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aaronsmom 10-02-2002 12:37 AM

Wednesday's thread/poll -- Body Part Needing the most Beautification
I thought it was time for another poll -- Jess, I always think of you when I post a poll. I know we all have specific body parts that we want to work on, so maybe if we make them public here, it's more of a commitment to work on them and see if we can improve them. For me, it's my thighs. I hate them muchly.

Choose as many body parts to work on as you like...

Have a great hump day, everyone!!!

Jibbelle 10-02-2002 08:41 AM

Good morning all! I went to see the Larimore House (wedding/reception venue). It was very beautiful and I instantly fell in love with it. Big problem though...the wedding coordinator is mean mean mean. I cant believe they even let her work there. She really was terrible. I would have paid a little more than I wanted to spend to have it there, but that lady sucked....so if they do not have anyone else to do it, I am going to keep looking. I wonder how many people she has ran off?? You would not believe how rude and unpersonable she was.

aaronsmom 10-02-2002 09:29 AM

Oh Marcie, I'm so sorry you had a tough time with this lady. Obviously they have never heard of customer service. I think that if this is the place for you (or even if you decide to go elsewhere), you need to contact her superior and tell him/her how rudely you were treated. The best thing that can happen is that she will phone you with her apologies and be cooperative as she helps you plan your wedding. The worst thing is that at least her boss will know how badly she treats potential clients who are prepared to drop thousands of dollars worth of business into her lap and scares them away.

There is a beautiful wedding locale at the Plaza-on-Frontenac (the hotel). I have been to a few weddings there. I don't know how close that is to you, however. Good luck if you decide to find another site.

Everyone else is so quiet this morning...

Jen-L 10-02-2002 09:37 AM

Hey all, I woke up with a horrendous head cold that I can't take anything for. UCKKKKK. I feel rotten. Emma is sick too, and the weather got really cold all of a sudden. Yesterday we were almost 80, today barely 50. And no warm up in site. Guess it really is fall.

Marcie, If your gut says no about this place because of the nasty lady, then don't go with it. You don't want some stranger making your wedding miserable. I agree that you should say something about this and see if there is anyone else that works with the planning.

Hey Jayne.... right now everything on me needs work. Oh the joys of being PG!!!

OK, should get some work done. We have a new guy starting today and of course I end of right off the bat getting him all settled. Hmmmphhh, not even my department!

TonyaLyn 10-02-2002 09:44 AM

Great poll Jayne!!

My name is Tonya and I am re-re-re-re-committing myself to WW and losing weight. I weighed myself for the first time in more than a month. I am tired of looking at myself in the mirror and not being happy, I think that I am waiting for someone to lose the weight for me....I also think that house building has been my excuse...no more!!

I think it really hit me yesterday how much I depend on food when I left to go to Menards (like Home Depot) at 10:30, it takes me 20 minutes to get there, and once I got there, all I could think about was how long it was going to take me to get my shopping done so that I could get some tacos at Taco Bell. That is so wrong, I just ate cereal that morning at 9 a.m.!!!!

I can't believe how much we let food run our lives, it is terrible. I need to focus on more important things! I remember a year ago telling my mom that "I will never gain the weight back I lost with WW, it was just too hard losing it, and I feel so good now", well, guess what, I have gained almost all of the weight back. I am 20 pounds heavier now than one year ago....

So, enough of the pity party, I am going to do this, no matter how many times I fall off and have to brush myself off and start again....

On another note...since I was out of the office yesterday, I missed your wonderful conversation on the 80's. I was so a child of the 80's. My favorite record....Livewire by Motely Crue, my favorite outfit: tight zena jeans with high heeled boots and a polo shirt...I started high school in 1985, so I have you all beat!! My DH looks at my high school pics and just laughs....I need to remind him that he had longer, poofier hair than I did in HS!!!

Well, better get some work done, will BBIAB!!

Thanks for being my support group girls!!! :)

Jen-L 10-02-2002 09:47 AM

Tonya, you don't have me beat! We are almost the same age! I was a mid 80's High Schooler also!!!

Good luck on re-commiting!!

Belle2000 10-02-2002 09:48 AM

Good mornin'! Jen - same here, woke with the head cold, the weather is freezing (literally, its -1C) and I feel blah. I am committed to going to the gym for the first time at lunch though - I don't know if I'll do a class or run, but I have brought my gym clothes and my lock, so there is no stopping me (pending tummy trouble).

Last night my dog ran away from my mom's backyard, right at rush hour. So my mom called me to come and find her. But it takes us like 45 min in rush hour. I called my sister and my bro in law came and found her, but by that time, b/f and I were in traffic and he was in a BAD MOOD. So, he jerked the car off the main road onto a side road and it jerked out my back injury. I was mad b/c he had little regard for me, just was having road rage. I got over it though b/c I get road rage too - but still, my back hurts...!! He felt v. guilty....I let him ;)

Marcie - you shoud totally complain about that - that is bogus. Whether or not you take that venue, she needs a good talkin' to!!

Jayne - good poll. I chose my thighs. They are largest pt. of my body and the most celulitey. I hate them,a nd they are genetic!!

Have a good OP Day all!!


Kirsty 10-02-2002 09:50 AM

hi everyone!
marcie - i hope you find someone better to coordinate, or somewhere even nicer for your big day.
jayne - i'd love to slim down and tone up my thighs (and ***!). rest of me isn't too bad, in the right light!!
jenl - hope you feel better soon. and emma!
hi lisa - belated birthday greetings!! sounds like you've been having a great time, how did that dirty weekend go?
kt - glad to hear you're happy being single, how's the new place going?
belle - you can vent to us anytime you want, just don't let people take advantage of you!
deb - sorry to hear you were having a bad day yesterday, hope today is better.
jenk - i sent you a private message cos i kept getting delivery failure on an email. hope you're not working too hard!
big hello to everyone else, gotta go work. and get more water cos my mouth is burning from far too many jalepenos in my subway veggie delite!

Kirsty 10-02-2002 09:52 AM

hello belle! missed your post - hope your back isn't too bad. glad you got the dog back.

Belle2000 10-02-2002 09:59 AM

Tonya - I salute you to your re re re re commiting. I too am rererererererere commiting (I am probably missing a few "re"'s there).

Although I haven't gained, I really haven't been good - I look at my "journalling" if you can call it that. I usually write breakfast, sometimes lunch and never dinner. I "mentally" do dinner. I basically lie to myself that its OK. Well, its not. I have basically maintained my weight since January, with a little down here, a little up here, the same, etc. and so I KNOW if I actually stay within my points and up the excersize I WILL lose....but knowing is only half the battle.

Tonya, you can do it - good for you for facing the scale!!! Yay!!!

That is weird - I was in Grade 4 in 1985. But my sisters were Jr. High and High school so I was a very cool Gr 4 (or so I thought at the time....my fave record was Duran Duran - oh and the Cyndi Lauper "she's so unusual" album) Yikes.


Belle2000 10-02-2002 10:00 AM

Hey Kirsty - any pics from vacation yet?

Kirsty 10-02-2002 10:02 AM

oops - missed tonya's post as well!! i'm with you on recommitting myself to sticking to things. just think girls - christmas parties are on the horizon...little sparkly frocks to be fitted into!

TonyaLyn 10-02-2002 10:26 AM

Good point Kirsty, now I really need to lose the weight!!!

Jen-L 10-02-2002 10:29 AM

I never get to go to parties where I can wear a sparkly little frock!!! Tho this Christmas I will be PG so I won't feel so bad eating all the goodies!!!

I am in the mood for apple crisp. It's apple season right now! Yummmm!!

jodir75 10-02-2002 10:56 AM

Good Morning Ladies...

I haven't posted in a couple days since I had a bad case of (I think) food poisoning. Jamie and I had tacos Monday night and we were both sick all night and all day yesterday. Kind of weird. I'm feeling better today but still a bit yucky.

So I weighed in this morning and was down 8 pounds, mostly due to the illness I'm sure but I'll take it anyway...

Monday afternoon at the gym I decided to try out a Spin class - wow that was tough. Talk about a killer workout. I'll try it again next week and maybe finish this time!

Anyway, lots of work to catch up on today - talk to you all later!


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