The Cow Pig

  • Thought s/he needed a thread by itself.

  • Hippo-What weird and disturbing little creature, in a so ugly it's cute sort of way. Where on Earth is that thing? I tell ya not something we folks here in "The Settlement" would find LOL!! Cities are so fun, they are full of all kinds of interesting things to discover.
  • *giggles* Wow...both disturbing and intriguing. I can see why you sought its wisdom, for it does seem very wise. *sage nod*
  • It is in the indoor walkway. It is in a big glass display case with two spotlights on it. I was disturbed and thought it was ugly at first, too. Yesterday, I took a closer look. . .sure she has bad teeth and quite a bit of flab, but who knows how long she has been stuck sitting in there? Probably not her fault. Is not like she can exercise. I wonder if people would understand why I was talking to her if they walked past. . .
  • I dont really know what to say.
