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VeggieGurlShay 01-30-2011 05:24 PM

Happy Sunday Everyone.

I'm not doing much but taking it easy. A few low carb withdrawal symptoms but nothing too major. Just trying to stay focused. I've not had much of an appetite and I ate just to make sure I eat but beyond that I'm not really craving anything. I am missing my tea and biscuits tho.

Itryharder 01-30-2011 06:48 PM

Shay, keep up the good work! The cravings should disappear in a bit.

terrod99 01-31-2011 07:11 AM

Dreaming of Pasta!
Bandit2- How was your dinner with your daughter? I have been craving pasta! and of course the garlic bread! Hope you had a good visit.

Pretty good weekend, I always think I over eat on the weekend, I know over all I don't (with the 49 weekly) but I think I do better during the week going to work, I plan better. Over all I am feeling better stomach feels good.

Hope every one has a great Monday!


Princess1122 01-31-2011 08:17 AM

Good morning everyone and happy Monday to you all... just a heads up that I may be off line for a few days, will just have to see how the weather plays out. We lose power in our area when bad storms come thru and this one that is to start tonight is supposed to be a huge one... over 2 inches of ice expected... ugh - no power = no heat for us... so we are doing what we can to prepare and will just take it a step at a time.

Looks like everyone had a fairly good weekend which is always a wonderful thing.

Bandit: My youngest son is the same way... LOL - he loves his home cooked meals and is not shy about requesting what ever it is that he wants... but as mom's that makes us feel good!

Judy: Your tea sounds so very wonderful! Very glad that you enjoyed your time and I am with you on the too many points+ - I am struggling on the weekends again to stay within my daily allowance so will have to work on that. I did make it to the gym on Sunday though for a spin class - it was great but boy am I sore today... LOL - that is what I get for letting so much time pass since I have been to the gym.

Have a great day all.

Itryharder 01-31-2011 10:32 AM

glad your tummy's feeling better. Yay. I get it about working and staying OP being easier. Where I used to work, people were forever bringing in foods to sample----and I suspect they wanted to get leftover cakes, etc. out of their own homes. It made it tough to go into the break room and just have a cup of tea.

Princess, I hope you don't get hit as hard as expected. We miss you when you're off line. Also here's a :goodvibes: that you don't lose heat. Ugh. I know what you mean. Of course when we lose lights, we lose heat too because of the electric start on our boiler. I'm hoping that your utility crew can get men out quickly to repair any damage. Every time I see you name on here I smile because of the grandbaby.

My Sunday was great and helped to remove some of the salt (Bandit you said that) from my body. I was afraid I was up so much weight, but today I have knocked off two of those pounds and if I can get one more pound gone between now and WEd. morning WI, I'll stay the same at my WI. Even that's not great since I had gained so much weight, but I'll take that and run. I know a lot of the girls in my area are having trouble dealing with the snow and doldrums. NY always has a cold winter, but the snow is record breaking for us this year.

Today looks like a good day. I am going to write down my food once more in advance. As I eat it, I cross it off my menu. That's working. Evidently I need more "planning" than I thought. My house is stocked with WW friendly foods and I would eat what I wanted at each meal. Planning specifically what to eat helps now.

Have a great day, everybody. Be well and happy,
234.6/192/170's and thinner :cool:

life4evr 01-31-2011 05:52 PM

Hope everyone is doing well. So weigh in was yesterday I was up 1.7# which wasn't a big surprise. Today eating has been okay. I have really fell off the wagon for tracking so I am trying to get back into tracking everything. So I will start that again tomorrow. Hope everyone has a good night.

Itryharder 01-31-2011 08:51 PM

Life4evr, I am sending you a :goodvibes: for a good night too.

bandit2 01-31-2011 11:07 PM

Hi turtles:

Terri - my dinner was really nice & I had large portion of salad and smaller portions of the lasagna & only 1 piece of the bread. But I did have a few wines, but it was a fun night.

Princess - heres hoping the storm passes quickly. We are also under storm watch with the worse to hit early Wed a.m. Hopefully, it will miss us but
they keep posted it on the news.

Judy - glad your back on track & good luck this week at the scales.
I am going to make the cauliflower soup tomorrow night - when you posted it, I had just bought one when I shopped, so all set to try it. Sounds very good, thanks.

Life - gets frustrating going up/down with this weight loss journey.
Good luck this week with your tracking.

All - hope you all get through the storm if it hits in your area and I guess we will be getting in some extra exercising with the shovelling.

Keep warm and drive safe.

Princess1122 02-01-2011 05:26 AM

Good morning everyone! The storm is here, it got her around supper time last night, we have all ice out there, lots of ice! Up north they have snow and lot of it... we are thru the first round so it has stopped for a couple of hours but they say the second round is going to be a big one! I brought my laptop home and some paper work so I can get some work down here at the house which is good.

I'm a bit off track - need to get my journal out and carry it with me everywhere so I don't forget to write anything down.

Life: I hope you get back on track soon!

Bandit: This storm goes across over 33 (I had this number wrong the first time - it is not 13 it is 33 - ugh) of our states down here so I can not imagine that it won't creep up to you LOL - good luck and I hope you have a great week!

Judy: When you crochet your baby blankets, do you follow a pattern? If so would you be willing to share that with me? I have to get a blanket done pretty quickly for some friends that are due here soon and need a quick hit idea.

I have to get down to the basement and dig out my treadmill, we kind of shoved it out of the way when we were working on the rec-room over the holidays and I need to dig it out and dust it off and find a new place for it... today would be a great time to use it while we still have power.

Have a great day and for those in the path of this storm make sure that you stay safe and get your groceries early, ugh, the stores here got wiped out yesterday, literally!

terrod99 02-01-2011 07:06 AM

The storm it suppose to start here tonight but it isn't sounding as bad as it will be south of the great lakes. I wish it was the weekend, relax at home and watch the snow through the window. Then shovel!!

Still at the exercise, Y last night 45 min of cardio. Felt good after. (had to drag my butt to get there). I eat dinner when I get home from work and then go to the Y. I'm always hungry when I get back! Try to snack carefully. Just wish I didn't feel the need to eat after excercise and at night. Hopefully Wed. weigh in will show good results.

Have a great day all talk to you soon!


Itryharder 02-01-2011 10:17 AM

Hi Turtles,
Lots of us are keeping an eye on the sky to see how this new storm manifests itself. Looks like we're lucky here on LI, NY because overnight we had rain. I hope to make it to my WI tomorrow at WW's.

Bandit, that's great that you had a large amount of salad and a small amount of lasagna. :chef: Weigh to go! It's lovely that you and your daughter had a fun night. Enjoy the cauliflower soup. I really like it.

Yeah, this weight loss journey has lots of twists and turns. After "throwing away" January as far as losing weight, I was tempted to just stop going to WW's. I buy the pass online and only made one meeting that month. Realizing I'd gain back my 40#, I tried one more time. . What I'm doing is making a committment to food in the morning, writing it down, and as I eat that food, I cross it off. When I eat "off the written menus", I add that to my tracker. So far it seems to be working. What I know about myself is that I have to keep ahead of "myself" because I get bored and want to eat. For now this is working.

Princess, and everybody-----Good luck with the storm(s) coming in. I've got my fingers crossed for you! Hey, smart move to get the :tread: up and running while there is electricity. You're doing great.
I'm going to e-mail my "pattern" for a crochetted blanket directly to you.

Terri, great that you're getting to the Y to get cardiac exercise. Good luck at your upcoming WI. :goodscale:

Here's :cheers: to all the Turtles. We can do this!

234.6/192/170's and thinner :cool:

AuntLoopy 02-01-2011 01:20 PM

Hi all! Back after a crazy but educational weekend.

Princess: have you considered using a Knifty Knitter hand knitting loom for quick projects? My pastor has a tendency to schedule baby dedications on short notice. I can put together a very nice single-knit blanket in about 2 hours. I keep white baby yarn and lace on hand for these occasions. I make the blanket then stitch the lace on the two rough ends.

Yesterday taught me something about the flexibility of the Weight Watchers plan. I was unexpectedly stuck in a counseling situation for something like six hours. No food in the building except for some Lindt truffles from Christmas. I was very hungry by about 4 p.m., as I'd had to miss lunch.

So I'm listening and trying to guess how many Points are in a truffle. I finally decided that they were two points each, give or take a little. I think of chocolate as one point per bite, but these are extra rich. I ate three, offered some to the counselee, and got back to the session. Later, I discovered that I'd guessed right.

The really important thing is that I miss chocolate desperately, but my mind was thinking that it was wrong to add a couple points of chocolate into my food plan every day or two. But I noticed that the chocolate had quieted a sort of emotional hunger which had been plaguing me 24/7 since joining WW. Two points every couple of days sounds do-able, and easy to plan into my daily menu.

I stopped on the way home to get some groceries before the snowstorm predicted for last night. It turned out to be an ice storm, and I was just getting home when the lights went out. I left the groceries in the trunk. A couple hours later, I was crazy ravenous, and eating bananas in the dark wasn't helping much.

So I went out to the car, got a package of pre-cooked taco meat, and we had room-temperature "tacos" made from diet bread with lettuce and salsa. Tasted better than I expected, and we plan to do it again (after warming it next time!) Again I was surprised to check the points by candlelight, and realizing that this combination was two points per taco. (Eight ounces of taco meat is six points.) This was really filling and enjoyable.

Meanwhile, the gallon of Tampico fruit juice blend that was in the car's trunk split along the bottom seam, and I ended up putting it into one-cup margarine tubs and sticking it into the snow. After the lights came on, I put it in the freezer and discovered that it had congealed into something very similar to Italian water ice. I let it finish freezing, and tried it for a late-night snack. For three points, I got a whole cup of really fruity-tasting water ice, and it only costs about a dime per serving. I'll be repeating this "accident" regularly.

So all in all, I learned a lot of "tricks" totally by accident yesterday. Another thing that I learned this weekend was also an accident. I was getting ready to leave church and my boss asked me to go to the office store and pick up some supplies right away. I did, and when I got back to church, he realized that the treasurer had slipped past him, so he couldn't reimburse me immediately.

This left me with just enough small change in my ash tray to get a single item from the Wendy's dollar menu. I'd planned on getting a taco salad from there (which has become my basic fast-food meal now, a great points bargain at 9 points each). Instead, I got a small chili, brought it home, put it on some lettuce with a slice of low-fat cheese, and had a taco salad for only 5 points! That's less than one small hamburger, because Wendy's chili is the biggest bargain of all fast food at 4 points per serving. And it costs a lot less this way, too.

So all in all, I'm adapting to my new way of eating. Loosening up mentally and emotionally, and learning to enjoy myself and have filling meals which taste just as good as the higher-points stuff.

Princess1122 02-02-2011 05:18 AM

Good morning everyone! I don't know how but we still have power and we are under a very large amount of ice. I will be home again today - we have a lot of diggning out to do it since it is all ice it is going to take a really really long time. The good news is that I got some work done, I did manage to dig out the tread mill but never got around to actually use it but will today and I got some knitting done.

Eating yesterday was not good at all but I did make a pot of veggie soup and SF jello so I am prepared for today!

Judy: Thank you very much for the pattern, I really appreciate you taking the time to type that out for me!

Loopy: I will look into the loom that you spoke of, I really enjoying both knitting and crochet and sometimes, depending on how backed up I am on projects, people have to wait a bit for them but with crocheting I can get them done pretty quickly, knitting is slower:D Great job on the lessons learned!

I sure hope that everyone is safe and warm, this storm is huge and it seems to be pretty unforgiving - in the northern part of our state and the Chicago area they have 2 feet of snow just from this storm alone... Come on Spring!

terrod99 02-02-2011 07:02 AM

Morning ! Is snowing here not too much yet , but I canhear the wind, school buses cancelled, city buses running. Will go oto work, I'm sure there will be lots of cancellations, had a few people call yesterday. No big deal, we will call the end of the day paople try to get them to come early, then leave for home ourselves. The Dr. I work for can walk to work, my drive is about 6 minutes on a regular day.
WW meeting will be cancelled, but we have until Sat am to weigh in, didnot make it to the Y last night, didn't get home from work intil 6:50.

So better go get ready, leave early. Have fresh veggies and homemade cauliflower soup for lunch and some fruit for snacking.

Have a great day.

bandit2 02-02-2011 11:10 AM

Morning turtles:

Well the storm wasn't as bad as predicted, and I made it to work with my co-worker who I drive with 2 days a week. Traffic was scarce for a change.

Judy - the cauliflower soup turned out good & had some last night for my evening snack, hit the spot & will be nice tonight by time I get back home
to get warmed up.

All - hope you are coping with the weather wherever you are.

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