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Domina 10-16-2006 07:54 AM

Thin4Life - Week of Oct 16/06
:carrot: Woo-hoo, I survived a very busy weekend and my parents came for a visit. More on that later. On Friday, DH and I spent the day cleaning and doing errands because of my parents' visit. We also took a joint golf lesson. The teacher said Dave was doing very well and I was well... I kept calling him "teacher's pet." :lol:

On Saturday, my singing group put on a show and it was nice to have my parents and my sister there. Unfortunately, there were some technical glitches with our sound equipment. The man who sings in my group has a lovely voice, but his microphone was acting up and made him sound funny. Then it went out entirely. :( I don't like mikes, so I tend not to use one, but it was still unnerving.

Then we did the play. My family really laughed and it was good to see them laughing. :D :bravo: The play closed on Sunday so we had to strike the set. Then DH and I went home and collapsed.

My parents are just not doing well. I hadn't realized it till this weekend. My father is blind because of a genetic disorder, but his blindness has been gradual over his whole life. Now I am discovering that he is truly blind. He tries to make you think he isn't blind (pride, denial??) It's just so sad. My mother has a host of medical problems and most of it is due to her weight. She is obese and that is so hard to take. She tried WW, but she just didn't understand the program for some reason. I tell you when my mother was younger, she was foxy lady. In addition to all that, they had a rough time driving to my home. My mother took a wrong turn. My sister said that she wouldn't let her drive (:?:) and my mother seemed to be very confused on the trip. Thanks for reading all of this, but it's so hard to see my parents age.

Melissa, I don't know what happened last week, maybe everyone else is on vacation. I am so sorry about the gain. I have WI tonight. I'm hoping for maintaining because I have been absolutely horrible. At the theater I was snacking on anything that was there: cookies, candy, nuts. What is wrong with me. I'm going to sprinkle this on both of us. :dust:

Your dinner sounded nice. I can't believe you had to move someone. What happened to gentility and civility?

Our weather this weekend was glorious--low humidity, low 80's, sunshine, aah. :cool: It's supposed to get hot and sticky tomorrow, that's autumn in Florida.

Hello to all other Lifers--come back. Tell us what's happening.

Seasaw 10-16-2006 09:44 AM

Hi Lisa. I haven't gone anywhere; last week was a short one for me with Thanksgiving on Monday and a regular day off on Friday. In between, two business trips. It's a blur.

Sorry to hear that your parents aren't doing well. It's a shock to see them age and to have the care roles reversed. I'm still getting accustomed to that. Does your sister live close to them?

I took part in a 10k race yesterday and did well - 7/16 in my age category. I dropped down to 10k at the last minute because I wasn't ready for the half; in the end, it was absolutely the right decision. I'm a little stiff today but not injured, and that's the goal, isn't it?

I've also been eating horribly, so I'm using some of the willpower dust too. The scale doesn't reflect it but I'm not happy with what I've been fueling my body with. Have a date with the gym after work and with a healthy meal afterwards :carrot: It's a start.


MelissaL 10-16-2006 09:55 AM

Lisa: Thanks for getting the thread up and running this morning! It sounds like you had a busy, but productive weekend! It's hard to see our parents age--I know I look at my dad and each time he's been sick he seems to age more and he's very stubborn when it comes to asking for anything. *sigh* Lisa, your mom and mine sound a lot alike; my mom was always thin (98# when she and my dad got married) and stayed slender up until her mid-to late-30's and then she gained quite a bit of weight. She's been on numerous diets, etc. and finally tried WW and has lost 36#.

I hope your WI goes well tonight and let's hope for the best! Maintaining is good. I'm hoping that I'm down from last week, although last night I had a bit of a meltdown and was eating/snacking way too much and this morning I feel pretty disgusted with myself and my pants are a little snug in the waist.


Our weather for the most part was pretty nice over the weekend--Saturday we had a little bit of snow but it melted. I did a little running around with my 2 boys on Saturday and we had dinner together. I did some "de-cluttering" and got rid of a bunch of old magazines, papers and shredded a bunch of old bills, etc. I feel good about what I accomplished. I still have some things I need to go through but I've made a pretty good dent!

Lala, Pam, Susan, Julie, Liz: Hope you all are doing okay! We missed you here on the boards last week!

lalala 10-16-2006 10:17 AM

Hi everyone,

I've been running like a chicken without a head. It has been misplaces.

I'm in boulder this week, but I promise to post when I get back from my meeting, once I catch up.


the ever so porkier.

lalala 10-17-2006 09:45 AM

Hi everyone,

Am I the thread killer?

Lisa - I'm sorry about your parents. I am also always worrying about mine - especially driving at night. They are in their mid to late 70's and I call them everyday to check on them.

I can't imagine life without them.

They must be proud of you and your talent!

I could use some willpower dust too.

Susan -- yeah on the race and a belated happy thanksgiving.

Melissa - sounds like your gala was fun, but I can't imagine having to move people. The weight is just fluff. It'll be off.

Hi to everyone else. I'm still exhausted and must get ready for my next meeting.

More later...


Seasaw 10-17-2006 10:01 AM

au contraire, my dear lala, your posts always generate lively discussion. I'm just a little overwhelmed, seeing as my boss' last day was Friday and I've been away so much.

Ageing parents is tough. Losing Dad earlier this year made me so much more mindful of keeping in touch with Mom. She's 80 and in generally good health, but she's 80... We have to make the best of the time we have left.

Speaking of mindful, I started an 8-week mindfullness course last night. It follows the teachings of the guy who wrote Full Catastrophe Living - can't remember his name at the moment. I have to pick up the book after work today. Anyway, one night's worth, and I've already experienced a change - had the best sleep in two months last nite.

If this course goes well, I may finally be able to correct some of the unhealthy habits I've picked up around eating. One of the exercises last night involved taking a minute and a half to eat a single raisin. Amazing the sensations that accompany the consumption of food when you force yourself to slow down and really focus on the experience. Don't know if I've ever actually noticed the skin on a raisin before - or how sweet they are.

Gotta run. Hi to all. Have a good day.


Domina 10-17-2006 01:53 PM

lala, I guess everyone's just been busy. How's Boulder. It must be cold there. Yes, my parents were very proud.

Susan, yes, congrats on your race. You've really gotten faster. I'm not running as much any more. It seemed like my hamstrings just weren't happy. That course sounds so interesting...please share more. I wonder if it's offered here anywhere. Seeing my parents this weekend made me think that they may not be with us much longer, especially my mom. She has so many health problems.

Hello to Melissa, Pam, Austingal, Julie

MelissaL 10-17-2006 04:28 PM

Just a quick "drive by"--it's been a little busy here--tomorrow should be a little quieter and I can post more.

Weather was extremely nasty this morning--lots of wind and rain so an umbrella was out of the question. Tomorrow is supposed to be the nicest day of the week and I've got the afternoon off!

I'm hoping that the excess weight is off tomorrow--we'll see. More in the morning!

Domina 10-17-2006 04:47 PM

Hi, Melissa, sorry about the weather.

I forgot to tell you that at WI yesterday I was down 1#. I was quite pleased because I have been really eating all the wrong things. I still have more to lose after the gain last month. I'll keep trying.

McHoney 10-17-2006 05:21 PM

Hi Ladies,

Sorry to be so scarce but things have been crazy both at home and at work. It took forever to catch up after vacation but slowly things are getting back to normal. It's dark, gloomy and cold here today but at least we haven't gotten snow yet and none is in the forecast.:)

Lisa sounds like you had an interesting weekend. Does your sister live closer to your parents than you? It's sad watching your parents get older and the medical issues that go along with aging. I try and visit my parents at least a couple of times a month. I'm fortunate that my brother lives with them and is able to assist them with their daily needs. My Dad is almost totally deaf and refuses to wear a hearing aid, my Mom has struggled with anxiety most of her life and hardly leaves the house. Very sad and extremely frustrating.

Melissa I always feel so good when I get some de-cluttering done. Makes me feel like I'm getting a fresh start. This Saturday the company I work for is having a very large (1,500 people) "black tie" formal. I'm looking forward to it but I don't envy the people who had to do all the planning, seating arrangements etc. Yikes. So you had some snow already!!

Susan the mindfullness course you are attending sounds wonderful. Most peoples lives are so hectic they don't take the time to appreciate the things they do, see, eat etc. I often wonder why I don't live in the moment more and appreciate what I'm doing now instead of always planning the next thing.

Hi lala..you sound extremely busy! You're never a thread killer, I love reading about your adventures!

I should wrap things up here and go home. Just me tonight so dinner should be easy and points friendly I hope. Talk to you tomorrow!

lalala 10-18-2006 10:15 AM


From sunny, cold and 3" of snow on the ground boulder!


Today I'm going to try and be mindful of my eating...Susan, how did you find that class? Sounds very intersesting.

Hi Pam, heading your way on Saturday, but just for the day. Looks like a great weekend to be in Boston.

I'm soo tired. Had a nice dinner out last night and today other than one meeting, I'm on my way home.

I guess Ernest misses me a bit.

Hope everyone is having a nice Wednesday. Drink your water, get up and stretch and talk to you all soon!

Did everyone buy their pumpkin yet?

McHoney 10-18-2006 11:48 AM

Lala the forecast for Saturday is sunshine and temps in the high 50's...should be nice. Today it's close to 70! I'll be back with more later.

Seasaw 10-18-2006 12:24 PM

It's a dull, rainy day here today but I can't complain because the Fall has been great - warm and sunny.

Got to the gym yesterday at lunchtime; it's a start. My muscles are a bit sore today but not overly so. I had hoped to get out for a run over lunch today but I slept in and wasn't organized enough. Tomorrow, definitely.

lala: Yuk - snow? Much too early IMHO. When are you scheduled to get home? Said it before and will say it again - I couldn't manage your travel schedule. What is your secret?

Pam: The mindfulness course is all about living in the moment, slowing down the mind race and appreciating where you are and what you're doing right now. At least that's what I think it's about after one introductory class :) I intend to start reading the book on the weekend. The author is John Kabat-Zinn and I understand this book and his teachings are widely-acclaimed for having helped people with a host of physical ailments to lead healthier, happier lives.

Lisa: Congrats on the loss.

Melissa: How did weigh-in go?

My eating continues to be bad. Darn Hallowe'en candy; wish I could bring myself to give it away and buy some more on the afternoon of the 31st but I just can't seem to. Sigh. Lesson for next year. No goodies in the house til the day of. :devil:


MelissaL 10-18-2006 09:41 PM

Hi everyone! I got a new computer here at home and I'm giving it a test! It's great!

Anyway, my WI was great...I was down 5# which is just a little shy of what I was up last week--no complaints here:carrot: I'm just happy it disappeared. Maybe the walking is helping. I know my early morning WI's are not that great because I tend to be a little bloated first thing in the morning.

The weather here today was dull and grey...it was supposed to be sunny and warm (60's) but it didn't happen.

Susan: I don't buy Halloween candy--there aren't that many kids in our neighborhood so I don't give it out. I do take the kids out the day after Halloween and they pick out what they want and they keep it. I'm not much of a sweet eater so it's not a major problem for me. Your eating will even out--I really think it's the time of year, etc. We just have to keep our focus, even though it's hard.

Lisa: Congrats on your WI!!! You'll get the rest of it off. We must practice patience...

Pam: Your weather sounds fantastic! We just had a tiny bit of snow--nothing like Buffalo! They're still without power in some areas. I can't imagine not being "connected".

Lala: I always marvel at how you can travel so much and still be coherent! I bet you'll be glad to be home for a bit!

Not a whole lot else happening here--I'm still feeling a little tired and I'm at a loss with my doctor; they keep telling me that my levels are fine but I still have this inner tiredness *sigh* I'll catch up a little more tomorrow morning.

Have a good evening!!

Domina 10-19-2006 09:42 AM

It will be 90 here today--that's October. I'm looking forward to a cold front that will be here on Monday--70's then.

Melissa, congrats on the loss! Those are some weight swings. I wish I didn't like sweets, but I love them (that and bread and pasta). Aren't those the three food groups? Ha! Sorry to hear about the tiredness; that would be frustrating.

lala, I too am amazed at your travel schedule and that you keep going. I like to travel, but on a regular basis, it would wear me out.

Susan, I looked up books by John Kabat-Zinn and he has written several. Is there one in particular you recommend? I am intrigued and would like to send one to my mother also (see my earlier post).

Pam, yes, your weather sounds great.

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