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terrod99 12-13-2011 05:51 AM

Hope all are well! Quick fly by!

I am back at the Y mornings, my walking buddy moved on me!!! The chocolate is getting to me at work! Help!

Keep at it gals!


Itryharder 12-13-2011 09:52 AM

Hi Gals,
Got to boardwalk yesterday and had a decent 92% OP day. Good enough for this time of year.

Terri, I used to walk ages ago with a woman in the neighborhood . We'd walk three miles a day. It was great and then she moved and then I went back to work. Ages ago-----but it was interesting how with someone to walk and chat with, the 3miles didn't seem that bad. I love walking with dh but we're not always able to fit it into our schedule. Some is better than none, I guess.

Here's to a good day for all of us!

234.6/183.8/179 and thinner :cool:

life4evr 12-13-2011 11:33 AM

Hey everyone just dropping in real quick. Trying to have an OP day today. The treats were dangerous. I have noticed when there is a lot of snack food around I tend to snack instead of actually eating real meals. Sometrhing I have never really noticed before. Umm the temperature is swinging here. I was forced into the flu shot. So that has me feeling a little uggh. I really need to exercise. But my motivation for that is no where to be found. Hope everyone has a good day.

lots2go 12-14-2011 01:01 PM

Hi all!
Just dropping in to say hey :)
I've done terrible the last few weeks...I've got to crawl back on the wagon. I started anew today. I went to a meeting last week, the first one in forever. I think I'm going to attempt to try the simply filling plan with the power foods. we'll see how that works. IDK, I haven't had any time to sit down and make any plans. I've got to start saying no, and start doing what's best for my body.
I'm sorry I don't have time to read the posts to see how everyone is and to respond to everyone. Hope all is well with everyone and we are all enjoying the Christmas season :)

LaurenH 12-14-2011 03:03 PM

Just a fly-by from me here.

On the weight loss front, things are going well. I'm back on my food plan and losing. Just finishing my first week, very encouraging. Feels good to be treating myself well again.

On the personal front, though, things are very difficult. Mom is in the hospital with rapidly progressing pneumonia, probably due to one of the chemo drugs she was taking. Those of you who pray, please pray for her. I would really appreciate it.

Congrats to all our great turtle losers! Such a hard time of year, and you're doing so well.

loose seal 12-14-2011 04:22 PM

Lauren, I hope your mom improves. {hugs}

lots2go, stopping the downward spiral is sooo hard. It's good you came back and posted.


Well I ate an entire pint of B&J Mint Oreo today. Yes, the whole thing all by my lonesome. Freakin' TOM!! Freakin' hormones!! Ah, I did enjoy it though. OP for b-fast and will be for dinner as well. What's a girl to do? Some months are better than others.

Am finally done running around (almost) for the week and will hopefully be much less exhausted tomorrow. It's easier to stay OP when you're well rested.

I think I'll be glad when the whole holiday scene is over and life goes back to normal. Have a great night all.

Itryharder 12-14-2011 05:58 PM

Hi Lauren,
I still pray and I'm praying for your mother.
I am so glad to hear that you're doing the right thing for yourself and going on to the food plan. I'm sending :goodvibes: to you, your dh and your mom.
God Bless.

Loose Seal, ice cream has a way of doing that. You're right! It will be easier when this holiday season is over. Last week I could have made better choices, but you know what? I had a ball and food was a good part of that.
My dh, kids and I had lots of serendipity moments and I'm up a bit. However, I am determined to get the weight off by our final WI for this challenge on Friday!!!!

Lots2go, so good to see you here. Don't worry about being busy----we all are and some are busier than others. It's all fine. Good luck with getting where you want to be. So glad, again, to see you posting.

To everybody! Keep on keepin' on. This is the trickiest season of the year. Any weight we lose this time of year will be super kudos to us! We can do this. We are doing this.

I'm crazy busy too, but I'll make sure to make time to chime in on our Turtles Challenge on Friday. It's really exciting to see how we've done. I know the thought of this challenge helped me out. I've been far from perfect, but overall, I am happy I didn't gain.

Best to all!
234.6/185/179 and thinner :cool: goal 146# in 2012

Princess1122 12-15-2011 04:38 AM

Just a quick hello to you all!

Things are going a million miles a minute for me right now... 11 - 12 hours days at work and the stress is high - exercise is just not happening and I am eating what I can grab... that about sums it up for me.

Have a great day everyone and I will get on when I can.

terrod99 12-15-2011 06:30 AM

Hey Turtle Gals

Went to Y 3 times this week, very tired last night almost afraid I was coming down with something so stayed in bed extra 45 min this morning. Trying to get my list done! Running out of time. eeeeeeeeeeeek

Oh well! Sounds like everyone is in the same boat. Busy and too many treats around!! Stay strong gals we will make it through this!!!! Together!

Have a great Thursday!!


Itryharder 12-15-2011 09:21 AM

Oh, too busy and too many treats around pretty much sums it up.

Everybody have a great day! I'll see you all at our other site for Friday WI and wrap up of our Biggest Loser Challenge.

I want to remember to drink my water. (And avoid the snackies)
234.6/185.6/179 and thinner :cool: 2012 is my goal year!

CherryAutumn 12-15-2011 12:20 PM

Sorry Turtles,
I have been around just having troubles with my computer and my
posts keep disappearing. Since I am at my moms house I thought I
might give it another try. My weight is good but it is kind of because of
necessity. I had a gallbladder attack on Thursday and so now I need to eat small meals and not get to full. Fear is a good incentive or (bad) depending on how you look at it. I am going to do my best to get on Tomorrow for the final weigh in.

Everyone keep at it.

loose seal 12-15-2011 01:33 PM

Itry . . . yeah it sure does. It kind of took me off guard. I had forgotten the B&J's was even in there then all of a sudden yesterday the voice said 'loose seal, loose seal eat meeee'. Not much I can say or do about it . . it is what it is.

Cherry Autumn . . . I had a gallbladder attack about 5 years ago. I had no idea what it was at the time just that it was awful and lasted all day. I finally remembered I had some leftover Tylenol w/codeine and took that and it eased the pain. Two days later it attacked again. I remember pushing on my left kidney to help ease the pain. Called my hubs and he came home but I guess the stone passed through the gallbladder because everything slowly eased. Went to the doc who said 'you MUST have a Cat Scan (I think that's what I had) NOW!'. Well, 'NOW' was 2 days later because that's when they had an opening. Was just feeling better then they made me drink a ton of some liquid stuff which made my stomach and side hurt all over again. They hurried up and did the test and . . . . . oh yeah, results w/be back in a week and a half then you can wait another 2 or 3 weeks before the doc can see you. Finally saw the doc and . . . . 'oh, this picture of your gallbladder is over a month old, you should go have a blah, blah, blah test done so we can see what's going on now'. :rolleyes: Yeah, right. They recommended to have my g/b taken out. Uh, no thanks I'm kind of fond of it think I'll keep it. They looked at me like I was nuts. Haven't had an attack since then. If I had them frequently I'd consider surgery but for an attack once? No thanks.

Ok, so that was kind of a rambly way of saying I feel your pain! Hope you feel better soon.

Feeling tons better today. Amazing what a good sleep and a body full of ibuprofen can do! Am back on track with the food but had to take the dog back to the vet today. Weird rash on her mouth, bottom and bumps on her back. He thinks it's some kind of bug bites and the one on her bottom looks like it had been infected but since she's still on the antibiotic for her nose he told us to put her on Benedryl for a few weeks. Have a few other things I can do for her but she's ok. Oh and I thought she had lost 2 lbs . . . nope, she really lost 3! She must have had to go to the bathroom or something at last week's weigh in. She is looking good!

I need to start wrapping presents, baking, figuring out my schedule for next week . . . and yet, I have the house to myself for the next hour and Dexter is calling meeeee. What to do , what to do!

Have a great Thursday all and do your best to stay the course.

bandit2 12-16-2011 10:21 AM

Hi everyone - just a quick post to say hi and for everyone to pop over and
post their final weigh ins for our challenge. Thanks to all who participated,
I know it helped me along the way. Had 2 outtings this week & am surprised I was down 2# last night at Tops. I have been walking at lunch to help with all the goodies & that must have helped. Good luck, everyone!

Itryharder 12-16-2011 06:29 PM

Hi Guys,
I was at Atlantic city, Tropicana overnight. I would love to say in advance if I'm going out of town, but I know that's not a great idea.,etc.
If it's okay with you, I'll WI tomorrow morning and post my final weight.
It was a big help for me. No scale this morning, so I don't know what I weigh.

I'll catch up with posts soon. Very busy week, again.

Bandit :goodscale: for being 2# down. That's fantastic.


loose seal 12-17-2011 10:23 AM

Was not feeling well yesterday or last night, ate stupid soup for dinner which only made me hungry later on and I totally lacked the energy to stay OP. Will weigh in tomorrow or even Monday. I didn't realize this challenge ended this week . . . thought it ended on Christmas morning. Wait maybe that was another thread. I can't keep up! lol Right now I'm hoping to just break even on the scale which will have me down a total of 3 lbs. I'm still aiming for a total of 5 by next Sunday.

eta: just got done doing a 40 min. kickboxing dvd.

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