struggling newbie :)

  • I joined 3FC yesterday. I just finished reading their book. (Read it in a day) It really helped get me motivated and figure out where I want to be and how I am going to get there, not that I think it is going to be easy. I am on a little mini vacation right now. We (my 4 children and myself) are staying with my husband at his hotel where he works out of town Sunday thru Thurs. I am wanting to join WW when we get back home to Indiana. I am limited right now in this hotel but I really am trying to make the most of it. I am used to living with the negative with my weight but am trying to find the positive even if it is something small to get me thru. I was brave and put on a swim suit yesterday. Swam with my kids for an hour and it felt great! I am very excited to be here and look forward to having support to get me through. I look forward to being able to support others and be part of a team.
  • Welcome
    Hey there. I was just talking to my Sister about this. We both struggle with our weight, but I've made it to Lifetime once before and have every intention of getting there again.

    One of the items we discussed was that the more social or active we were, the more motivated we stayed. Trouble hit when we would hibernate in the house with our comfy clothes and since no one could see us...we would eat. Getting your swimsuit on was a big deal. It showed your children that your are who you are right now, but that you aren't afraid to play with them or ashamed. These are lessons that last our children's lifetime. Being in that suit, if nothing else, has motivated you to not gain more weight. If you were cooped up in that hotel room, you may have jsut ordered room service and moved that scale in the wrong direction.

    I am only 5' 2" and am 50 lbs overweight. I still get my suit on and take my Son to the pool or the lake. Yeah, I don't feel great, but I am holding my head up and making changes. You just need to take small steps. Stay on this board, attend the WW meetings, and recognize that it will take time. I applaud you after 4 babies and you ONLY have 50 lbs to lose. I only have 1 child for goodness sakes!!!

    Hang in there and keep your motivation up. We're all here for you.