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Sweater Girl 03-09-2005 07:09 AM

Wednesday/Thursday (March 9 and 10)
Morning All,

Anyway, I was exhibiting all these symptoms of pregnancy (I was constipated, gassy, bloated, had nausea, acne, dizzy etc) and my last period was shorter and somewhat lighter than usual, but I took the test this morning and it was negative and I am bummed and slightly relieved at the exact same time (more bummed though).

Anyway I am doing okay... my boyfriends reaction was "so what's wrong then" (oh yeah I have been very emotional for the last few weeks). I am guessing my hormones are acting up and I wasn't eating enough carbs maybe... Anyway, if my period doesn't arrive next week, I purchased a 2pack of tests so I'll test again.

He reacted well when I told him I suspected I was pregnant. He was happier than I was actually and he was smiling and everything... He didn't act anything like I thought he would, but hey it was a good thing.

Just found out my high school is doing the 10 year thing (in Quebec high school ends in grade 11)... I am actually going to go I think!! I posted a nice happy upbeat message on the board.... I know I am really different from how I was in high school (not just physically) and it would be cool just to see how everyone is doing now!

I am doing a 10K race Saturday morning and then heading up to Tremblant with a few gals and having a girls weekend! Should be fun!

Belle: Maybe Ralph Klein could Seranade Bono?

Anyway take care!


KO 03-09-2005 08:33 AM

ALI OMGOMGOMGOMG YAY RING SHOPPPPPPPING! and as for the PGness if you are thats great and if your not More time to plan!!
I had sleep last night and after a massively craptastic day yesterday I'm determined to have a good day!
Oh and While its not official WW My bloated butt got on the scale this morning (we had stuff with soysauce last night) and it said a delightful 201 so I'm rounding the corner to ONEDERLAND!!
BTW I'm loving doing FLORE (Flex and Core) I have a bit more freedom and I'm not goign crazy with Portions or with crappy food.

Belle2000 03-09-2005 10:06 AM

ALI!!! That is wicked! so you guys are totally at the marriage thing now!! Have fun shopping for the ring - are you guys going together? The pg thing...hard to say. I had a weird period and then was pg too. I didn't show on a test til I was 5 weeks though. ANd even then, it was only slight. I would def do another one in a week and maybe even one more. Just to be certain, cuz you certainly don't want to drink while you are pg. And are you taking a pre-natal vitamin? You really need the folic acid pre-conception (or were you allergic to it?) If so, you might want to eat more in your diet. Just in case this is an oops or if you have another oops, you know? THe repercussions (spina bifida, nervous system problems) are irreversible. And the first trimester is the most important that way...

Geez, you'd think I was pregnant or something!?

I guess I am not so jealous re: U2 if you haven't had them since we were in elementary school. We had them here for the last tour (2 dates). That was teh first time for us. They did do Edmonton for the Pop tour (2 dates) in '97. I have seen them three times. But I love them... :(
OH and good luck on your 10K Ali!

Kier - woo hoo on onederland girl!! FLORE seems to be working for you well. I am sending you good vibes for an awesome day. :D :D :D

Must get some work done now...I worked til 6pm last night (from 7:30) and am not keen on working stupid hours again today, so I better make the most of the 8 hours I commit to (not 10 or 11).

Adios amigas!

aflynn 03-09-2005 01:32 PM

Back from vacation here! Wishing away my hours at work and trying to think of the next vacation to plan!! I was so nervous to weigh in after vacation, but went anyways, and found that I had lost 5lbs, for the past 2 weeks. Boy was I happy. I did a lot of eating, but apparently did a lot of walking too!!

the past 5 lbs of loss have now put me into the next weight cutoff and I lost 2 pts each day, you would think that I was told I couldn't eat anymore, I feel like I am always hungry now, even though it is only 2 points!! What a nut am I?!?



Belle2000 03-09-2005 05:31 PM

Anna, that is totally psychological and I know LOTS of people (including me) that have had that when they get to a new target! You aren't alone. But CONGRATS on your loss! I always lose weight too when sightseeing, etc. Even though I eat more. :o)

jkbunch 03-09-2005 11:41 PM

It is so exciting to hear pregnancy information and people who think they are pregnant. It makes me all happy inside...hehe. Can you tell I want a baby so badly??? I need to lose this weight and get through school first. haha I am getitng better, definetly back to eating, I ate crappy today. I was thinking I could comensate for lack of eating, stupid me. I will definetly be at the gym. I start doing WW in January and I have only lost six pounds but at least I am not gaining. I think I need to be stricter with myself as well. Keep posting baby news...I love to hear that stuff.

sweatergirl- how did you train for the 10k, i want to do some kind of marathon like that for a goal. But i am so slow and worried I would look like a dummy out there. How long did it take you to get there. That is so cool you are doing a marathon!!

Sweater Girl 03-10-2005 07:39 AM

JK: I am a complete slow poke when it comes to running. Time doesn't matter really. I want to do a marathon too (I am looking at May 2006 as a target date). I'd recommend taking a beginner's running course (there are some on-line <from couch2 5K>) and then sign up for some 5Ks, then to some 10Ks and once you have a base there ( a year of running should be enough) you could probably head towards marathon. Now in reality you can do marathon training w/o real running experience, but it would be a really hard run. Building the base will make it easier.

Belle: I take a vitamin with folic acid in it (with the proper amount). Sacha's half cousin has spina bifida so I know I have to be conscientious about it. Yup we're going ring shopping together. He wants me to get something he'll know I like.

Kierie: Well Sacha is already telling people that I am his fiance.

Anna: If you want to be a rebel, don't drop those two points. You might be surprised:)



Belle2000 03-10-2005 10:25 AM

JK you might regret that....I could go on and on about baby stuff!

jkbunch 03-10-2005 12:29 PM

sweatergirl- Congrats on ring shopping by the way! I looked up couch to 5k and I think i am going to start it. I really would like to make myself an athlete instead of just someone who exercises. Does that sound wierd? I guess it just gives me a goal. I am doing so bad on exercise and eating this week, I am blaming it on school though and I got really sick over the weekend. I shouldn't but right now I am fed up with everything. And it is a week before my period..woohoo. Anyway thanks for the info.

Belle-I love to hear about baby stuff, I am still prodding my sister and her little one is a year and a couple months. I watched her on Tuesday and had so much fun with her. And I am such a dork because I am going to speech pathologist so I sat there and analyzed her language development. I just think having a baby is the most miraculous thing ever. Plus it is good to hear things before I have one of my own. ;)

I hope everyone is having a good day, I need to get back to some hard core work!

perkins821 03-13-2005 04:40 PM

Oh, I am new here, but ya'll are talking about babies! I have massive baby fever right now! I told my husband that in September I want to start trying to get pregnant. (Good-bye BC patch!!!) That is my main motivation for losing weight. I have 39 more to go-do you think that is do-able in 6 months?? I hope so! And it seems to be working for me. I started WW on I think it was 3/2/05-yah, that sounds right, and already I have lost 4 lbs!!!! Yay! This has been the one thing I have been able to stick to and lose weight. And today I started working out!

Well, good luck to everyone with their goals-we can do it!!! :cb: :goodluck:

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