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modkittn 12-20-2002 08:27 AM

Friday Thread
So who else is here today? If anyone is really bored at work like I am, they are more welcome to email me [email protected] and chat. Today will be an extremely slow day here today.

The good thing is that I get to deliver the presents to the soup kitchen for the giving tree that I did. We're doing that at noon. Yep, thats all I have to do all day!

One of the girls here let me borrow "Jagged Little Pill" by Alanis Morisette. I haven't heard this in YEARS. hahaha

Kirsty 12-20-2002 09:06 AM

the holidays are coming!
hello lori and all the other girls!
it's my last day at work today!! so no more posts from me till jan 6 (possibly earlier if jenk and i visit an internet cafe to say hello!).
talking of old music, i bought a new kids on the block cd to give to a friend as a birthday present (hee hee). just reminding her of her youth (but don't worry, i got her nice stuff as well!).
i'm going to see the two towers tonight - i know some of you have already seen it - is it good? BF and i are going with a couple we met on holiday in italy in the summer. haven't seen them since, which is silly because they only live 2 stops away on the underground! be nice to catch up, and get popcorn - yum!
our turkey arrived this morning. thank you so much for all your advice! BF plans to get up at 9am tomorrow so it's ready in time for when our friends come round for our pre-xmas xmas dinner.
so, hope you all have very happy holidays and see you in the new year. ooh - any good new year's resolutions?? i'll have a ponder and hopefully pop in to say cheerio before i "borrow" the office xmas lights for my house. hey, i bought them and put them up, i'm sure i can take them home!!
ps don't forget, stop and think before you eat naughty nibbles. do you really want it? and do you really want what it will do to your hips! ;)

LoriD 12-20-2002 09:06 AM

I am here Lori! I am actually off today-I am e-mailing from home. I have a appt. with my personal trainer and then i have to get an Ultrasound of my thyroid(long story) That is why i took the day off. I also jope to buy the last two things I have to buy to finish shopping. Not much else is going on. i managed to finish most of the Christmas cards-still have about 15 to do....

I think I lost another pound this week-I've been eating really strangely b/c of the iffy stomach. this is great weight loss:) Ha Ha. I think this is the first year of my life I'm not making Christmas cookies-don't think i could stand the smell of them baking! Good for us-no fattening cookies around the house-I'll have some at my mom's on Christmas. WHat is everyone else doing for the holidays?
We are going to NY on X Mas eve until X mas day to be with my family, then we come back to Boston, work on thursday, and fly out for Chicago Friday to go see his family. Lots of travelling. It is exhausting. oh well!:)

Kirsty 12-20-2002 09:09 AM

hello other lori!
i haven't finished my christmas shopping yet. because i'm flying home i'm going to pick up some things at the airport because i can get them tax-free. i just hope they have what i'm after!!
safe journeys to all those doing lots of travelling over the next couple of weeks.

modkittn 12-20-2002 09:26 AM

LoriD I never noticed before that you were in Boston! So many people so close to me...feels better now :) Do you live in the city or in teh suburbs? I grew up ion Methuen... Yeah you must be having a grand old time with the weight loss now hahaha

Ok still no work to do at work ! :)

LoriD 12-20-2002 10:26 AM

Yeah-we should do a Boston area 3FC dinner or something! I am in GRafton, a suburb of Worcester-we are 45 min from Providence...45 min from downtown Boston. I used to live in N andover-right near Methuen!!

Hi Kirsty!

modkittn 12-20-2002 10:35 AM

LoriD - I am in Middletown, RI now, just north of Newport. It is 1/2 hour to Providence and 1.5 to Boston. Yeah, 3FC Boston Night!!

Horsey girl 12-20-2002 12:16 PM

Morning everyone!
I don't live in Boston so I have no idea how close you guys actually are. I might be the only one here on the westcoast. My niece is very sick again. I don't know if you guys remember but she had a Kidney transplant just over a year ago and she hasn't been very well the last few months. Her temp is up about 5 degrees from normal and she's had a stuffy nose since july. My brother and his family might not even be able to come for Christmas dinner at my moms (which sucks considering we all live within about a 20 minute drive) So it might be a very quiet Christmas. We're a little worried about her but hopefully she'll get through this and bounce back. It's kind of a stressful thing to have on our minds at this time of year. Otherwise, anyone watch Survivor? I'm so glad my 2 reality shows are over. Hopefully I won't get hooked in the new year.
Lori - Hope the soup kitchen goes (or went) well. That's such a great thing to be able to do at this time of year.
Kirsty - have a fantastic dinner with your friends, I'm sure the turkey will turn out marvelously.
LoriD - I hope you start feeling better soon, how did the Indian food go over the other night?
Hi to everyone else - very slow today, I'll be around.

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