3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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sfree13 02-14-2011 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Shades of Gray (Post 3711621)
Kaplods, I seriously :val1: your posts. All of them.

Ditto---and I love that little heart guy:) But seriously, they are right! 1lb a week, is actually better than average, and this isn't the biggest loser where you have 5+ hours to work out every day and eat only 1200 calories! If you have more time to work-out more, that will speed up your weight loss.

Bunti 02-15-2011 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by Shades of Gray (Post 3711621)
Kaplods, I seriously :val1: your posts. All of them.

This. :hug:

brookelynne 02-15-2011 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by ToniDMB (Post 3710737)
Wow....I wish I could hug you girls through the computer screen. Kaplods...BRAVO! Way to put it, girl! I am not losing quickly at all, but I am making life-changing improvements and the way I feel about myself has never been better. I absolutely REFUSE to let the scale influence me. As long as I'm eating healthier (which I am) and bringing excersize back into my life in big ways (which I also am) then I know my efforts are worth it. I don't care if it takes me ten years to reach goal weight. All that matters is that I persevere and never give up. I believe in myself. I'm worth it.



Well said! I too am a slow loser (and a rapid gainer). I am treating myself better now than I ever have before. I am doing all the things that you are doing, and my clothes are starting to fall off me. All of those things sustain me when I have small setbacks. The race does not always go to the swiftest, but to she who endures to the end.

ems81wales 02-15-2011 04:53 PM

that is a good loss for a start i have been doing ww since november and im not averging a lb a week loss iv have lost 9lbs so far i am frustrated but im sticking with it. Iv lost every week abpart from one week and that was after xmas 3 week break and i put on 3lbs but i lost 3.5lb the following week but since then iv sts once and lost a lb a week but i just think a lb is better than nothing so just keep at it and i also takemy measurements and they also show good results so i would recomend that xxxx

GailR 02-17-2011 01:27 PM

I have joined WW so many times that I was traveling from center to center in hopes I would not be recognized! Then I stopped going for a whole year. Big mistake on so many levels! So...THIS TIME, I had to make it a different kind of experience. I'm getting older and my knees started hurting and then my back started screaming at me but the icing on the cake was last summer when I could not walk back to my Dad's house from the boardwalk. I was losing my breath. I had to phone my Dad to come pick me up! Humiliating. When I returned home I couldn't get this out of my mind. I woke up early the next Saturday morning, stepped on the scale...and I will not repeat what I said (no one was home; hubby had gone to work) and immediately got dressed and drove to the next meeting. That was June 26, 2010. I've lost 33.8 lbs. I knew that my weight loss was going to slow down but instead of quitting after losing 5-10 lbs. I knew I was in this for the long haul.

I stopped making weight loss goals that were unrealistic. You know, losing x amount of weight by the end of summer or x amount of weight by Thanksgiving. I knew I could not look at this as a D.I.E.T. For the first time, it sunk into my head this is a lifestyle change for me. This is how I'm going to have to eat for the rest of my life. For better; for worse, no matter how much I lost in a week's time or heaven help me gained, I was going to carry on. And I have gained weight twice--one time I cannot explain; the other I know why. But it doesn't matter; I'm ahead of the game. I'm almost 34 lbs. lighter and THAT feels good. My knees and back do not hurt anymore! I can walk 3-5 miles a day now. I can bend down and tie my shoes. What keeps me motivated? This summer I'm going to be able to walk to and from the boardwalk when I visit my Dad this summer; I'm not going to have to call him for a ride back! And I can breathe! I don't snore anymore at night! I weigh less than my husband! I can shop in the Misses section in a department store now. There are no X's on my clothing size labels anymore! My face has a shape...so THAT is what I look like! I can see a shape in my body!

loulou75 02-20-2011 11:55 AM

I agree with all the girls saying that a loss is still a loss no matter how big or small..Just think about all that time we've been piling on pounds week after week, month after month.. At least now there is a slight but steady drop.:)

I'm a very slow loser and a rapid gainer as Brooklyne said and I recently realized why.. My problem starts every month with ovulation..I have very sore breast and bloating till the end of my period..That makes me soooooooo tired every month, and it used to make me throw all my efforts to the garbage..

:mad:This week it's the same old story..I don't know if it happens to you too..I found out that frustration and disappointment had made me pile up on pounds all these years because I couldn't "read" my body..and I thought that I was doing sth wrong.And I was finding comfort to food..
Well now at least I know but the result remains the same..I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel for these 15 days of the month..
What should I do?Do you have any similar problem?:?:

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