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WinterGirl 04-28-2003 09:26 AM

Move It Monday
Starting post.......


WinterGirl 04-28-2003 09:32 AM

Well, I didn't get as much moving done as I had planned this morning due to an unfortunate encounter with the mattress magnets. The good news is that instead of just saying "screw it" and not doing anything at all because I couldn't do a full hour, I got up and did my 1 mile WATP. If it doesn't rain this evening, I'm going to walk around my neighborhood and steal ideas for planting flowers! What plans do you all have for adding some movement to your day?

Hope you each had an enjoyable weekend. I had a busy one. Friday night we had grocery shopping and I cleaned the house. Saturday I mowed the lawn, weed wacked, cleaned up the garage, worked a short (6hr) shift, and went to a party a friend was throwing. Sunday, 2 of my girlfriends and CB helped me finish painting the inside of the house. I'm so excited that all the painting is done. Plus, they rearranged the furniture in the guest rooms and they look so much better - bonus!



modkittn 04-28-2003 10:11 AM

Hello ladies!
Hey Laura! Sorry to hear you didn't get as much exercise as you wanted. I didn't either. It poured out Saturday. But I did the Pilates tape (1 hour) and yesterday I wanted to go for a walk but didn't get the chance.

So I must say that since I started taking the anti-depressant, things have gotten MUCH better. ED rarely comes back and I am SO SO SO SO happy about that. In fact, there was one day I posted that my weight was 162 (Thursday?) and I got on the scale today and it was 159. So I am happy about that. I haven't weighed in this month so I have to go before Thursday. Maybe I will go tonight...hnmmm :)

Hope you are all having a good day. I'm going to start a journal thread. Be back later! :)

PS Kristen...I used to live north of Boston in Methuen and just moved to Middletown, RI about a year ago. Which WW center do you go to? I used to go to Chelmsford...I really liked the leader I had there!

JessIsOK 04-28-2003 10:56 AM

Good Morning!
Good morning Laura, Lori, and anyone posting while I post... :)

My weekend was pretty boring. Friday night, I stayed at home and stamped (Convention is coming up, so I want to have a bunch of things to swap). Saturday morning, I had to work at second job. Saturday night, Aaron and I got dinner and a movie, and yesterday I had stamp club. I didn't even feel like I got much of a weekend.

Yep, you saw correctly, Aaron is still in the picture... I don't really know what I'm doing as far as all of this goes. Kind of just hanging out until something happens, I guess.

So, I started a challenge. I hope that you guys like it. I think it's exactly what I need to get going again. I've also decided to pick a date and really start going OP again. That date is May 1, so you guys have to hold me to it, OK? :lol: During the next few days, I'm going to start getting myself hyped up to start. I'll be dusting off my copy of Thin for Life, digging out my WW recipe collection, and getting myself hyped up. I hope this works, guys. Apparently my dad said he could tell I'd put on weight. Sheesh, I've only put on 5 lbs, I didn't think it showed that much... But, I am getting a little uncomfortable in jeans that used to fit perfectly. Plus, I'm having a garage sale in May and would like to use that money to buy clothes for when I'm at goal, not for when I'm 20 lbs away. So, wish me luck! :)

Laura--I can't believe you don't do your WATP tapes every morning. What better way to start the day than with a little bit of "The Randy"? If my mattress magnets weren't so strong, I'd do it every morning.

Lori--I'm so glad to hear that ED isn't bothering you since you've been taking the anti-depressants. And 159, yay!! I'm so jealous, but also very proud of you! :jig:

OK, I gotta get some work done, but before I go, could I ask you guys to tell me some things that you eat? I gotta start getting some ideas!! :)

Thanks so much!

star19600 04-28-2003 12:35 PM

Good morning Laura, Lori, Jess, everyone else...

I haven't been doing so well lately on the eating front. Once again, I've gotten myself into the habit of exercising, but I can't bring myself to go the other step and stop eating so much! And that's what will really make the difference I know. So this week is a new week, and I'm going to make this the week that I make a difference! I've discovered a new goal for myself: I have a 5-year high school reunion at some point this summer, and although I'm down to my high school weight, I'd like to finally be in shape for once! Don't know the date or anything of the reunion, but I'm going to use this as my motivation!

Laura-- Sounded like you had a busy weekend! Since I'm in an apt right now, I kind of wish I actually had a yard to mow and flowers to plant.... sigh. long term goals i guess!

Lori -- I just ordered the Winsor Pilates online. Are these the ones you're doing? I hope they come soon because I'm very excited about trying them out!

Jess -- the challenge idea sounds great!

Well, back to work, hopefully not too many cranky people will call me today!

WinterGirl 04-28-2003 01:06 PM

People are morons.....I'm really feeling the urge to self-medicate against the stupidty of people by indulging in an oversize order of fries from the cafeteria.

Somebody save me from myself!


kimobi 04-28-2003 01:19 PM

No, Laura, no! Resist!

Want half of my brownie?:devil:

I'm telling myself it's OK, because I had a salad for lunch and I'm drinking a diet coke. And I'm joining the YMCA gym tonight. I even brought my work-out clothes so I'd have no excuse.

JessIsOK 04-28-2003 01:36 PM

Step Away From the Fries

Go ahead, eat the fries. Randy won't want you anymore and then I can have him. :devil:

Seriously, don't do it. You'll just regret doing it later and unfortunarely, turning to naughty food won't make stupid people any smarter.

You can do it! Be tough!! :)

OK, I gotta get a little more work done before I go to Physical Therapy today. I'll probably stop back in later!


WinterGirl 04-28-2003 01:46 PM

So I went to the cafeteria and got.....

Diet Coke!!!!!

It's not water, but it ain't fries either!

You guys are evil! I need will power and you guys offer 1/2 a brownie or threaten to steal my man Randy?

Evil, pure evil.


aaronsmom 04-28-2003 02:21 PM

Awww, Laura -- I would never let you down lik those two turkeys! Diet coke and thin are going to feel better than any greasy french fry ever will. Think about it, those fries are rarely hot and fresh when you get them. They're usually cold and kind of touch and not very good. And let's face it -- fries pretty much aren't even worth it unless you're at McDonald's anyway. And even then, with those gorgeous new salads they have, who needs fries? So the moral of the ramble is, you really don't ever need fries. Just grab some oreida from the grocery store, go home and bake up a two point serving...much more worth it!!!

Jen-L 04-28-2003 02:28 PM

Hey all, this is a quicky because I am leaving soon. Went to the doctor this morning and I am finally dilating. OK only 1 cm and this could last a week, but at least my body is finally moving. My back now aches and I can't wait for this baby to be born.

I'll keep you posted.

Horsey girl 04-28-2003 03:16 PM

Hi everyone! I stayed home from work on Friday cause my allergies have been driving me crazy. The people in this office wear way too much perfume. That combined with the whole "pollen season" thing is a bad combination. Then I went to a friend's to watch the hockey game that night and do laundry. It was a great game! Unlike last night's game which I actually went to and sucked. At least I had a great time (and met some cute boys.) Saturday night I had friends over for a games night and I did spinach artichoke dip appy and hummus and veggies and egg rolls and bought an evil cake for dessert. So wth all that evil yummy food how'd I do? Not so great. 4 egg rolls (but baked so maybe not the worst as far as points go) The dip is low fat but the chips I ate it with were not and potato chips (my weakness) along with a couple of drinks that sent me waaaayyy over points not to mention a big piece of cake. The good part of it was, I sent the rest of the cake home with one of my guests and when my brother came over sunday morning I gave him all the leftovers so they're not tempting me at my house and I went right back on the plan for Sunday. That was easy cause we took a bus to the game last night and that made me sick so I wasn't tempted by yummy, extremely overpriced statium food. Although I did have one drink. I stayed OP. Today I'm back to my low carbs cause it's making me feel good. I WI tomorrow night after not going for 3 weeks. I'm bad!!!
Jen - Yay! It's almost baby time! I'd say go home and relax but maybe you should just go drink castor oil and get that baby out!
Jayne - excellent fry-analogy. It will keep me away from fries for a good 2 weeks.
Laura - speaking of fries - YAY diet coke!
Jess - it's great that you have a goal date. We'll make you stick to it too!
Kim - Let us know how your first YMCA night went.
Angie - excersise is a good start. Now you can do the rest (reunions are a great goal - I was 10# lighter at my high school reunion than I was in high school.)
Lori - glad you're getting things under control with the ED. I'm glad you had the realization that it's not helping. The pilates tape on the otherhand sounds excellent. Way to keep it up. You are bikini-bound.

OK - this turned out a lot longer than I thought. Hope everyone else is having a great day. BBL

kimobi 04-28-2003 04:51 PM

Yay Jen! Keep us posted!

RhubarbJelly 04-28-2003 07:59 PM

Hey gals,

Guess what? In half an hour I'm on my way to my first ever WW meeting! Doing it at home just isn't working for me. I am excited & nervous. I have so many anxious thoughts right now. For some reason I feel like this is my last chance to make a last ditch effort to get rid of this weight! Anyway just thought I'd tell you my news. it might seem like a small thing to you guys but I feel like its taking me a lot of courage to go. I guess its b/c I'm actually acknowledging that I need help & that I really do have a problem (as if anyone can't tell that by looking at me!) Anyway I'll let you know how it goes. I just hope that the leader is good & that I don't feel too embarrassed about my start weight. I'm hoping maybe to make some friends there too since all of ours seem to have moved away or are moving shortly. Anyway I hope you all had a good day. I'll be back tomorrow to let you know how it goes.

Welcome to our new friends! Glad to meet you!

kcatanza 04-28-2003 08:43 PM

hi lori...
i am not sure if you were referring to me, but i'm kristen and i live north of boston... in medford. i attend the malden meetings. i like it so far. they are going to start ww at work in may. but i think i'm still going to go to my saturday morning meetings in malden. how long have you been on the program?

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