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The Little D 08-15-2002 08:18 AM

Thursday 8/15
Good Morning, All!!!

Gotta get on the treadmill & take the cat to the vet. What an EXCITING life I live. :)

Hope everyone's morning is off to a good start. :flow2:

aaronsmom 08-15-2002 09:31 AM

The Road to the Fat Farm is paved with good intentions
The crabby day is over, and I couldn't be happier. I got a decent night's sleep under my belt and woke up early this morning to catch up with all that got away from me the past few days, house-wise. Now I just need someone to give me a kick in my (enormous) rear end and get me to motivate myself to exercise. I haven't done a thing all week, and I couldn't care less about it. I know that's a crappy attitude and I don't want to have it, but there it is and I can't help feeling that way. How do you all motivate yourself to exercise when you're just so apathetic it's scary? Oh well, at least the eating is on track.

We're getting ready for our big birthday party here this weekend. Six pounds of hamburger, fifteen bratwurst, and 24 hotdogs...of course we're having 15 people and 6 of them are teenages, so I had no idea how much to buy to feed them all. I suspect that this will do it. Other than that meat-o-rama, we're serving chips, broccoli salad, and some kind of sugar-free jello salad for my low-carbing parents...anyone have any ideas about that one? And of course, cake...I'm going to have to bank some serious points for this one!

Come out and play everyone...since I was so selfish and crabby yesterday I'll make an extra effort to post to everyone and entertain you all day so that you don't have to work.:devil:

BTW, anyone know where Lisa has been?

aaronsmom 08-15-2002 09:38 AM

BTW, Cat, you are adorable! Love the short and sassy hair. And you look great in sleeveless dresses...you're inspiring me to work on my arms so that I will someday as well...

WinterGirl 08-15-2002 09:41 AM

Morning Deb.

Jayne - I've been wondering about Lisa too. I'm hoping that nothing happened to her job. I know her company let some people go. About motivating yourself to exercise, I tell myself that I only have to do 20 minutes of something I like (usually walking or yoga). Typically, I end up getting so into it that I go much longer/harder than expected.

I'm supposed to be working but I'd much rather play. Come out, come out wherever you are.

Oh and JenK - if you're lurking, pop in and tell how the start of law school has been.


TonyaLyn 08-15-2002 09:50 AM

Good morning!

Deb ~ Have a good time at the vet, you do have an exciting life!! (About as exciting as mine....I get to go to the grocery store and Walmart today, whoopie!!)

Jayne ~ We all have bad, self absorbed days, don't worry about it! That is what we are here for, to vent to!! Glad you are doing better today. The birthday bash sounds like fun. My son's birthday is Sept. 29th. So, I need to start thinking about that. I know he wants a "dinosaur" theme, so I better get to the Vanilla Bean and get the mold to make his cake! :) As far as exercise goes, I shouldn't be one that gives advice, but I try to find things that I like to do, like walking outside and new exercise videos....I think 1/2 the battle is just making yourself do it, once you start, then its easy!

I too, love Cat's hair, very cute and professional too!

Laura ~ I have been wondering about Lisa and Jen too. I hope everything is ok.

Everything is pretty boring here today at work. Not much going on. I came in at 6:30, and am leaving at 11 a.m. to do some house shopping. It is a beautiful day in Wisconsin today so it will be a nice afternoon to have off.

Well, come out all you posters, since I only have two hours left of work, why start anything now, I might as well just continue to post til I have to leave. So, give me something to talk about!! :)

Jen-L 08-15-2002 10:17 AM

Hey all... I am hanging in there, but tired. Jayne I feel for you!!! Emma has been waking up at way too early times the last 2 weeks and this morning it was even earlier. Then she is crabby. Also, the last 2 nights she won't go to sleep. She just screams until I rock her. UGHHHH!

Hubby and I tag team mowed the lawn last night, so at least that is done. Going to the gym today, so I will have gotten in 3 days of exercise so far this week. Not bad!

Tonya.... I am jealous, and I want to say "you suck", but I won't. Wish I could go home early. Isn't that every girls dream???

Guess I should get some work done. Have an interview this afternoon for the replacement receptionist. Not sure about this one, but I will keep an open mind!!

JessIsOK 08-15-2002 10:20 AM

My Turn to Gripe...
Hello everyone! OK, now it's my turn to spend a few minutes griping. I have to talk about the girls here at work. They really are great, but sometimes they just really piss me off. Like today... OK, we briefly discussed changing our break time from 9 to 9:30 yesterday. Today, one of them (we'll just call her S) came and asked if it was official that we take break at 9:30. I told her I didn't know. Then S went and asked the other girl (we'll call her K) if we were taking break at 9:30. They were over in K's cube, discussing and I couldn't hear them. Apparently, they were trying to get me to come over and join in the conversation, but nobody said my name and I had no idea that they were even talking to me. Well, they finally were like "Hello!?" and I'm like "What? I have no idea what's going on." and apparently from me saying that, they determined that I'm mad at them and don't want to go to break. OK, this is reaching the point of being ridiculously childish. I didn't know they were talking to me, I am not crabby (although BS like this is enough to make a person crabby), and this is stupid! They'll still ask me to go to break at 9:30, and I want to be childish right back and be all like "Well, no, I won't be joining you for break. Since I'm apparently so crabby, I don't want to spoil it for you guys." But, since I have to be an adult, I'll probably just go, bite my tongue (even though I want to tell them that I don't appreciate them deciding my moods for me based on how I respond to not having any idea what's going on), and brush this off until it happens again. (This is not the first time that they have determined my mood for me). Must take some deep calming breaths...

OK, now that I'm finished with that... WI is tonight. Hopefully it goes well. The gym scale says I'm up, but hopefully it's wrong. I would be SO disappointed if I'm up, especially after last week's loss. Cross your fingers for me, guys!! After WI, I'm going to go see BF, I really can't wait just to be close to him. :love: I'm also going to buy a grout kit for my shower (I bet you'll never guess what I'm going to do all weekend) and some hay for my poor deprived (according to them) guinea pigs. :)

That's about the only excitement here. Let's respond to some other posts.

Yeah, where the heck is Lisa? I was just wondering about her last night, and, like Laura, was wondering about her job. I sure hope everything is OK!

Deb--Your life sounds about as exciting as mine (see above, where I mention grouting all weekend). :)

Jayne--Holy moly! It sounds like you have a busy, fun weekend planned! I definitely envy you! (Again, see above, where I plan to grout all weekend).

Tonya--I wish I was leaving at 11. I think it's going to be a long day for me, especially because I'm really looking forward to tonight. House shopping sounds fun! I'm very jealous!

OK, I better get a little work done. It's almost time to go to break, sigh...

JessIsOK 08-15-2002 10:22 AM

Jen--Hope all goes well with interviewing the new receptionist. Ick, I really don't envy you mowing the lawn, I really hate mowing. Sorry to hear that Emma has been so fussy. (Note to self: Reason # 23,092,019 not to have children). :lol:

aaronsmom 08-15-2002 10:57 AM

The day is picking up still more!!! Remember my dream job that I applied for a few weeks ago, the one with the flexible hours where most of the work can be done from home, and involves child advocacy? I have an interview for it a week from today. YESSSSS!!!! :) Can you tell I'm thrilled?

Jess, as I've said before, I think those girls need to leave junior high behind. Do you need to come open a can of whoop @ss? Actually, I think that Kier is tougher than I am, and I hear that the Jersey-style is much more effective somehow than the Minnesota style...

Jen, do you think that Emma is working on a molar or two? That sounds just like Aaron when he's teething...it's miserable isn't it? They're lucky we love them so much, because this mom thing, it ain't easy. It is worth every minute, though!

Tonya, sounds like you've got a great day ahead of you. House shopping is fun. We just did that last September (hard to believe it was that long ago already) and found our gem of a house. You'll have to let us know what you look at. I am a compulsive open-house attender. I go through and see how they've decorated and used the space, etc. Tell us any neat ideas you see! By the way, if your house is going on the market, I'm an unwilling expert about selling houses ( I used every trick in the book, since ours went up last year on September 12! Talk about bad timing!) so let me know if you want my help.

Laura, I'm going to make an honest effort to do twenty minutes, like you said. Hopefully I'll get into it and keep going. I don't understand why this is happening, I was getting so into running!

Deb, have fun treadmilling and vetting....busy busy day!!

Later, chickadees!

moonbeam 08-15-2002 11:07 AM

Hello everyone! Just in from my walk/run. I totally fell off the running challenge for a bit what with camping and finishing up summer session and so on, so I went out and did a week #2 run this morning and then walked for a good bit after. I am going to dig out my handweights and do a little arm work this evening (after Jayne saying I look nice in a sleeveless dress I am feeling motivated to work my arms! Thanks Jayne!). I'm going out to see lord of the rings with some friends this afternoon, so three hours in a movie theater- lots of air conditioning and no food because I refuse to pay that much money for a tub of popcorn! I am being so darn lazy on my week off here:) Back to school on Tuesday though, so I guess I should enjoy it while it lasts.

Jess- Your coworkers sounds like a joy and a delight;) Hope the break goes ok. They're just being incredibly stupid and childish if they behave like that.

Jen-L- Good luck with the interviews! I'm sure you'll be happy when you have a replacement and can stop worrying about it.

Tonya- Going to work at 6:30- wow! Although leaving at 11 is definitely nice. Enjoy the day!

Jayne- Sounds like you are keeping busy with the B-day planning. And here is some exercise motivation---NIKE WOMAN! WE WILL BE NIKE WOMEN! Now move!

Deb- I love these graphics you are putting in the posts! They definitely liven things up!

Ok, I am going to go do some laundry.


TonyaLyn 08-15-2002 11:22 AM

Hello again all, I am still here, lurking!!

Jayne ~ I am actually shopping for house items. We are currently building a house and I need to decide on siding and roof color right now, its time to put those on!

DH and I went thru the buying an existing house deal for years, could never find anything we liked (or should I say I like "things" about each one, but never enough to spend $200,000+ on one, so we decided to build).

I have been really moody lately, not sure why. I laid into DH this morning about something (that, at the time I thought was a big deal and I had reason to lay into him) then I get talking about it, start crying, DH is looking at me like "What the **** is wrong with you" and then I leave for work, and sit here and think about it, and wonder if it was all that important to begin with. Any of you have days like that? What is wrong with me? I am not normally a moody person, I just don't know. I think I just need some "me time". Maybe a few hours of alone shopping or something. I love my job, my DH and my two great kids, but every mom needs some time alone!!!! :)

Anyway, I am rambling....

LoriD 08-15-2002 11:31 AM

Hi everyone-I am here lurking-but I too an off this afternoon b/c I worked last night. I delivered a baby to a 44yo woman-her 6th child! Needless to say, it was an oops!!! The baby basically slid out in 1 1/2 pushes-it was really nice!:)
The scale this am was the same-it is TOM so i am not holding out great hopes for WI but we'll see....

I am going to try to do some sunbathing today, in addition to cleaning the kitchen, downstairs bathroom, and living room....

See you all tomorrow...Lori

Jen-L 08-15-2002 11:31 AM

TONYA... if I did that, my hubby would ask me if I was PG!! Tho I have been moody a lot lately too and every little thing bugs me!! Also, I haven't had a lot of ME time lately either and yesterday I was thinking that I really need to have some soon!!! What can I do?? This is my last weekend off, then I work the next two, then I am off for vacation. I just keep trying to hold on for that!!

WinterGirl 08-15-2002 11:37 AM

Go Jayne! Woo-hoo! Congrats on landing the interview. Keep us posted on how it goes.

Tonya - l loved picking out the colors for my house, and the carpeting, cabinets, flooring, etc. Have a good time today. I know that when I get really moody some time to myself is usually just what the Dr. ordered. Hope it helps you too.

JenL- sorry you had such a rough night with Emma. Hope tonight is easier.

Jess - smart move choosing to be the adult....as much as it sucks sometimes!

Cat - hope you enjoy the movie. Haven't seen it but all my friends raved about it.

Remember my car drama from a couple of weekends ago? Well yesterday, I went out to my car at lunch and discovered I had a flat. Turned out I'd driven over a screw but in such a manner that it couldn't be repaired and I had to get another new tire! Silver lining though, I discovered this at work and one of my guy friends changed the tire and went with me to the tire place and dealt with the mechanics for me. Normally, I'm pretty independent and take care of my responsibilities myself but I must confess that it was really nice for once to have someone else take care of things.

Back to work. Will pop in later.


Horsey girl 08-15-2002 12:20 PM

Hi everyone. I tried to post photos from the wedding last night from home and of course, they're too big! Can anyone help me? Jess? Our resident photo posting expert...? Still very busy at work although they've hired another temp to help us catch up. They are blaming the fact that I'm behind on me when the reason I'm behind is because I had to cover for someone who was sick for two weeks and then had 2 weeks vacation and I haven't actually had time to do the work. Wow - we should rename the thread b*t*h about work today. It's fun to vent. I have tomorrow off for this weekend's wedding and then I start my second job after work on Monday - it's going to be a busy couple of weeks.

Jayne - congrats on the interview - let us know how it goes!!

Tonya - Shopping sounds like fun - Are you living in the built house yet?

Jess - fun day for co-workers isn't it. Good luck at WI.

Jen - Hope Emma is less cranky tonight but way to get in that exersice!

Cat - that's a great picture! Way to go with the running.

Hi to Deb and Laura and everyone else I missed or the lurkers.


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