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auntie 08-02-2002 02:51 PM

Thursday chatter
I've exercised 4 times this week and gained1 1/2 pounds.


Tina 08-02-2002 05:55 PM

Thanks for starting us over, Susan . You read my mind as I was going to do it this evening. :)

Exercising and then gaining. Go figure!!!
I am really watching what I eat and am drinking lots of water. I can't ride my exercise bike yet because of my knee. It's so much better. It's healing nicely. However, it hurts too much to cycle. I can walk-----if I do it early enough.
I have no idea how hot it is today. It must be near 100!

Everyone have great weekend.
We would love to hear from anyone new to this thread. Please post so we can get to know you.

145 personal goal

auntie 08-02-2002 06:06 PM

I think it must be at least 200 degrees here!!! :D :D
Tina, glad your knee is getting better! I know it hurts.. take care of it!


DeeX 08-02-2002 07:06 PM

Hot Outside?
The temp gauge here claims its only 95 outside. But I'm not buying that...its :devil: ishly hot out there.

Susan I bet your gain was caused by gaining a bit of muscle, even though your loosing weight :shrug:

Wow I just clicked on the smilies, and there are more of em then I ever saw before!! My kid wants me to use everyone of em in this message...LOL.

Tina glad your knee is starting to get better, don't over do it with the walking though.

Gonna go work on dinner, and no we aren't having banana's :cb:
Take care...and have a good weekend all :dance:

Tina 08-02-2002 10:41 PM

Wow:cp: I love all these new smiles. Dee, I'm glad you found them.

Okay, it was 97 degrees at 8:30 p.m. tonight. No wonder the house isn't very cool.

Dee, if you weren't having bananas, what did you have???

Tammy, have you recovered yet?

Everyone stay cool:cool: .


auntie 08-03-2002 09:13 AM

You know how I love the smilies:cp: If I could use them all the time I would in all of my emails. :dance: I love the dancing one. Did you know that you can only use so many:sp: in one post... it won't let you put a bunch!

Off to exercise this morning..:jig: check out this smilie :fr:


Tammy 08-04-2002 04:26 PM

We only had one person that really took Pamprin at camp, and she really did have cramps. We even gave her permission to go back to the dorm and sleep instead of going to one of the practices. One of the boys wanted to take a Pamprin, but had no idea what it was for. I told the director and he told the boy that they needed to have a little talk. lol

Tim took a 4 hour nap yesterday afternoon and a 3 hour nap today. I think I'm finally getting back into the swing of things.

Tim will be having cross country every morning at 7:30 from now until school starts. He'll also be having band practices in the evenings. This Wed. they play in a band show at a county fair north of here. Hope it's cooler. Especially since I'm chaperoning again!!!

Our county fair starts the 16th. Tim will be working in a lemonade shake-up stand as well as doing the cross country and band stuff. He will be one busy kid. I'll be working a couple mornings in our band booster food tent at the fair. I'll also be going into my classroom to get it ready. Oh boy. School for kids starts the 26th. My first official day is the 23rd. Have to have the room ready to go before then because the superintendent and principal have such long meetings on that day. Teacher work day, yea right!

Goal: JOURNAL!!! I am definitely out of the habit.

Tina 08-04-2002 06:24 PM

I hope it's a good Sunday for everyone.
Tammy, did you teach Sunday school today? It sounds like you won't be able to sleep in this week. :( You will stay so busy until school starts. I know you are glad that Tim is into everything. That's so good for him at this age.
I'm with you about journaling. I'm going to do it every day this week. (taking one week at a time here)

Susan, are you going home to see how your parents are after that flood? You don't have much time before your school starts.

Our schools begin August 19 and the teachers have to be back the week before. My sister is going to "enjoy" this week since it's her "last." lol

Okay, i'm going to journal and count points to the "T" this week. My knee still won't let me cycle or walk to agressively. I've found that I can jump rope in place without it bothering me. I've read that you should do it for 5 min., 3 x a day. I can't do it for 5 minutes straight but can push it to 3 min.

Okay, I'm writing a book here.
Have a great Monday and stay OP.

auntie 08-04-2002 06:41 PM

Hey All,

Our kids go back on the 20th. However, I start back on the 13th, we have 4 staff development days, Monday is a work day, and then the kids come. Only thinkg is that I have to go to a meeting tomorrow, and 2 other days this week I have to go and present to the new teachers. Guess that means my summer has come to a rapid halt.

I haven't gotten to get home yet. I think that will help my mood. I have not been in a very good mood lately. I'm on the verge of crying at the drop of a hat! I guess I'll get to go when Pat gets released to drive which most likely won't be until the end of the month. I'm going to have to do some juggling with his physical therapy, work and my work... to make sure that he gets to where he needs to be and I'm also where I need to be. I'm going to talk to my principal tomorrow about it.

I'm not good about journaling either. I need to get good at it. I did exercise 4 times this past week so I'm proud of that!

Tina, 3 minutes jump roping is great!!! I love to do it but those days are over for me with my knee. Take care of it.

Tammy, I don't know how you have time to eat with all of your running. Tim has so much energy..... will he share?

Have a great rest of the day and Monday.

Tammy 08-04-2002 09:55 PM

Tina, I teach Sun. school next week. Then I only have one more time after that. I'm not going to do it after this cycle. I don't feel that I'm doing a very good job. I'm disappointed in myself for not doing better and for being a quitter.

I'm going to get back into the journaling too! It really does make a difference.

I would think that the rope jumping would hurt your knee! I'm glad that it doesn't.

I wish Tim would share some of his energy! I don't know how he keeps going sometimes. Maybe that's where those 3-4 hour naps come in. lol

Susan, hope things work out OK with your work schedules and Pat's therapy. It's hard to get everything juggled, isn't it? I can relate to the crying. I get those moods sometimes too. Hang in there!!

DeeX 08-06-2002 12:19 AM

Hey that isn't fair! School starts the 15th for my daughter! It's even earlier then other schools in the area. I get to enroll her on Tues...which only takes a few minutes... but 20 mins to get to the school..LOL.

WOW everyone around here is busy busy busy...except me :)
I just go to work, then come home, and that wears me out! I lead a very dull life... :shrug: what can I say. Even talking online to my "guy" friend has become dull...and repitisious (sp).

Great to hear that you are able to do Jump Rope Tina!! Especially with your knee hurting and stuff.

Susan, I hope you get a change to go home soon. Sounds like you need the change. Hope all goes well w/your schedules, and you can make time for you!

Have a good tomorrow everyone...

Tina 08-06-2002 08:54 AM

It's Tuesday.

My knee is so much better!!!!! I couldn't wait to let y'all know. I can bend it without it hurting. That place right in the middle is finally healing up.
I know, I know----I must take it easy. :)

Dee--many a day I wish I was back at work. We could trade places for a week---what do you say!!!!! ;)

Hope everyone is doing okay. I fell off the OP wagon last night but am back on it today. I haven't been able to do without any sweets for 6 weeks, like my gyn suggested. But, I'm going to do the best I can OP.

Take care,

DeeX 08-06-2002 11:04 PM

Today was the first time I have journalled in ages. So far I've been OP today...not the best choices food wise, but at least its with in points... still have 1 point left over, but I'm not gonna eat it.....just in case I underestimated some place!

Tina I'd prefer to not be working....but only way I can do that is win the million dollar lottory... :lol: as if that will happen!
Glad to hear you are back on the OP wagon....the best you can do it always the best!! Hang in there with out them sweets.


Tammy 08-07-2002 09:04 AM

I haven't written things down, but I know I've been doing OK on the food. Water too. I already walked this morning. It was so much cooler this morning. That made it nice.

Need to go to WalMart and pick up pictures that I had developed later. Big plans for the day, right? Later this afternoon, I'm chaperoning the band again. So glad that it's cooler. The bus gets pretty warm!

Do you think it's nap time yet? It's 9:00, I've been up for about 2 hours. Lazy me!!

Tina, glad the knee is better!

Dee, good job on the journaling! I need to get my WW materials out where I can see them. Right now they are under some papers on the hutch in the kitchen.

Tina 08-07-2002 09:41 AM

It's 8:00 a.m. and it's already 80 degrees! I'm not walking this morning.

Dee, good for you, tracking your points. I hope today is just as good.

Tammy, I think you deserve that nap. It sounds like you'll have a very busy day.
I can't remember, do you have any pets???? I need to take our cat in for a check-up and a nail trim. He knows when I'm thinking about taking him . :) He just ran and hid under the bed. I guess I'll make an appt. tomorrow There's no way I'd get him out from under there today. :lol:

Kady, what are you doing?

Sis, what's going on?

I'm going to start another Weigh In Results thread now.
145 goal

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