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auntie 09-10-2002 09:20 PM

Thursday Chatter
I thought we needed to start a new thread since our old one was so long. Hope everyone is having a great day.


DeeX 09-11-2002 12:16 AM

My day was ok. Nothing exciting. Did a little cleaning on the house, but not nearly as much as I wanted to. So I still got that to do the rest of this week. Heading out Sat for my vacation, will be gone a week.. :cp: yea!!

Well I can't remember what I read on the other thread, so I can't reply to anyone... ok so I'm brain dead at times :)

Ok here's a question....isn't an Eagle Scout just a Boy Scout that is bigger? I don't do much with scouting, as my daughter only did "Daisy's" in Kindergarten...and hasn't wanted to do any more with it... she doesnt want to be left with strangers (those were her words)...LOL.

Hope everyone has a good week...mine is almost over...yea!!!
Vacation here I come!! :cb:

Tina 09-11-2002 09:44 AM

September 11th, a day to reflect
Hello everyone,
I hope everyone took a moment this morning to reflect on last year's tragedy. Let's all pray that this never happens to us again.

Susan, thanks for starting us out again. Yes, we were getting a bit long. :)
Are you getting excited about going home? Silly question!

Dee, I'm sure you'll get everything done before you leave. I hope you have a fantastic time. And, my son wasn't a scout. I didn't push him. He was never very "outdoorsy".

Tammy, I think with your encouragement and that of others, Tim will make Eagle Scout. I never got David interested in scouting. I guess partly because I was a Girl Scout and didn't care about the camping part.

I made the mistake of weighing on my scales this morning. I'd hoped for a BIG loss after 3 days of exercising----I'd gained 1/2 pound. I know, I know---I should wait until it's time. :)

Have a great day y'all.

auntie 09-11-2002 05:44 PM

Hi everyone,

What a day!! Glad it is this year and not last.

Dee, I get that way sometimes with the post too, I can't remember what I've read and what I've responded too!!

Tina, Yes I'm getting excited!!! My little sister had the baby on Sunday so I'll have him to play with too. She had to have a c-section and should be coming home today. Needless to say, this weekend will be busy and alot of fun!!! Darn!!! I'm taking Friday off so I will be down there by 10 am.

Off to wash and clean. Hate to have a dirty house when I leave. Trying to do it tonight so I don't stress tomorrow evening getting last minute things done .... like pack.


Tina 09-11-2002 09:28 PM

Susan, have a fantastic time!!!

auntie 09-11-2002 09:54 PM

Thanks Tina,
I will!!! I'm to a point now where I can't wait much longer to get there!!

Tina 09-12-2002 10:11 PM

Good evening all,

Susan, I forgot to ask you to eat some Mexican food and Barn Door food for me.

How was everyone's Thursday? For some reason tonight has seemed like Friday night. No telling why.

Tammy, are you busy with Tim's sports this weekend or will you have time for yourself.

I think we might go to Galveston and lie on the beach sand.

Kady, how are you doing? How is everyone doing OP?
I think I'm back in the grove.


Tammy 09-13-2002 06:58 AM

Dee, an Eagle scout is the highest award that a Boy Scout can receive. There aren't that many that receive it so it really is an honor. The boy has to plan a service project and organize it on his own (get workers, supplies, etc.). He also has to have earned 21 badges, some of them are required ones. Tim has earned all of the badges, but still needs to get his behind in gear on his project.

Tina, I never liked the camping part either as a Girl Scout. I've liked it even less when I was the leader when Tim was a Cub Scout!!

This weekend is a busy one. Football game tonight. I usually don't watch the game. I sit with some of the other band moms and talk!! Tomorrow morning is a Cross Country meet, then I grab Tim, drive home, throw him in the shower, and get him to the school by 1:30 when the band bus leaves. They play in their first contest of the season at 4:00. He's excited, but nervous about it.

I'll probably get some Tammy time on Sunday after church. That usually means a nice nap!!!! lol

Have a great weekend everyone, and be careful to those of you who are travelling!

Tina 09-13-2002 09:51 AM

Dee----you have a great vacation!!!!!

DeeX 09-14-2002 01:12 AM

Thanks Tina.. I'm off to vacation in the morning. Have fun lying on the beach in Galveston! :cool:

Thank you for the info on Eagle Scouts Tammy. I just thought it was the next level up in scouting. Congrats to Tim for earning all those badges! Does he have his project decided on yet?

Have a great weekend every one!!!
Ok I'm off to bed....Dee

Tammy 09-15-2002 03:55 PM

Dee, Tim keeps changing his mind about what he wants to do for his project. He had thought about doing something in the park in town, but the mayor never returned his phone calls or visits to the city building. I thought that was a bit rude. Now he is thinking that maybe he'll do something for the church. He could also do something for the school. We recently acquired some land that will be used for our Science department. There are so many things he could do for that, so that may be what ends up doing.

The band placed 2nd in their class at the contest on Saturday! We were pleased. Also, Tim ran great at the Cross Country meet yesterday morning. He was 6th for the team, so he'll still be running Varsity at the next meet.

My nap was VERY nice today. Trouble was, I didn't make it to church this morning. I think the weekend wore me out. Tim went to bed at 9:30 last night and woke up (with my help) at 10:30 this morning. Tired boy!!

I hope everyone has a great week!

Tina 09-16-2002 01:05 PM

Happy Monday to everyone.

Tammy, you probably are ready for a week of school after that weekend. Good for Tim!!!!!!! He's quite an athlete!
You must've been pretty tired to miss church.

Susan, how was San Antonio?

Dee, I guess you are still on your trip.

Kady, how is your work?

Sis, how are you doing OP?

Our trip to the beach was a bust because it poured the whole time. It started half way there. We couldn't even get onto the beach because of the rain. We ate and then drove all around the island. Finally, we just drove on back home .....in pouring rain.
Did I mention that it rained! :lol:

Movie review---Now, if you are a Tom Green fan, don't read this.
Larry and I went to see "Stealing Harvard" last night. We left after the first 20-30 min. It was sooooo stupid and disgusting. My son told me that I should have known it would be with Tom Green in it. ( I've never seen one of his movies.) We wasted $7.75 each!!!!! Yuk.

Take care and have a great day.


Sis 09-16-2002 02:36 PM

Not so sure this week. I kind of overdid it a couple of times. I WILL GET THERE! Sooner or later. :) Have a great week...Sis :D

Tammy 09-18-2002 08:50 PM

Tina, did you get some rain on your little trip???????? lol I had to laugh. It sounds like Bob and I when we were first married. Everytime we went to Dayton to shop, it rained. It was funny after a while because we just learned to expect it to rain so we'd make sure we'd take the umbrellas into the mall with us. People thought we were nuts, but we knew what we were doing!

Weigh in tomorrow! I feel like I've done great on the food, water, and exercise this week. BUT I have given up thinking that I'll be down a pound. lol

Tina 09-18-2002 11:17 PM

NO, NO, NO, NO, Tammy----don't think that way!!!
That pound WILL come off soon!!!! I'm willing it to leave you. :lol: Do your clothes fit better even though you don't see a loss?

My weight is going up and down but my clothes are getting loser. They'd gotten soooo tight. :(

Susan--- Are you there??? Tell us how great your trip was. ;)

Hope everyone had a good day.

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