Changing points allowance

  • So I was in my meeting last week and was talking to my leader about breaking my 6 week long plateau (ugh).
    She suggested changing my points allowance a day to 26 from 29....
    Do you guys think this is ok and I will still be able to fit in all my dailies?
    Has anyone tried this technique?

    Thanks! Any advice will help!
  • I don't think it would be a bad idea - try it out and see wha thappens.

    I cycle my points. One day I'll have a high day (40) and the next day I'll have a low day (26), so on and so forth. I don't use my AP's, but I use all of my weeklies. I've found that if I have the same amount of points every day the program doesn't really work for me, but cycling does.

    I also tend to eat more points on the days that I exercise more (I ran 9 miles on Sunday, so I had 50 points that day).
  • I think at your weight that is fine and you can get in your GHG. You will just need to watch it carefully. I wonder if when the tweaks to the program come out if they are going to lower the targeted daily points....
  • On my own, I started eating less...which in turn caused a reduction in points plus, technically. My leader asked me after the 1st week with a 3 pound loss "and what was successful this week" and I whispered to her "I counted calories, which was less points" and she asked how much less. I replied between 10 and 5 less, but 5 on average. She said to continue.....but asked me to promise not to go below 24 daily. They know some people are frustrated. With a wink and a nod, she "sanctioned" eating less PP.
  • when will the 'tweaks' be announced?
  • They usually come out with the new program in early December, but don't think it has been announced yet.
  • My leader told me when the new program comes out they will be lowering the points dependent on your weight!