What have you lost?

  • I found this today and thought it was really cool:


    I've lost a newborn giraffe! Or - the average fashion model AND a human head! HAHAHAHA

    What have you lost?
  • 60lbs an elephants penis

  • Sara, LOL!!!

    I lost a newborn calf.
  • HAHA - Ive been coming up with all the different combinations.
  • I lost a large sack of potatoes....No wonder i feel gud!!
  • I lost an elephant's penis AND a sack of sugar (or ostrich egg)
  • Hold on let me check my ticker
  • A cinder block (:
  • 66 lbs- Fats and oils an average American eats in a year
  • A Krissypants29 minus 9 bags of sugar.
  • Quote: A Krissypants29 minus 9 bags of sugar.