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KO 06-02-2003 02:56 AM

Monday, Monday, Monday!
it's a 1/4 to 3 theres no one in the place but you and me.
It is 1/4 to 3 so I couldnt help but paraphrase Old Blue eyes
It will be day 5 of me doign a sensible LC Way of eating and I will say for me its working
I'm doing it sensibly tons of veggies and not going wacko on the fat front tho i kinda did sunday and i Paid for it my tummy went berzerko But the upshot is I'm not as stiff I'm not sore and I have more energy
but i'm not abandoning my ww roots either
nor do I plan on completely abandoning carbs more like picking them sensibly and fitting them into a high veggie + protien way of eating
Enuf o my blathering Down to Brass tacks!
and without giving anything away It totally leaves you hanging!
alright Going to bed its 2:52 and my eyes are closin

aaronsmom 06-02-2003 07:49 AM

Oh, I did want to see that movie, but like most movies, will probably wait until it comes out on video. When you figure in the price of a baby sitter for a couple of hours, the movies get to be prohibitively expensive.

So how is everyone today? And how are Tonya and Lori, the little mamas-to-be?

I'm having a conundrum ( I just love that word). I have been low-carbing perfectly, no cheating, for six weeks now. Tomorrow is my birthday, and I am considering having an entire day-o'-cheating. I've been obsessing over doughnuts, Taco Bell, and burgers and fries lately, and I thought that maybe if I give myself a day to do whatever and limit it to that day, that might be a happy middle ground. I'm also afraid if I don't have a cheat here and there that I've planned, I will totally lose it and not be able to stick to anything. On the flip side, what if that one day of going nuts makes me just flip out and realize everything I'm missing? Advise, please, I need you guys! :)

Looking forward to hearing from all of you happy posters today!!

JessIsOK 06-02-2003 09:37 AM

Good Morning!!
Well, it's Monday again already. How was everyone's weekend? Mine was pretty uneventful, except for the eating. Aaron and I went out to dinner Friday night, Saturday night, and last night. This has got to stop!! I just can't figure out why I can't get OP and just stay OP. It's like I'll have one great week, then use that one good week as an excuse to totally blow it for two weeks after that. I've done some thinking about what I need to do, and hopefully I can do that.

Work is still kind of crap-ola. And, I'm disappointed because a job that posted internally closed on Friday and not today. I was going to apply, but didn't get my application in. Hopefully I can still apply, but I'm not holding my breath, but cross your fingers for me anyway, will you? :)

Jayne--As far as whether or not to eat what you want on your birthday, I say go for it. I have a feeling that once you do eat some of that stuff, you'll be like "I don't see what the big deal was". That seems to be the way it happens with me. Either that, or it'll upset your stomach so bad that you'll never want to eat it again. :)

Kier--I gotta go see that movie!! One of these days...

Hope you all have a wonderful, OP day. I'm off to start the DBD Thread. :)

WinterGirl 06-02-2003 09:43 AM

Kierie - I have no idea how you manage to stay up so late - I was in bed before 9PM last night.

Jayne - I say you celebrate your birthday by enjoying a few of the things you've been craving. Telling myself I can "never" have something usually is a big backfire. You could always help get back on track the next day by setting a future date (say 6 weeks from Wed) that you could "cheat". You don't have to follow through on that day when the time comes but letting yourself know it is there as an option might be just what you need.

Had a good weekend. Cleaned the house Friday night, worked Saturday, had dinner with CB and his sister's and their families that night, did some yard work and was generally lazy yesterday.

We looked at treadmills but didn't buy because we didn't like the pushy salesguy (who wouldn't leave us alone even though he wouldn't get a commission on the sale 'cuz I'm an employee- which we told him). Going to do a little research today and hopefully buy tonight.

Well need to get to work. Have a great day.


Grace, Grace 06-02-2003 10:32 AM

Morning Ladies!

Jayne-my Bday is today!! I know what you mean about splurging. Dh is taking me out to dinner tonight. My goals is just to not overeat. I am not going to abstain from anything in particular. I agree with Laura splurge on a few things. Have a great b-day. I am the big 2-7 today.

Laura- I would love a treadmill. My MIL bought one that is great and we know she will get tired of it so we are hoping that she' ll pass it on.

Jess- I know what you mean DH and I ate out all wknd. I FINALLY grocery shopped last night and bought some healthy food. YAY!!!

Kieri- It sounds like you have a good plan! I thought Matrix was OK it is typically not my kind of movie. DH, my sister and I saw "Wrong Turn" this wknd only b/c I did it as a favor for my sister who recently broke up with her bf. I hate scary movies but it was good.

Well, big news! MY DH just called me and said that he needs to start losing wt. I mentioned WWer's and he said that we would start tomorrow (due to b-day dinner:s: ) I hope he is serious. It will be so wonderful to have him do this with me although I really haven't begun WWer's officially b/c I didn't do points last wk like I had planned. Anyways ladies keep those fingers crossed we both could lose about 50 pds each. Well I will talk to all of you soon!

KO 06-02-2003 10:37 AM

hey Ladies I'm finally up and ready to concquer the world
Laura Last night i wasn't up by choice I'm a late night/ealy moring person. . . until get a job grandma sitting is a bit taxing on the nerves so I take the time I actually have to myself and run with it. as for the pushy sales guy pffft don't they understand how to sell? no one buysfrom pushy ppl unless they are pushovers

Morning Jess :D #1 apply for the job what do you have to lose?
and #2 you'll get back OP b/c you want to take care of yourself and you will

Jayne! my darling lC-er and fellow soon to be bday girl I say have the cheat day but pick out what you really want and enjoy that so you don't end up having a binge day so whatever high carb meals/snacks you want to have
In actuality Ithink a free day every now and then might keep us all on track
I'm not sure about having a free day at this point for myself but I have a wedding on the 8th and my bday on the 9th so lol I'm at a loss budumbum chhhhh
alright time to go feed the natives

btw Laura I dream of bed by 9

KO 06-02-2003 10:40 AM

:balloons: :gift: :hb: :cb: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECKY!!!!!!!!!

KO 06-02-2003 12:26 PM

ok its a beautiful day I have an irate sister and grandmother do you think I'm staying in this house?
oh and I did find my pair of short term goal pants
They're ddie bauer size 18 not womans sized and Everythign fits except the tummy I'm goign to try them on every monday till they fit!

Horsey girl 06-02-2003 12:58 PM

Well, I can't outdo Kier's smilies but Happy Birthday Becky!!
I am very tired today. Spent the weekend helping a friend move. I had some borrowed truck problems and ended up sitting at a gas station waiting for a key that would actually start the truck cause the one I was using was completely worn out. That was fun. I went to see Jesus Christ Superstar before the move started. The understudy was in for the main guy (judas) so we were VERY disappointed and they wouldn't give us back our money or let us come to a show the main guy was doing - we would never have spent that kind of money on the tickets if we had known the understudy would be in. Oh well, other parts of the production were good and we had a good dinner after. Now my course is done and I have no excuse to eat like that anymore. I borrowed some Tae Bo tapes from a friend last night and today at lunch I don't have to study so I will go for a walk then. Yay exercise!
Kier - Do you have more energy when you're LC-ing? I'm finding myself tired all the time now that I've put carbs back in. I think I may get rid of them again.
Jayne - I guess same question about being tired? I think a day of cheats will not hurt you - unless it turns into a week of cheats (which is what happens to me when I stop going to meetings.) You may be surprised at how your body reacts too.
Jess -definitely apply for the job anyway, you never know...
Laura - Treadmill shopping sounds like fun. I'm thinking about getting one before I go back to school but I don't know if I'll actually use it. Let us know where you end up getting it.
Becky - are you doing anything fun for your birthday?

Again, this took longer than I meant for it to. Hope everyone has a great day. I'll check back later.

lexxy2 06-02-2003 01:07 PM

Hey girls,

I'm trying to get back on track here. I've already eaten a ton this morning, but at least I'm tracking it now. Baby steps....

Happy Birthday Becky!! Have great dinner tonight.

Jayne, I would be into having the splurge day too, although we can all see how long it takes me to get back on track here! If you can limit it to just that day, go for it!

Kier, I'm a late night person too - last night I had to give in and take sleeping pills, so of course I couldn't get my *** out of bed this morning.

Hey Jess and Laura, good to see you hanging in there. Has Lori been around at all?

Anyway, I need to get back to eating well and exercising, because I know I will feel so much better about myself. I know it's not all bad having to move around and not eat everything I want. On a total other note, I am pretty bummed because I FINALLY met a guy that I have great chemistry with and really like - and I think he feels the same way - but he has a girlfriend. I don't think either of us are the type to go for it anyway, so it is very bittersweet. Maybe if I can get my butt into shape I can get out there and meet some SINGLE guys.

WinterGirl 06-02-2003 02:21 PM

Becky - Here's to a very Happy Birthday to my fellow Michigan Native! Hope that you and hubby have a great evening. And what a wonderful b-day present if your husband wants to start WWer's with you!

Jess - I missed out on an internal posting because I was away on vacation when it posted. My company wouldn't let me apply after the deadline. I say you go for it - and I will keep my finger's crossed that they aren't a stickler for rules. BTW - I think we're having the virtual same life thing again - CB LOVES to eat out - and while I know I could make healthier choices I still think the key to me losing is less eating out so I have more control over what I'm putting in my mouth.

Kierie - pants-o-meter. Much healthier way to track your progress. I believe JenK uses this method.

KT - Bet you are glad class is done. Hope you will have some time for yourself now. Did you ever see the Dr. about your headaches?

Lexxy - glad your back. We need to find you a pool of NICE SINGLE guys to date from. Haven't seen Lori (Modkitten) here or on IM in awhile.

Had a great yoga practice on my lunch hour. I'm totally mellow now.


JessIsOK 06-02-2003 03:42 PM

Sad day...
Before I break the sad news, I'm going to do a little responding...

Becki--I wish BF would do that with me. Unfortunately, he has NO trouble losing weight. He quit drinking regular Coke and lost about 30 lbs. He has no trouble just having one meal a day. I don't know how, because meals are the three highlights of my day. :lol: And, just think how nice it would be to have someone to count points with, exercise with, look for recipes with, etc. It'll probably bring you guys even closer!! :)

Bad news about the job--it's too late. It closed on Friday, but I thought that maybe they'd still let me apply. No go. Oh well, if I had got the job, it would have only been like a $6 an hour raise... Seriously, this way I can go to school and that's more important to me. No matter what happens here, I still want a degree. And if work can help me get it, even better.

Kier--Judging by pants size is a good way to go. Judging by the way my pants are fitting, I need a bigger size--pants are also a great motivator. :)

KT--What a disappointment about JC Superstar! I suppose they couldn't refund your money because then they'd have to do it for everyone... But I think they should have let you come back and see the main guy.

Lexxy--Come to Nebraska. Now that I'm back together with Aaron, it seems like there's single men everywhere... I'll hook you up. ;)

Laura--I told Aaron NO MORE eating out for a month. Of course, he already has plans to go out again on Friday. But, we can do that if I can keep it under control all week and bank some points. Of course, the weekend is when WW goes all to crap, but this weekend is going to be different, dangit!

Which reminds me, I had a breakdown about my weight gain yesterday. It's probably 95% TOM icks, but Aaron and I were walking out the door and I suddenly almost scream "I CAN'T WEAR THIS!!!" and run into the bedroom to change into some elastic-waists. Poor Aaron didn't know what to think. He said "Honey, I think you look fine no matter what." And I know he means it, but he doesn't understand the feeling of having your fat squeezing over the top of your pants and showing under your shirt. It's just such an awful feeling and not one that guys get much because all their clothes are baggy. That awful feeling yesterday will probably help keep me motivated for the next couple of weeks. It was just terrible. :(

Speaking of bad things, I got news awhile ago that we're going to have to put our cat to sleep. I grew up with Chipper in the house and it's very sad. I did my crying and am now into dealing with it, but it really sucks. What a crappy Monday... I wonder if this is a good enough excuse to skip the second workout of the day...???

LoriD 06-02-2003 03:46 PM

Hi everyone!
Hi everyone-I saw matrix reloaded-it was ok but I liked the first one better. I had my baby shower this weekend-we have a lot of very generous family and friends..we were astounded at the number of gifts we got. This baby will be very loved, I can tell...
So here is a question. We had a baby shower and everyone was very generous. When the baby is born i want to send out birth announcements, especially because we don't know if we are having a boy or a girl and people want to know. Would it be rude to send these to the people who were at the shower? i don't want it to seem like i am asking for gifts....

Otherwise, I am feeling fine, but HUGE! I saw a picture of my backside from the shower and was very sad. On the up side, my calves still look OK:lol:
And it's all for a good cause. So far I am up 17 lbs. i WI regularly every Wednesday on my home scale to keep myself accountable. Can't wait till August though! I am really livin large now-can't imagine how I'll be in two more months!!!

LoriD 06-02-2003 03:47 PM

Jess-we were posting at the same time-sorry about your cat! I'd be heartbroken if something were to happen to our dog...:(

kimobi 06-02-2003 03:55 PM

Jess: I think your day is a good excuse for Ben and Jerry's. But get the frozen yogurt. Feel free to vent to us anytime and I hope your week gets better!


Kier: You've been a busy Internet bee today. How are ya?

Lori: I think birth announcements would be fine, even for shower people. You could word it carefully and say something like,"In case you were wondering (and we were, too) it's a boy/girl!" But more clever than that.

Speaking of babies, I'm off birth control pills! I'm going to give myself three or four months to lose weight, get the BCP out of my system and then hopefully ... it won't take too long to get pregnant. One of my best friends became a new daddy last week. I am DEFINITELY feeling the baby bug. I want one.

Well, gotta run. Editor coming this way. Hi to whoever I missed.

WinterGirl 06-02-2003 04:35 PM

Lori - I don't think birth announcements would be rude. Even if I attended a shower and gave a gift, I'd still want to know that the baby was born healthy, had a name, etc. etc.

Kim - I can't pretend to understand the baby bug but I hope you have a lot of fun trying for one! Be careful getting the BCP out of your system...my sister had the 3 to 4 months plan and got PG the first month.

Jess - I'm sorry you are having such a rough day honey. My sympathies on the news about your cat. Regarding the job - sucks that they wouldn't let you apply - my company pays x $'s per year towards school for any employee - does your's offer a program like that? You might not have to wait until you earn more that way. Finally - I've had totally weight/clothing meltdowns too. Once CB waited and admired about a dozen outfits that I tried on - and I didn't buy a single one - because it would have meant buying a larger size than last summer. I cried in the dressing room and on the way out of the store and he totally didn't get it - he kept saying that I looked great and why wasn't I getting anything? And I hate that chub above the waistline that shows under my shirt. Ugh!

Must work.


aaronsmom 06-02-2003 05:45 PM

Let the Novella Begin!
Laura and Jess, I am SO shopping for clothes with you girls next time I go...you really understand. We could study each other from behind carefully for long periods of time and from every possible angle to see how fat our butts looked in outfits. You guys would totally understand the concept of the acceptable level of looking "ok" on me. Somehow Drew just doesn't get it...

Jess, I am so sorry about your cat. I remember when I found out about my kitty, Socks, that I had since I was 8, I was up all night for 2 nights, just crying and feeling so sad. My heart goes out to you honey...hang in there!

Kim, I will pray for the PG fairy to come and get you in 3-4 months...gosh, we'll have to start a baby photo webpage for all of us to post pics of the babes on soon!

Lori, did you feel completely awkward at your shower because you got so many things from so many people? I did. :) But hey, I bet you also had a lot of fun and are now at home folding and refolding all of the tiny little clothes. Setting up all of the baby stuff is so much fun!

Lexxy, on the positive side, at least you know that there are guys out there that you would be interested in. SO keep one ear on his situation,and if you hear rumors of breakup, be all over that. In the meantime, if there is one, there will be more...don't give up looking! As far as getting back on track, you WILL starting tonight. If you go out, you WILL drink only MIller Lite for 2 poitns a bottle and you WILL only eat a grilled chicken sandwich and NO FRIES and that's just it. This is the big pep talk I used to give myself when getting back on track, and strangely enough, there were a few times when it even worked. You can do it baby!!!!

Kt, what a bummer about the understudy. I would have been disappointed too. You are such a nice friend to help friends move, which is the world's crummiest job. I am not sure about the more energy through low-carbing right now, because at the moment I have a pretty painful ulcer and the bacterial infection that goes along with that in my tummy. SO I'm kind of in pain and tired a lot. It's getting scoped on Friday so that they can finally do something about it, but in the meantime we have to put off taking Clomid and trying to have another baby until that is resolved. SO between my tiredness from sore tummy and being really disappointed, I don't know about the energy thing yet. But I will let you know.

Kier, I am so going to hold you to that Monday try-on thingie. And one of these Mondays, not only will you get them on, they will fall right off of your skinny little butt! Hoo-yah! Slip the irate family members some valium, so you can have some time to relax! ;)

and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my almost birthday twin, Becky...just think, we are only two years and a day apart (I'll be 29). Have fun tonight, and that was great advice about not overeating...who wants to ruin a birthday evening being so bloated and uncomfortable you can hardly stand it!

Ok, just got back from the dentist. We thought I needed a root canal, turns out with a minor shave-down to adjust my bite, I need nothing of the sort. So since we had put the money into our flexible spending account and we'll lose it if we don't spend it somehow, I came home witha tooth bleaching system. I am wearing the trays right now, and I sound just dumb...a big lisp, unable to say my "rr"'s. I spoke to a telemarketer in my full speech-impediment glory -- he asked if my parents were home. I said no, call back later when my dad gets home from work. Drew should enjoy that one!

Cleaning Lady Toni (who I think is a miracle worker) came today, so I'm going to go now to have a long hot soak in my freshly-scrubbed (and the best part, not by me) bathtub.

Later, ladies!!!

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