself together thru the worst of anything and then when I let my guard down, look out world! Sorry you guys are fighting. I think every couple goes thru that several periods of their marriage. Our last November was h***.

    Today, I will walk Grif to school and then continue to walk. I woke up at 6 with hubby and it was still pitch black and if I want to walk in the morning that is when I would have to do it. (except on weekends and hubbys day off) I don't enjoy walking in the dark. I got back under the covers for another hour and 1/2.

    Oh, my microwave died last night. You never realize how much you really depend on that dumb thing until it doesn't work anymore. And a new one is not in the budget since I spent 200$ at Costco yesterday.
  • Helloooooooooo! no no no, you don't smell, not at all - although all the poopy talk is not good for those of us with an overactive imagination

    I have been MIA this week because classes started up again for the new year (I teach Spanish) and the first week of term is always totally mad. Today, though, I have a day without classes and am taking it easy and trying to get as much prep done as I can.

    The great thing about being back in the office after working at home all summer is that the commute from the new house is great for weight loss! 15 minutes each way up and down a big hill (plus a 30-minute train ride each way - not so fun). I can really feel the difference - the first day, I thought I was going to die when I got to the top of the hill, but it's getting easier every day. Plus the canteen food at work is so yucky I've been sticking to my lunchbox.

    Hopefully will see the results at next week's WI - the last couple of weeks I've been up 1, down 1 (result of pre-class panic munching!).

    Anyway, better get back to it, but I just wanted to check in and let you guys know you're not the only ones about!

  • Hey I'm here just had a crazy week. My Projects are taking FOREVA
    DH has decided we're reorganizing the office. I said we have to do the kitchen first right now it's a mess. Need to shake up our eating a bit eating the same stuff has gotten boring and led to cheating ARG! bbiab!
  • Hey all, busy like always here. Hubby and I are back on terms. We have lots of problems with his family and sometimes it just gets too intense. His family is not the greatest in the world and at least he agrees with that!!!

    We found some things in our house to put on ebay, so I did that last night. The one thing my hubby was hoping for $50, but someone else has one and it is selling for over $170 already. Awesome!!!! We need vacation money! Tho I may get a bonus this month, not big but every little bit helps!

    It is TOM for me so I am a little cranky and puffy! Have a great day all!
  • Yippy, guess the shower helped. wink wink

    I went into Reno and got myself a new microwave yesterday. Can't function without it. lol I purchased it at Best Buy, Walmart probably would have been cheaper but I get so tired of giving them all my money.

    I walked 70 minutes yesterday. New shoes help a lot! I plan on doing that much today as well. Gotta wait til noon to do it though, til Grif goes to kindergarten. I so wish he got am class. Owell, no reason to dwell on it.

    I have to up my water today. I had to fast for blood work and I can already feel myself swelling from lack of water. Well, smoked fish for breakfast 2 days in a row might have something to do with it too.

    WI is Thursday evenings for me. I can tell I lost something, my jean shorts are too big even with a belt. Yippy!
  • Hi all-just popping in-I have been lurking and cheering you all on! I am 29 weeks along today. Another 10-11 weeks of eating what I want and then it's back to WW for my arse!LOL I have actually been eating like crap but portions are small so I am doing ok weight wise-I am at 185 this week-7 pounds above my 178 pre preg weight(Which was way too high!) I am looking forward to really trying this time around and making my old goal weight of 150. I know it won't happen without a lot of work. I actually can't wait to start running for real again, not the 'wogging' (walk running) I have been doing! (I should call it waddle/walk/running)
    DH and I are thinking about getting each other a treadmill for XMas. That will really help as I am having this baby in the dead of winter, so finding time to run outside without kiddoes in the jogger will be tough.

    Kudoes to all of you 'losers' this week! Keep plugging-slow and steady wins the race, so to speak!
  • Lori, you will do it. You aren't THAT far from goal. You will loose 20 apon delivery and with the treadmil, the last few will be a distant memory.

    Todays plans, drinking more water! lol WI is tonight, I need to drink lots betwn now and 1, then whatever happens after that is meant to be. Not gonna stress over water weight.
  • Flower... you lost 20 pounds upon delivery??? WOW, I lost maybe 10, but I only gained 30. You are doing AWESOME on your walking!!!!

    Lori--- Hey hey! Glad the PG is going well. I loved being PG, but we have decided that we are happy with our 2 now. Do you know what you are having or is it a suprise?? I never knew until the end, and was convinced my 2nd was a boy... but she wasn't as you all know. It really added to the excitement not knowing, even tho I wanted to know so badly.

    I am swamped today....
  • Hi Ladies
    Lori! you are doing so well
    Jen if/when Dh and I decide to try for Kids I'd have to know!
    Flower 20 pounds that's fantastic. you really are doing great

    I'm waiting for a new project at work so i actually get to have a lunch hour! Amazing
    I'm hitting the library tonight and am going to get a book or 2 on writing and one on knitting
    I need to get my creative juices flowing!
    We're going to put the pantry up tonight so we can have our kitchen back!
    Eating is crap I'm tired of salad! I'm goign to cruise some boards looking for good recipes Baked chicken isn't cutting it anymore!
  • Jen-I have no idea what I am having. We decided to go for the surprise. Everyone thinks it is a boy...I'm getting excited to know!! I lost 20 pounds right away after having Sara, then never got the last ten off...plus the 12-15 I had gained before getting PG!! Oh well-this time is a new start.

    Kier-I have a good recipe Called Baked Chicken Breasts Supreme-if you use LF or FF sour cream the points are only for chicken and breadcrumbs-but if you are still low carb it probably wouldn't work....let me know if you want it...