How do i join Night Owls?

  • I'm new to this forum and definitly a night owl. How can I become a part of the group?
  • I don't know where all the old night owls are, but I am sure you would be welcomed to the group - if they ever come back. I was here over 6 weeks ago and no one that I knew came and wrote and message. Maybe we have a lot of lurkers!!!!


  • Hi Stephie!

    Hope you're still around - I haven't been around much lately, but I'm looking to change that. This group was full of those of us who are up a night. Now we just have to bring them back out of the woodwork!

    Looking at your stats, you look like you're doing create! Keep that up!
  • Hi Elaine:

    Nice to see you back.

    Freddie (from Hampton, VA)
  • I don't know if I can join this group, as I'm not too much of a night owl, but I am on the other side of the world, so I'm awake when most of the USA is still asleep. Does that count?

  • Hi Meg - As you can see by Elaine's post, we're pretty much an open group. So, welcome! I haven't seen Brenda around but then I just got back here myself...soooooo...I'm sure she's busy doing something. Anyway, I know you'll like this group. As Elaine suggested, you'll probabaly see us "coming out of the woodwork" now.
  • Anyone's welcome, Meg! And it's always dark in some part of the world, so we can always be nightowls - somewhere!