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lalala 08-29-2005 01:56 PM

thin for life, week of august 29th
Hi everyone,

Quick fly by at the point. Had a dentist appointment this am and my schedule in sort of mixed up.

Hope everyone had a decent weekend!


MelissaL 08-29-2005 02:54 PM

Lala: Thanks for getting the thread up and running today!

Busy here, too. Finally tackled a report with lots of numbers that I've been putting off--I decided I had better get it done and off of my desk!

Weekend was a lost one in many respects. Had the b-day party for my FIL on Friday. Most of the day was spent setting up, cooking, etc. Went out to lunch with my SIL's and the niece did tag along so it was a different atmosphere. It's really hard to talk with a 17 year old being present. Oh well, it was nice to go out. The party was a success--my FIL was really happy to see his friends/relatives. I was exhausted by the time we got home at 11 p.m. My butt was dragging! Didn't help that TOM was in the wings so Saturday was a catch-up day in many respects. DS #1 and I went out to breakfast and spent some quality time together. Yesterday was spent at DS #2 orientation from 10-2. So I was actually kind of happy to be at work to rest!

It's cloudy here today and humid--rain is supposed to be moving in and we should see some of the aftermatch of Katrina by way of rain. The forecasters are saying that we could have flooding since everything is so dry which translates into the ground won't be able to absorb the water.

I didn't journal this weekend and am trying to get myself back into the journal mode today. Yesterday wasn't pretty in terms of eating.

Hi to Lisa, Pam, Susan, Austin!

AustinGal 08-29-2005 04:31 PM

Lala - thanks for getting the thread running. I added my journal to your post

Melissa - whew! Sounds like a whirlwind weekend. Kudos for putting so much effort into your FIL's party - sounds like he had a great time.

Am hoping that Lisa is safe and dry. The weather reports about Katrina's antics today are quite alarming. [Hope the rest of you are safe and dry as well!]

Did a morning walk today with DH - ended up doing 45 min. The weather here was unusually cool and overcast - only in the 80's. Was quite a nice change of pace from the blistering heat we've been having lately.

Celebrated the 20-year anniversary by going to a very nice seafood restaurant this weekend. Was quite yummy. Now am back to journaling and walking this week, in a belated effort at damage control!

Hope everybody has an awesome week! :)

lalala 08-29-2005 07:37 PM

Hi everyone,

avoiding one work thing very well, should probably deal before leaving for the day...

Melissa -- the party sounded great even with a half pint there. That would be strange to have someone so young there, was she interactive? DP was an only child and always present, but I don't think she was ever without a book or a baseball mitt and I know she was always up on current events and well behaved at the table. :)

I hope that Lisa is okay, the reports from the gulf are not pretty. I haven't heard from my stennis colleague and praying that she got out okay.

We have cooler temps and rain, but nothing special.

I am journalling this week at the request of my trainer who is going to go through my journal and point out things he thinks are red flags. Having to be accountable is making it easier to not cheat.

Tonight I'm thinking of making more whole wheat pasta with mexican turkey stuff left over from last week or else a roasted tom. soup. DP wants blts and that is an option. Just want to stay in points and get some veggies.

Need to clean the kitchen, it looks awful. Even with cleaning guy coming on Thursday, the house needs cleaning.

I got a nice big bill from the place I did my repeat mammo. I need to call them as I believe all this is supposed to be covered by insurance. I am not willing to part with the money without an explanation on why my mammo was not covered....

Austin -- good for you and your DH for your walk in the heat! I think 80 is hot enough. Congrats on getting back on track after your anniversary dinner and congrats on your anniversary!

Come to think of it, ours is in about a week. Of course, DP will be in wales and I'll be at home....


Domina 08-30-2005 07:53 AM

Hi, everyone. I'm fine here. Being on the Central East Coast only brought us some gusty winds and a few heavy rain bands, but nothing like those poor people have experienced in Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi. I feel so bad for those folks. I was talking to DH about it. He was in New Orleans this past spring for a marathon and I told him that he may have seen New Orleans as it will never be seen again. Did you see the photos of the Hyatt with all of its windows blown out?? That was an impressive shot. The flooding is very scary, too. Keep those folks in your prayers.

My weekend? It was pretty good. DH and I golfed on Saturday at a new course to us; I didn't do that well, but that's me. Friday and Sunday I had play rehearsal. It went fairly well, but we are in tech week now, so that means the lighting and sound effects are there. They threw me a little the first night. I got my lines out, but not the exact words I'm supposed to say. I did well eating-wise. I think I may have dropped a pound or two. I also ran 2 miles on Sunday (some walking) and I ran 1 3/4 miles this morning (very little walking). I'm progressing and DH seems happy (my coach).

Melissa, I'm glad the birthday was a success. I forget, was it a milestone BD? Don't you love breakfast out? Actually, I think that's my favorite meal to eat out. That sounds strange, I know.

Austingal--you are on the right track. Keep on walking and journaling and you'll get to your goal.

lala, how are the folks? Uh-oh, trainer wants to see your journal. That will make you toe the line.

Hi, Pam and Susan.

lalala 08-30-2005 10:31 AM

wow lisa -- glad you checked in.

On my way to the gym, going for a run/walk also, hoping to do a mile in a row today. really not very motivated except for the shower at the end today. I slept funny and my neck hurts. However, I just loaded some new tunes on my ipod and that is always a good inspiration.

can you send DH this way to help coach me.

Did okay eating last night. Didn't really have much of a dinner, DP got cranky about her generals and left to go to work to study. Must learn to be more patient, however, it gave me free reign of the house and I cleaned the fridge and cleaned the kitchen. Going to make tomato chutney tonight, so it should be nice and messy again.

I hope everyone else is well. Will journal after the gym and at work. Two back to back meetings, followed by a group lunch (may skip) and another monkey map making day.

I am going to either have to strategize a way to keep to my assigned job description or seriously look for another job in December. My research program leader has not a clue as to why I was hired -- what my job description is and the fact that he said I could continue to do in order for me to take this job. I refused to give up two projects-- one that I wrote a proposal for and a project manager on and doing software testing and one committee that I sit on at agency wide level and time to do these are written into my position description.

How do you deal with making sure you get what you need? :?: without sounding like a grade a beetch? I have a reputation at an agency wide level, i'm not a neophyte here and I'm not an entry level scientist. I'm mid-career and believed I was moving into a manager position. It's just frustrating.

Okay, now to the gym.....

later ladies. :)


McHoney 08-30-2005 12:48 PM

Hi Ladies,

We're also getting a lot of rainy Katrina remnants. I feel so sorry for the people in Louisianna, Alabama and Mississippi, what a mess. Next time I complain about a New England winter I'll remember that fortunately we don't have too many hurricanes to deal with.
The Rolling Stones concert on Friday was awesome. They opened up with Start Me Up and finished with You Can't Always Get What You Want. Did many of their biggest hits and played for about 2 hours. I can't believe how much energy that group of 60 year olds has!! DH heard they may add a couple of more shows on to their US tour in January in Boston...we may go again. ;)

Lisa I'm so glad your area didn't get any Katrina damage. Your doing well with running 1 3/4 miles is terrific. It's nice that DH is your coach. Has he been running long?

Lala I sympathize with your work issues. It's hard trying to get your point across and not sounding like a Beeatch. I came across a similar problem a little over a year ago when I became the supervisor of a group of men in our FM Department. Some were not too keen on the idea. I just treated them like I did my (female) assistant. Was very specific and direct in what I required..made sure everything was in writing and documented..didn't get into any personal stuff.

Melissa what a busy weekend you had. Nice you could spend some time with your DS. Seems even harder to do once they are in college. I had a journal free weekend also but got back on track yesterday. No walking outside for me today, but I will try and get on the treadmill when I get home tonight.

Austin Yum seafood is my favorite..what did you get?? Are your kiddies back to school yet?

Hi Susan hope you enjoy the Rolling Stones concert as much as I did. Can't wait to compare notes with you.

Well ladies I should sign off..I went to the doctor for an eye exam this morning and my eyes are still very dialated. Talk to you tomorrow.

Domina 08-30-2005 03:23 PM

Pam, the Stones concert sounded great. I'm glad you got to you. It's hard to believe they're that old. Hey, wait a minute--I'M almost that old! You're getting Katrina remnants? What a storm. Oooh, dilated eyes--I don't like that. DH has been running for over 20 years; he's logged about 33 Marathons and countless 5Ks and 10Ks. He's pretty amazing.

lala, I'm so sorry about your job situation. You were so excited when you got that position. Is there anyone you can talk to in a higher up position without ruffling feathers?

lalala 08-31-2005 10:21 AM

Hi everyone,

Gray here today. Should clear up and be nice. Definitely feeling fall in the air though.

Lisa - We're having an all hands meeting tomorrow. I hope some stuff is made clearer by then. I'm going to talk to the very confused program manager the following week and make sure we are all on the same page. The problem is that the group is growing by leaps and bounds, they need a professional project manager to coordinate all the pieces, but they leave it up to each of us who are managing (or thought that we were) each piece to try and do something. It ain't working, scientists can't manage, trust me.

Well, last night was okay in the eating dept. DP dragged me out of the house at 10 pm for a constitutional. We walked (not really fast) for about 40 minutes. It was nice. Made tom. chutney and ripped more cds. Tonight i'm going to see "Must love dogs" and going to dinner. I love john cusak, so i'll see anything with him.

Lisa - So, how did DH get into running?

Pam -- hope your eyes are better today and the weather is calmer.

Hi to everyone else. Must run to get to gym to run/walk or maybe just walk....


AustinGal 08-31-2005 10:31 AM

'Morning, all.

So glad to hear that Lisa is safe and dry. One of my co-workers is from New Orleans. He has heard from his father and brother that they are safe, but they have not yet heard from his sister. Scary. In addition, his BIL and entire family (including two kids and a dog) are on their way to stay with him until they can figure out what to do about their house that washed away. Again, very scary.

Sorry I don't have time to post individually today, but thanks to all for including me in their posts this week. Feels like coming home!! ;)

My work situation has become a bit hectic, though not as frustrating as Lala's it sounds like. Too many meetings to discuss "organization health" issues. If everybody would just treat everybody else with respect, set clear expectations, and avoid manipulative power plays, I wouldn't be wasting so much time in meetings. Arrggh!! Lala - good luck with your work situation. I feel your pain!

Eating it soso this week, but exercise has been pretty good. Still struggling to get enough water in every day. Why is that so hard?

Temps are 101 here today. I worry about DS playing tennis at school for his PE credit, and about DS who has her first soccer practice tonight. They call practice for rain and lightning ... shouldn't they call it for "temperature" when it is over 100 degrees? The coach sent out an email telling us all to bring wet washcloths to wipe down the kids during soccer practice to try to keep them cool. Isn't that a sign that maybe it is just too hot to play? Enough ranting ...

Hope everybody has a great day! (P.S. - McHoney, the seafood was salmon and scallops, and it was to die for! :D )

MelissaL 08-31-2005 11:26 AM

Good morning!

It's been busy here--working on follow letters to students/parents who didn't attend a summer program, freshman 4 week grades, along with committee meetings--the days are going by quickly. I'm not able to get to my WW meeting today at noon :( because of a luncheon hosted by the President for our "hard work" over the summer. I had kind of hoped I could opt out but my boss said it would be nice to go...I have no idea what they're going to feed us. My walking has been non-existent the past 4 days--have had major cramps/backache from TOM. Today is one of the first days I actually feel better.

We're getting the remnants of Katrina--the rain started last evening and is continuing this morning, the forecasters are saying it'll be out of here by late this afternoon. The rest of the week looks great in terms of walking weather.

We have our annual Germanfest that I'll be working at Saturday/Sunday so I'll be getting a lot of walking in over those 2 days. I need to work on my journal this week since I slacked off the last few days.

Austin: I'm right with you on calling practice due to the high heat--what are the coaches thinking???

Lala: Good for you for getting out to walk/exercise! Keep up the great work. I hope your work situation gets resolved.

Lisa: It was my FIL's 85th b-day and the kids wanted to do something for him. It turned out great--they had way too much food but better to have an excess than not enough. I enjoy going out for breakfast too--it probably is my favorite meal to eat out.

Susan: Hi! Hope work is going well for you!

Pam: Are you getting more on schedule now that the kids are back in school? DS #2 started today so we should be back to a regular routine next week. He was pretty excited about starting classes today--I'll be anxious to talk with him later today.

Not too much else going on here...

Domina 08-31-2005 04:37 PM

Just a quick note. It's busy here today.

Melissa, sorry about TOM. I've had a couple bad months (cramp-wise) recently. Also, sorry you're missing your meeting. The Germanfest sounded like fun when you mentioned it last year. I wish I could attend.

lala, a walk at 10 PM sounds interesting except that I'm snoozing by then! Yep, scientists and engineers are not the best managers. DH got into running because he had a labor type job in the early 80's and he got a desk job. I was teasing him about a secretarial spread. He started running around the block and he just kept adding blocks!

Austin, I'm glad you're walking and trying to drink your water. Water is so much a part of my day that I HAVE to have it. It's so sad about New Orleans and Mississippi. I just want to cry when I see the photos. And the looters---don't get me started!!!!

lalala 08-31-2005 06:03 PM

I wish I could drink water like the rest of you. I'm on my first 16 ozes.

Only 48 more.

My dinner plans were nixed, so i'm going to wing it tonight. May try something will all the squash we have. DP leaves on Saturday for wales, so I refuse to buy food after that.

Lisa -- great reason to start running.


Domina 09-01-2005 07:50 AM

I'm so happy. Today I got on the scale and I've lost 3 pounds! I wish I could go to WI today, but that won't happen. Tonight's our last dress rehearsal--we open tomorrow. Last night's rehearsal was disastrous--I was calling the other characters by the wrong names. I guess I wasn't focused.

Today is meeting city and work on a proposal (yippee, she said sarcastically).

I'm going crazy here at work. The guy across the hall from me caught a bad cold about a month ago. Ever since then he's been coughing and clearing his throat (about every 20 seconds). It's driving me bonkers!!! I try to close my door, but then people think you're not there. I wish he'd get some help.

McHoney 09-01-2005 11:00 AM

Oh my gosh Lisa a similar situation here. My assistant left work early on Tuesday, didn't come in yesterday at all returned today and said her doctor told her she had pleurisy!! She has been coughing non stop. Another co-worker sent me an email saying that is contagious and she should go home. Plan on having a discussion with her momentarily. Why do people come to work when they really should be home????

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