3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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plaidsmom 02-07-2006 11:39 AM

What am I doing wrong?
Hi, I am new to this board and to weight watchers. I started 2 weeks ago - lost 2.4 lbs the 1st week and only .4 the second. I have 70 pounds to lose. I work out at Curves 3 times a week and never went over my 26 points. I have to admit I am more than a little discouraged at only losing .4 pounds. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?:?:

MistySeptember 02-07-2006 11:44 AM

Chin up sweetie! You aren't doing anything wrong. We all want 5 pounds a week to fall off, but that is not how WW works. Our leader emphasises 1/2 to 2 pounds a week is average. Remember slow and steady wins the race. Weight that comes of slowly and conistently will stay off. Remember to add exercise points and us ethem (though if you just started you don't have the slider to count the points yet), follow the 8 healthy guidelines, use your flex points and stick with it. WW gives you flex points and activitiy points for a reason. They aren't going to give you extra points if it's gonna make you gain. If you stay on track and keep plugging away you will be rewarded!!! You will have ups and downs and if you stick to the plan over all the big picture will show a loss.

MistySeptember 02-07-2006 11:48 AM

BTW we kind of sound like we are in the same place weight wise and how much we have to lose. If you'd like a buddy you can find me in the Slimmin' Sistas thread under WW groups and clubs in the forum. There is a great group of ladies there (here in this forum as well) so seek out the support it really helps!

Bobaloola 02-07-2006 12:12 PM

Nothing wrong with that sweetie! My first time on WW I lost 4.6 the first week and .2 the second. Your body needs to adjust. Remember... WW considers a 1-2 pound a week loss healthy. If a person is consistently losing over 3 pounds a week, they must have a docs written permission to continue this way OR they will boost that person's points up to slow the loss. So, just wait... next week will show another fantastic loss.

Just remember to get ALL of your water and then some, all your dairy, all your fruits & veggies and journal everything you eat. It'll work! I lost 45 pounds the first time and after 2 surgeries gained it back (my fault completely). Now I'm trying to re-shed the pounds and it's slowly but surely coming off. I know this program works if I work it... just gotta believe! :)

NYRabbit 02-07-2006 12:48 PM

Like MistySeptember said, use at least some of your flex points. I notice that the weeks I don't use any, I don't lose as much. Strange, I know. Against everything we are trained to believe. Start out using just 5 or 10 of the points and see how you lose that week, and then up it from there if you need to.

Kelly_S 02-07-2006 12:58 PM

1) Where in your points range (range meaning utilizing your TPs, APs, and FPs) are you eating? Most people find they lose better when eating most if not all of their points for the week. Especially if you are exercising you need to eat toward a high point total and not the lower end. The reason is because your body thinks it is starving and slows down your metabolism and holds on to the calories you intake.

2) What are you spending your points on? Review the POINTSPIES (Also make sure you get in some REAL fat (butter, margarine, mayo, real salad dressing, etc) however your fats really should for health concerns come from non-saturated sources. I had subconsciously removed almost all fat from my diet and had plateaued for SIX (count them 6) months. Make sure you get in some fat. Again W/W and nutritionists recommend for health healthy fats such as olive, canola oils etc but the important thing is to not eliminate the fat and get in at least 2 points in real fats (this is from nutritional courses).

3) Are you drinking your water?

4) Are you eating a lot of processed foods (canned, frozen, etc.) which contain a lot of sodium, which causes water retention. What about diet sodas? They can cause bloating and water retention.

5) Are you exercising? Have you taken your measurements to see if you are building muscle while losing? Remember muscle weighs 2.2 times more than fat volume for volume (this means for a 3”x3” piece of muscle and a 3”x3” piece of fat the muscle will be 2.2 times heavier). If you are exercising remember to eat high in your point range.

6) Are you journaling? This includes every BLT (bite, lick and taste). Those BLTs can add up in 'hidden' points. My leader suggested for each BLT or freebie to put a tick mark in your journal and for each 4-5 add 1 point to your day.

7) Are you calculating points correctly? Ninety percent of new members don't count points correctly. I have a favorite muffin and I realized my 3-point muffin is really 6 points because it is 2 servings. Make sure you use the nutritional information rather than the 'generic' list W/W puts out. You'll find a lot of differences.

Once you have analyzed these things then you need to start playing with the program to adapt it to you and your body. Like reducing the carbs and increasing the protein and stuff like that.

Points Pies

Balanced (under 250 pounds)

Complex Carbs/Grain Based Foods – 8-9 points a day
Protein-rich Foods – 6-7 points a day
Fruits and Veggies – 0-3 points a day
Fats, added sugars – 2-3 points a day
Milk and Milk Products – 4-6 points a day

20-28 points a day

Higher Protein (under 250 pounds)

Complex Carbs/Grain Based Foods – 5-6 points a day
Protein-rich Foods – 9-11 points a day
Fruits and Veggies – 0-1 points a day
Fats, added sugars – 2-4 points a day
Milk and Milk Products – 4-6 points a day

20-28 points a day

Higher Carb (under 250 pounds)

Complex Carbs/Grain Based Foods – 9-10 points a day
Protein-rich Foods – 5-7 points a day
Fruits and Veggies – 1-3 points a day
Fats, added sugars – 1-2 points a day
Milk and Milk Products – 4-6 points a day

20-28 points a day


Balanced (over 250 pounds)

Complex Carbs/Grain Based Foods – 11 points a day
Protein-rich Foods – 10 points a day
Fruits and Veggies – 3-4 points a day
Fats, added sugars – 2-3 points a day
Milk and Milk Products – 4-6 points a day

30-34 points a day

Higher Protein (over 250 pounds)

Complex Carbs/Grain Based Foods – 8 points a day
Protein-rich Foods – 12 points a day
Fruits and Veggies – 2-3 points a day
Fats, added sugars – 4-5 points a day
Milk and Milk Products – 4-6 points a day

30-34 points a day

Higher Carb (over 250 pounds)

Complex Carbs/Grain Based Foods – 13 points a day
Protein-rich Foods – 8 points a day
Fruits and Veggies – 2-4 points a day
Fats, added sugars – 3 points a day
Milk and Milk Products – 4-6 points a day

30-34 points a day

plaidsmom 02-07-2006 05:52 PM

Wow!! You guys have given some great information and made me feel better about my small loss. And thanks Misty I will look you up - I sure can use a buddy. Kelly, thanks for breaking it all down for me. I think, if anything, I am not eating enough. I am so afraid to go over my points that I overestimate them. This week I am going to relax a little and trust the point slider and maybe use up some of my FPs and definetly use my APs. I also have been avoiding any kind of fat (old habits) and add them daily. Thanks again - what a great group here.

MRSKMS 02-11-2006 03:46 PM

We all lose at different rates. Just stick with it and by next week you will probably show a larger loss

It sometimes just takes a bit of time to show on the scale.

Cindy:carrot: :carrot: :carrot: :carrot:

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