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Sweater Girl 12-28-2004 09:30 AM

Hey all,

I am just relaxing today. I work the rest of the week!

Anyway I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas... I am beginning to relax. I think I gained this month, but my eating is getting better... It reminded me that although my binge eating problem is getting better, it isn't gone yet.

Happy New Year! Maybe I should start a challenge?



JessIsOK 12-28-2004 04:11 PM

Hi Ali!!! What's going on with today's thread? I can't believe how slow it is. Maybe people are taking this week off of work or something since Friday is a holiday.

Good news--Aaron is officially moved out. He left on Thursday of last week and only has a few things left in the apartment. We are attempting to maintain the friendship that we've always had and it's working so far, but then again, neither of us is dating yet. I'm afraid things will get rocky when that happens. It's nice to have the apartment to myself and it's finally looking really good (if I do say so myself).

Bad news--Last night, I saw a picture of myself that was taken on Christmas Day and I can't believe how incredibly freaking fat I've become. I am seriously disgusting. You guys might think I'm being too hard on myself, but I can't believe how gross I look and I feel so embarassed for even going out in public in the condition I'm in. Some people carry extra weight well, but I'm not one of them. I carry it all in my stomach and my face/chin. That picture is awful... So, I'm blowing it up, making a bunch of copies and hanging it all over my apartment. Man, I have so much work to do on myself.

I was going to start re-learning how to eat today, but a friend asked me to join her for our last hurrah (eating-wise) at a Chinese buffet tonight. Crab rangoons, here I come!! Tonight, I'm going to go around my apartment, purging it of all things evil (mostly just gumdrops and Christmas-colored jellybeans) and planning my eating for the rest of the week.

Anyway, I have to get some more work done, so I gotta go, but come out and post, people!!! ;)

KO 12-28-2004 07:38 PM

I'll do a proper post tommorrow I'm kinda blah today with alot of my festivities over the house is Chock full of baddies cookies scones you name it
I was wondering if you guys wanted to do the discovery channel national body challenge you get 2 months free at Ballys! I'm goign to see if DH wants to do it (as he's my ride)
Jess 1 YAY THE LEECH IS GONE 2 I had the same picture experience bleh!!!!!
Ali HI!

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