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Lollybird 12-06-2001 06:59 AM

Thursday - Look who's here!!!!
Hellooooooooooo people, HOW long is it since I've started a thread??? Still no internet at home, unfortunately, but I am in college working today so have been able to catch up on all the posts. Emily, it's so good to see you again, and I'm sorry to hear about all your problems. Sending good vibes your way!!! Mandie, welcome, we definitely haven't met before, but I just checked out your homepage - love those little teddy angels :lol: Trish - I'm so excited on your behalf about the baby (and very pleased to hear that hubby is finally helping you feather the nest ;) ).

To everyone who was talking about chocolate and night-time nibbling, I AM RIGHT THERE WITH YOU!!!!!!!!! Don't know what has been wrong with me lately, but I have had suuuuuuuch chocolate cravings, especially for Bournville dark chocolate. Like you said Ali, normally I go months without it, but just recently ... I have been making soy-milk cocoa in the evenings instead, and that usually keeps the worst cravings at bay - and it's so much creamier than skimmed milk (aka tinted water :( ) Maybe it's the dark weather - I know I want more carbohydrates this time of year as well. Lots of lovely toast, yum yum.

Rina - we have been thinking about wedding songs as well, and we are probably going for 'All Time High', from Octokitty, because apart from the first couple of lines (maybe we can talk over them or something? :dizzy: ) the lyrics are sooooo appropriate. Your beach theme sounds so cool!!!!! Ours is going to be really informal too, one thing we're doing is instead of a DJ we're hiring a soundsystem and getting a bunch of friends to do a half-hour each, that way we can get even more people involved. I'm so excited - less than 6 months to go! Are you doing a honeymoon? We are probably going to Morocco ... never been to Africa ... Only for a few days though. YIPPEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Our hamster baby is doing very well, and growing very big - she is nearly 3 months old now, so she is big enough to come out of her cage and run around the (hamsterproofed!) room. Only trouble is, she gets overexcited and doesn't want to go back to bed, and when we do finally get her back, she jumps up and down and bangs on the door! It's soooooooo cute (tho' very noisy when you are trying to sleep). Still, maybe it's good practice for having a terrible toddler (is that true, mommies out there?)...

Ok, better go now - work to do!
Hugs to everyone :D :) :lol:


Sweater Girl 12-06-2001 07:21 AM

Lolly: Great to hear from ya. I think honestly my chocolate cravings are due to a lack of exercise. Maybe it's a brain chemical thing. Since I exercised vigorously yesterday I haven't craved chocolate at all.... my weakness are the Lindors or Lindt chocolate.... and Godiva (why oh why do I get a 10% mall discount there).

My boyfriend and I had such a fun convo last night on the phone so I am happy, things are looking fabbo right now. He was teasing me and I was teasing him about his accent and the french pronunciation of Dalhousie (love those french-Canadian accents). Eek, I work tonight and I have an exam tomorrow.... ARGH! It'll be over in a week!!!

Take Care!


Mandie 12-06-2001 08:32 AM

HI Lolly! So glad to get to meet you. Thanks for the comment on my homepage -- I LOVE angels, and teddy bears, so those were PERFECT!!!! Sounds like you guys have so much fun with your hamster. I used to have two (one male one female), and they didn't reproduce for YEARS...then all of a sudden they started like crazy. hehee! They are lots of fun, and so cute!! Oh -- and Morocco!!! What fun you will have!!!!!

Morning Ali! Sounds like you and your bf is doing much better. I'm so glad. You guys probably had a great time just giggling and talking on the phone. Enjoy those phone conversations...that's one thing I miss with Jeremy and me. We used to talk on the phone for hours before we were married...now it's NEVER. So enjoy it while you can!!!! Thanks for the compliment on my pics! They really scanned and resized horribly -- sorry. I have been meaning to tell you how great yours are!!! You look WONDERFUL, and I'm sure feel it too! Glad you're back into the exercising, and enjoying it!!!! It makes me feel WONDERFUL when I get it accomplished!!

HIya Kim! So sorry to hear about WW and having to re-enroll. That's exactly why I stopped going. I feel like they are just trying to make money -- not really help people. But I think their program is the BEST!!

Hey Wenwella -- don't you just LOVE Tae-Bo!!??!! I think Billy is just GREAT!!! He really gets me motivated, and I love doing the work-outs!!!

I just can't get over how pumped and energized I am this week to stay OP! I have done so well, stayed within or under my point range, and am feeling wonderful! I can hardly wait to WI tomorrow morning. I'll post my results. I'm hoping that last weekend didn't kill me, and that I do in fact loose. I'm SOOOO ready for another loss. And I'm finally back in the swing of working-out!!! YIPPIE! I did Tae-Bo last night (I LOVE Tae-Bo!), and boy did it feel GREAT! Working out with my Total Gym 1000 tonight, so I'm sure I'll be a little sore tomorrow :)

I have been making gift baskets this year for Christmas gifts, and it's really so much fun!!! It helps me so I don't want to eat. Just keeping busy helps me. The baskets are turning our really nice...and I'm so anxious to see the people's faces when they get them.

Besides that, nothing is new. I lead a pretty boring life...but that's okay, it's me! I'm thinking real seriously about the gym membership for Jeremy for Christmas...that way we could do something together. Only a few days away...so I'd better get deciding!!!!

Well, I need to get back work...HI to everyone else! I'll probably check back later! Have a great day everyone!!!

TonyaLyn 12-06-2001 09:56 AM

Good morning everyone!!

I was out of commission yesterday, had to go to the doc with my DH (he is having nose surgery again soon!)

Wow, you all were a really chatty bunch yesterday, still trying to catch up on all the posts!!

Mandie ~ I think it is super that you are so OP, I have also been very OP for the last three weeks, and I love the feeling of control again! Now, if I could just exercise, I would be doing awesome!

Kay ~ Good luck at your interview, I know you will do terrific!

Lolly ~ We too, had a hampster for our kids about 2 years ago, didn't work very well, they are way too nocturnal for me!!!! :)

Where's Kirsty???

Grace ~ Wow, It is great having you back, don't leave again!

Stacey ~ Don't worry about the gain, it happens, just refocus today!

Ali ~ It is great that things are going well with BF, the countdown to school break is on!!!!

Where's Belle!?!? Probably enjoying herself with BF too much!!

Jen???? Are you still alive? That goes for the other Jen's too!!

I know I missed lots of people, sorry!!! I am thinking of all of you though!

I had WI last night and lost .6 pound. I wish it were more, but I did eat out twice last weekend, and shouldn't have. But, I will take the loss!!

I am starting tonight to incorporate exercise into my schedule. I am going to start with two nights a week of walking on my treadmill and take it from there. Water has been a struggle lately too, but I will get it in today!

Well, better look busy, the University is getting pretty quiet, school will soon break (another week) and then the real quietness with be here until the end of January. I have all of my shopping done for x-mas, am very excited about that!! :)

Now, will the wrapping fairy please visit my house?!?!?!


Grace, Grace 12-06-2001 10:09 AM

Well I stuck to my pts yesterday even though I am down a bracket. Now I only get 20-25 pts. I don't know why I thought the 2 pts would kill me but I survived ;) I earned 3 exercise pts from a power walk too so that was good. I don't know if I will get a chance to wald today or not we will see. My boss who is usually wonderful is a bit intense latley so I don't want to do anything else to put her on edge and when I walk I usually end up taking a little more than an hour lunch.

Lolly- I have never heard the song that your talking about . I will have to keep my ears open for it. Is it new?? Anyways, MOrroco AHHH I am so jealous. I dont think I will get a vacatoin this year. We are however going skiing after Christmas which will be a lot of fun. I guess I just mean there will be not tropical warm locations for me. We just go up to Traverse City and ski there for a few days.

Ali- Glad that you got back to the gym. I have done the same the past couple of wks and it does feel great. My aerobics instructor said that it only takes 2 wks of not working out to get out of shape and lose some of your intensity. Talk about some serious motivation to stay in the gym. YIKES!

Mandie. Great pics. You have seen some serious results haven't you?? WE all have ups and downs. Keep motivated it sounds like you are extremely right now :)

Well I have a client so I have to go. I will check in later and I was wondering for the daily tracker thread, Do you put down what you are planning on eating or what you ate yesterday or what??? Thanks for the help :)

Trish O 12-06-2001 10:15 AM

Hello all. Glad to see you all are doing so well.

Jen L is in Vegas for a conference. She gets back tomorrow I think so maybe she will check in then or next week.

Ok, I have a post-birth delema. I am not going back to work after the baby (my last day is the 14th next week!) anyway, hubby and I decided that we don't have enough money for me to go to WW and to belong to a gym. That is bad! So I have to pick. I really am a group exercise person...but it will be hard for me to get to the gym until the baby is 6 mo as they don't take them for daycare before that. So I thought I would work out at home and go to WW. But then I was afraid that I would not work out at home and that would be bad. So then I tought I would go to the gym at night and then just do WW at home. But I have tried that before and was a failure. Anyway, I am in a delema on what to pick. Here is the solution I have so far. I will join WW and work out at home...really make myself do it in the day. Then when I am at goal I will go for free to WW and join the gym again. By that time the baby will be old enough for the daycare at the gym. What do you all think about that plan?

Anyway, I must go. Am clearing out my office some today.

Oh, all this wedding talk is making me want to look at my wedding pictures. Have not done that in a long time.


StaceyT 12-06-2001 10:51 AM

Trish: I think that sounds like a good plan! Besides, I think you'll be getting enough excercise with the baby anyways!! I don't have kids, but I'm pretty sure new mommies don't sit on their butts all day. :) So, rest assured you won't get any rest. hee hee
Wow! I can't believe it's getting so close! You MUST post pics of you and baby!!!!!!! Do you have internet at home? hope so.
I did ok on points yesterday until last night. We shopped at Walmart until late...midnight...and I bought some reduced fat oreos. I ate six, even though I didn't have the six points for them! Oh well, they sure did taste good, though!
Well, my boss will be returning from her break soon. We're having a christmas party tomorrow night at the same club where I had my Bachelorette party! She's bringing a date :o (her divorce was final about 2 months ago) So, we're teasing her about shaving her legs and "getting ready" for her date! She was asking me and a coworker about different contraceptives. It was pretty funny! She was married for 14 years but the a$$hole cheated on her twice and the divorce process took about 3 years. That was all her doing, though. She kept taking him back. What a jerk! But, she's all giddy about this new guy so it's fun talking girl talk. She's really not a bad person, but a horrible boss. She is such a control freak!!!!!
Ok, back to work. Sorry for the novella!

StaceyT 12-06-2001 10:52 AM

How horrible of me!!!
Lolly, welcome back!!!!!! We missed you!!!!

Trish O 12-06-2001 11:11 AM

Stacey: I had a boss like that. Great woman...but a really bad boss. Was very controling, but the funny thing was she never seemed to know what was going on. It was like as soon as you had a conversation with her about status etc she would forget all about the details and have to come to you freaking out when someone wanted somethings (all of which was under control, as you had just told her!) Anyway, she is a nice person and I like talking to her now that I don't work for her anymore.


KO 12-06-2001 11:12 AM

Morning girls
Today I retake My control! im journalling my food and staying away from the cake i made yesterday i think had to hit extreme b4 i could do anything
The bf is being distant *bigSuprise* so i dont know whether or not to ask him what he actually wants out of our relationship
this should be a fun one
any1 know any eligible guys over 23 and under 31? ARG MEN
so todya im going to pt and to work ot
tuesday im going t the doc o see if she will let me tryout glucophage while im at home I have alot of the symptoms of PCOS and glucophage helps to manage em especially the weight gain
TRISH! im soo excited for you!
Lolly Whats your hampstersname?
Tonya whas Going on wth DH's Nose?
Beckyi was wondering the same thng about the thread
also can i post even tho im not counting points yet
Hi Mandy

Ali I love those Teasing calls!
ttyas later

Lollybird 12-06-2001 11:15 AM

Thank you Stacey :D I've missed you guys too!!!!!!!!!

Trish, re your dilemma (and wasn't Kim wondering about rejoining as well?), I made a conscious decision not to go back to WW a couple of months ago and so far I feel GOOD. I haven't lost, but I haven't gained either, and that's a major achievement. I just got fed up paying the money every week and not getting any real encouragement ... I ended up feeling quite cynical about it. I do like the program though, so Blokey and I are following it, in a relaxed sort of way :s: I guess I would say, if the meetings really work for you, then go for it and work out at home. Do you have any relatives nearby who would watch little Humphrey Aloysius for you while you are at the gym? Or do you know any other Moms who might do reciprocal babysitting for you (just trying to think around the daycare problem)? I'm not much help, I don't have these problems with my furry baby!!!!!!!!!!!

Kay - GOOD VIBES for your interview. Let us know how it goes, won't you?

Becky - nope, not a new song. When was 'Octokitty'? '84? Some of the lyrics are so cool: 'funny how it always goes with love, when you don't look, you find. But then we're two of a kind, we move as one ... On an all-time high (dooby dooby la-la-la). Listen out for it!

BTW, Tonya, loved your photo yesterday. Your kids are a- adorable!!!

Ali - yippee! on the BF thing getting better - and yay! on getting back to the gym. I have to get back to the yoga, maybe that will do for the cravings ...

Ok, better dash - hugs all!


Lollybird 12-06-2001 11:17 AM

Kier, we were posting at the same time ... my baby is called BUFFY!!! (Buffy the Hamster Player, I know it doesn't really work, but she does love to play...)

TxAggie 12-06-2001 01:02 PM

Wow! busy day!
I don't have a lot of time to post because I want to keep my phone line open. Thanks everyone for the well wishes on the job! The interview went well and my inside contact at the firm put in more good words for me. Hopefully I'll find out this week, but she told me it might be next week. I know there are a couple of other candidates, but my contact says I am in the lead so far. I'm just trying not to get my homes up too much.

I am such a bum today! I went out with all of my old work buddies (all of us we're layed off together) and we ended up playing trivial persuit until 4 a.m.). So basically WW was shot yesterday. But, today is a new day and some of my old buddies and myself are going to start a walking program on a local track. Its a cool track that goes around a lake. There are a ton of walking spots in Austin, so I think we are going to try to sample all. Hopefully it won't get cold this year! Anyway I'll try to respond more later!

Belle2000 12-06-2001 02:52 PM

I'm Here I'm here!
Much to my dismay, I just lost my whole post...yikes...!!!

I am here, I just have been way to busy with commitments etc that I haevn't had too much time to post but I'll try to be better! I miss you guys!!

Lolly - hey! I have had lots of hamsters, most recently Lennie and Squiggie - they were awesome teddy bears. Squiggie became senile though adn did weirdo things! We put him down in the end...poor old fart!

Ali - glad your b/f situation is ironing out...they are troublesome those men...oh well! Maybe its engineers or easterners! You never know...

Hi Mandie - I dont' think we've met either. Gift baskets are a great idea! I did one for a baby shower once, teh basket was a bathtub...it was cool!

Hi Tonya! I am here! What's up with DH's nose?? I must have missed that...

Becky - congrats on dropping down a level!! Woo hoo!

Trish - I think your plan sounds good...if you really want it, you'll do it! I am so excited for your baby's arrival!!

Stacey, I too had a boss like that!! What is up with that? Oh well, at least you enjoyed her for a little while!

Kierie - If I knew any good ones, I'd hook you up...I tried to match my brother in law's brother with a CA from the company I work at but it didn't work...he is SO immature, adn he's 30!! Think Maxim reader....that's what he is in a nutshell...

Kay - good luck with the interview!!!

Gotta go, boss is back

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