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bandit2 03-18-2008 10:39 AM

Princess - hope your neck is OK, maybe you slept on it wrong or something simple like that. You have been through so much with that. Keeping my fingers crossed it corrects itself.

Hope everyone else had a OP Monday & off to good start this week!

CherryAutumn 03-18-2008 12:46 PM

Hope everyone is doing well. I wrote a post yesterday but could not get it through so i thought i would just post something small for now. I got a new WW scale and so as a starting weight was at 219.6 and today since it is weigh in day i am 217.0.

chrily 03-18-2008 04:11 PM

Cherry, I keep having the same technical issue as you too.

Well ladies, all is well here so far. I feel just so nauseous and light-headed right now. I got a letter in the mail that is both thrilling and scary to me.
I have been nominated by my faculty advisor for a place in Sigma Beta Delta. It's an international honor society for business, administration, and management. I would love to accept the nomination but the only problem is that I have to get up in front of a room full of people and be presented with my certificate and honor cord. What do I do? The thought of being in a room full of people makes me sooo nervous, I'm already feeling sick. I am so paranoid and ashamed of the way I look at my weight. As a fat and super shy person, the last place I'm going to feel comfortable is in front of a bunch of people. Makes me want to cry. I feel awful that I feel that strongly about my weight issues. It is holding me back so bad....

Well, I guess I'm looking for what to do. I just don't know...


Princess1122 03-19-2008 08:24 AM

Morning all and happy Wednesday... it is raining cats and dogs here... lordy! Flood warnings all over the place! Ugh! Well, I guess this is what I get for wanting spring to come to badly :D

I am leaving the office today to go see the doctor about the whole neck/back issue, I am hoping that he has some suggestions to stop it in it's tracks before it gets really bad like it was before. We will just have to wait and see I guess.

Suggestion to those that are having trouble posting... only a suggestion here... but how about if you type it out on a word document then log on to this website and just cut and paste it into a reply window. Sometimes I think that when we have the longer posts the server times out on us... I could be wrong though... at least by doing it on a word doc you would have the post and not loose it all the way.

Chris: I think that if you let this opportunity go by you will regret it somewhere down the road... I could be wrong but that is the feeling that I get. I would just accept it, buy yourself a new outfit or a new blouse to go with a pair of slacks or a skirt that you already have - I am sure that you will look fabulous! If you have to make some kind of speech then just keep it very short and to the point, no harm in that. When I graduated from college in 2002 I was at my highest weight ever... I was like 265 if I remember correctly. I was ashamed of the weight gain and I don't do well at public speaking either... luck was with me and I did not have to speak but I had to get up in front of my family, friends, fellow students, etc. and it was hard, very hard. But looking back, I would have been crushed if I did not attend and I would have regretted it, I had worked my butt off for that degree, worked full time, raised two kids, and went to school full time, I deserved that day and so do you! Just try and use this as a light-bulb moment to get on the wagon and get moving on the weight loss... again, just a suggestion but I would hate for you to miss such an awesome opportunity.

Cherry: Great job on the loss! Keep going!

CherryAutumn 03-19-2008 11:00 AM

Princess- I hope the doctor has some suggestions on how to help you with your pain. Thanks for the encouragement and also the suggestion on posting.

Chris- I am so sorry you are dealing with this. I wish that i had words of wisdom. I to have a very hard time dealing with being in large groups of people and hate to have people looking at me. Maybe that is what is behind my constantly sabatoging my weightloss. Maybe i don't want to draw attention. I hope you don't turn down this opportunity.

bandit2 03-19-2008 12:00 PM

CHerry - Down 2 - good for you!

Princess - hope your neck gets better super fast.

Chris - congrats on your nomination. You should be very proud of yourself and even though it will be hard for you it would be much more difficult to deal with the fact that you didn't go, later on. JUST DO IT - you will glad you did.
People are there honouring you not judging you. Listen to Princess, she has good advice.

Hang in there, everyone!

SCraver 03-19-2008 01:14 PM

Chris: I know how you feel. I did not care for my bridal shower years ago... too many people looking at me at once! (And those were people I knew!!) But what an honor and an achievement!! Congratulations!! Going to school is hard enough, but to then receive honors! Excellent! DO IT! Accept it and hold your head high. It is about your accademic achievements and not a beauty pagent. You have worked hard and you deserve this! I do not think anyone will judge you for your weight = and if they do, then they are :censored:
And I agree with pricess1122 that you would regret it later if you didn't.
Just think how good you will feel when it is over!

Princess1122 03-19-2008 02:09 PM

Howdy all! I just got back from the doctor... hmmm, was really hoping for some options... and I got them, again, be careful what you wish for... LOL. This is what my options are:

1) More spinal injections - this time they go in through the front of my neck instead of my back... Ugh!

2) Go to a Chiropractor that specializes in my condition - basically they manipulate the bones and do not make "adjustments" to them... what ever that means! With this option I take anti-inflammatory's and pain-meds... Not too bad of an option...

3) Go to a spinal surgeon.... Ugh!

4) Some kind of nerve med's - have no idea what they are or what they do... Blah!

I picked option 2 and if that does not work then it is on to option 3.

He says that the disk is still degenerated, nothing is really going to stop that except surgery... and the inflammation is coming back and that is what is causing the nerve to get pinched again. So there we have it... I just wanted to lay my head down and cry, not sure what I expected, I guess just something more positive then basically "we can do all of these options but most likely you are going to end up with surgery in the end".

I need to modify my goal a bit for boot camp... the exercise part of it anyway. I will still be going to the gym but I am going to lower the amount of days to 3 per week and lower my intensity level a bit... I will aim for 30 to 45 minutes of walking on the treadmill and maybe a bit of riding the bike but I am going to stay off of the elliptical for a while.

I have to run, I just wanted to check in quick.

bethz 03-19-2008 06:07 PM

We Are Not What We Weigh!
Chris: CONGRATULATIONS on your accomplishments!! You received this honor in spite of your weight issue...no one is going to be looking at your weight, they will be there to celebrate the achievements of you and other honorees. The people who love you don't care, and you shouldn't care what the other people MIGHT think...It sounds as if you have so much to be proud of...I weigh more then you, and I would be there! Here is my push out the door>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Princess: Not much you can do with degenerative disease...chiropractor sounds like a good idea...Prayers being sent your way! Hope I'm not being a pain in the neck...:D (Just kidding...better to laugh than cry!)

Cherry: Good for you on the 2 pound loss! Keep it up, girl!

I had a 1/2 day today for some ME time as son was visiting his children. Was really relaxing. Made chili for DH and boys. Had a leftover turkey sandwich myself. Did well pointwise today. Did not exercise though. Lost 2 pounds for biggest losers at work. Official WW weigh in on Friday, won't be as dramatic. Have a great evening.

Itryharder 03-19-2008 06:57 PM

Bethz and Cherry, :goodscale: for both of you. 2# down in a week is wonderful!

Princess, I'm sorry to hear about your neck and back. Yes, option 2 sounds the best and adjusting boot camp will work for the best. :grouphug:

Chris, you are being recommended for this honor because you deserve it. Please concentrate on that and don't let this wonderful news pass you by. Your loved ones all know what you look like and they love you. You are working on your weight and should be commended for that as well. We all have moments that you are describing, but I trust that you'll have the strength to do the right thing for yourself. :hug:

I'm back from Montauk Point, NY. My dh, dd and dgrandson and dsil all spent the last few days out there. Ocean, sand, cold and windy, but we were still able to take walks and enjoy each other's company. Now I'm babysitting tomorrow and then trying to pull Easter together real fast. My friend is bringing the ham and my dd a dessert and my other dd a sweet potato dish, so what I have to do is much less than other years and I know I can pull this off! In the meantime, I'm so proud of the Turtles and all the good work we're doing.
Bandit, I'm thinking of you and my weight is up this week, for sure. Now I've got to get back to exercising and keeping track of points. I can do this!
Be well and happy,
234.6/214.8/thinner into onederland :cool:

chrily 03-19-2008 11:18 PM

Princess---OPTION 2! OPTION 2! Get a needle poked through your neck just makes me all sick to my stomach for you. Surgery sounds about as appealing. You poor thing! My brother had back surgery and he says the one thing (even after the surgery) that makes his back feel better is exercise. Of course his was a blown disc in his lower back. May be a little different, huh?

Cherry-I often wonder if I sabotage my weight loss too, just so that I can keep attention OFF of me. Probably has to do ALOT with my past. I think we are some sort of twins.

Bethz, Judy, Cherry, Princess, Bandit, and SCraver...okay! I will go. My husband even told me its an opportunity I would definitely kick myself in the butt for if I did not go to the ceremony and accept my certification. I'm kind of still in "WOW! I was picked for something" mode. You spend your whole life not being picked or picked last and it is hard to believe that I was actually chosen. It's just kind of surreal.

Well I guess I will use everyone's advice and use this as an incentive to really work on my weight loss goal too. I have alot to do...and I'll have to go shopping. I do not own any dresses, slacks, or nice shirts, no dress shoes. I need a haircut also. I really don't take care of myself like I should. I know.

Looks like you all are having a great week. I think I'm going to start walking on the track or around the neighborhood a few nights a week. It's getting nice enough out to get some fresh air. Well gotta read my ethics books and help Tiana with her math homework. Talk to you all tomorrow or something...


Princess1122 03-20-2008 08:33 AM

Morning all and happy Thursday! Today is actually my Friday as far as work is concerned... we have off tomorrow for Good Friday... Yah! My mom is coming in this evening for the weekend... yah! We are not going to have as many for holiday dinner as we thought, only 6 that I know of, makes things much easier. We are going to have the dinner on Saturday as my mom wants to head home early Sunday morning... works for me, that will give me Sunday to relax and get ready for another work week.

I have started on my med's, they are not very kind to my tummy but I will keep at it in hopes that they will help.

Chris: Good for you! Awesome accomplishment and a huge congrats... I know how hard it is and you made me laugh a bit when you said that you were amazed that they picked you for the honor... I have always been the same way... always last or just not picked at all so I am truly surprised when I do actually get picked for something, not that it has happened very often but you know what I mean. LOL, Option 2, you are too funny... yup, the whole needle thing in my back was bad enough three times, no way I want to see it going into my neck. Exercise seems to aggravate it and I am not sure why... I have to look into what I can do that will help it instead of hurt it I guess.

Judy: Your vacation sounds wonderful! the beech is lovely and calming just about anytime you go but when the crowds are down it is even more so. Very glad you are back though, we always miss you when you are away.

Beth: Loved the joke! You are right, I have to laugh, no matter what, it is way better then crying or feeling sorry for myself... that which does not kill me makes me stronger :^: Good luck at your W/I!

Bandit: How are you doing? Any plans for the weekend?

Cherry: How are you doing this week? Any plans for you for the upcoming weekend?

SCraver: What is new with you?

Well all, I have to try and get some work done this morning but will pop back on later on. Have a happy day!

Itryharder 03-20-2008 11:12 AM

Hi, I am here, but running around like crazy and can't post right now. I'm heading to :tread: because I'm up three real pounds and the best way to start to get them off is to exercise.

:bravo: and :cheers: to the good news here and :grouphug: for all else!

SCraver 03-20-2008 01:10 PM

Yay! Chris, I am glad you ahve decided to accept the award! Good for you!

Princess1122: that really stinks about your back. I had to watch my friend go through back surgery. She had two disks replaced with a newer procedure they do. It still boggles my mind how they can do that. But she bounced right back and with in a couple months of her surgery, she was pregnant and 8 1/2 months after that had a healthy baby boy! So - if you do get stuck with surgery it sounds like they have a lot of options.

I have RAGING DMS today (not PMS, but During MS) - Lol! I am tired, achy, cranky, and SO HUNGRY! I am eating a montster salad loaded up with green peppers, cucs, tomatoes, broccoli, and a pork chop. Do you guys find that you crave what you eat - meaning, if you eat crap all the time, you crave junk food, if you eat healthy, you crave healthy food? B/c I wasn't going to let anyone stand btwn me and that salad bar today!!

HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!! :flow1: :snail: :df:

bethz 03-20-2008 06:22 PM

Glad you chose the salad over the junk!! I have the cravings with PMS, DMS, Post-MS and NO-MS times of month. LOL I tend to like to alternate salty with sweet with salty...etc

Blustery snow out the window today...would someone please let mother nature know it is SPRING!! Was cloudy and raining when I went into work this morning. Sun is hiding out today... I would like to come out of winter hibernation, thank you...

I feel more like a slug than a turtle today, although I did do my 5 hallway laps around the school! Now I am down to zero motivation (except exercising my fingers on the keyboard). Will look pretty funny going around with skinny fingers! LOL again!

Had a good day today, drank my water, journaled, exercised
B: 2 eggs, 2 toast
L: spinach salad with bacon vinegarette
S: popcorn
D: stuffed cabbage...the last of it!!

Have a nice weekend everyone! Will be in touch. :hug:Bethz

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