WW General Forum Meet and Greet

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  • So the first week was not too bad. Not perfect adherence, but I found thinking in terms of points really helpful and was down a few pounds when I weighed in yesterday. I think I can live with this. Especially since it's a plan that lets me work in a glass of wine in the evenings with supper. Just means letting go of something else--choices.
  • Today is my seventh day on WW. I agree that this first week hasn't been bad for me either. After spending a year on Atkins this is like heaven I still can't bring myself to eat a whole bun though. I had an Arby's roast beef for dinner the other night, but I took the top bun off. It's just way too much bread. I bought a points calculator for myself and my daughter and I really like having it to keep track of my daily and weekly points. My daughther went around for the first couple of days checking the points on everything in the pantry lol. I tookit with me to the grocery store and found out that a lot of the frozen meals that are not WW have the same or less points and some cost a lot less. As long as I continue to lose weight then I am all for this points thing. I'm down a little over 3 pounds so far and considering I've been gaining and losing the same 5 pounds for the past month or two, I'm happy with the 3 pound weight loss. I even went out to dinner for a birthday celebration and had birthday cake. I just had to use some of my weekly points that day. I'm supposed to go out to dinner tonight with my mom, but I shouldn't have any problem staying at or under my daily points. I'm so used to being REALLY restricted that this counting points thing is a breeze. Portion control will be the biggest thing for me. That's one thing I liked about Atkins was not having to weigh and measure everything. Just stay away from carbs, except for the lower carb veggies. I might even enjoy a glass of wine tonight with dinner
  • Good for you, Mandy. Let's keep going!
  • Hello all!
    Hello just joined WW and there are no meeting areas near by that work with my busy schedule. I am hoping to get a boost here. Any tips? I am lost as to what I can eat ect... I was on atkins for a while that is very strict and it is confusing but nice to have more options. SO... on that note... what have you eaten that seems to increase weight loss? Thanks ahead of time for your answers!
  • Quote: I am Anne, 68, retired and was with WW for 15 months and am now flying solo although still using and loving the pro point program. To date I have lost 39kg ( around 85 pound) and found a new zest for life.
    I am an artist and work in acrylics, oil and mostly water colour and my other main interest is book mending for the local high school.
    Wife, mother and grandmother makes for a busy life. Nice to 'read' you all.
    Congrats on your weight loss achievements Anne! It must feel amazing to have accomplished that! I hope that I can get the same drive to succeed.
  • Hello!
    Hi all,

    I'm a 30 year old professional living in Vancouver, BC. I've struggled with my weight my whole life. At my peak, I was close to 200 lbs in highschool. I started to exercise more and when I went away to university I switched to a mainly vegetarian diet (eat fish on occassion). I think in 2004 I was around 135 lbs and running 3-4 times a week and I felt in control of my emotional eating.

    I find that I love food and I use it as a reward and a comfort. Over the last few years I'm been starting to go back to poor eating habits. Eating junk food and skipping proper meals. Even so, I had managed to maintain my weight in the 140s for the last three years. Mainly because of keeping active; running and going to the gym. But the last 2 years or so ... I've really noticed that I have been emotionally eating more and also lacked as the motivation to exercise like I used to... I think I'm starting to feel the impact of my metabolism slowing a bit, and the stress of my new job (that I love) extending into my free time. My job also takes me to lots of dinners with rich and decadents foods.. where I have difficulty with dealing with the social pressure of saying no.

    I did do weightwatchers a year ago and lost 8 lbs but fell off the wagon and now weigh more than I have in years. I'm going to restart again. I will have to make time to do the meetings, as I feel it is critical for me to have support and accountability!! I thought this forum could act as a backup support for me!

    Thanks for reading my rant and it's nice to know I'm not alone in my struggles.

  • I just wanted to welcome psychnurse and usurpgirl to the group. I'm new to this website and to WW's so I don't really have any wisdom to pass on. This week was a difficult one for me. I got started on candy on halloween and couldn't control myself. I used up half of my weekly points in one day, on candy! Then I took the kids to the movies and ate buttered popcorn, which used up most of what I had left. Today is day #7 so I get to start fresh tomorrow, but after all that popcorn and candy I weighed 2 pounds heavier. Hopefully some of it is because of all that sodium from the popcorn yesterday and I can try to flush it out with lots of water today. I joined a 10-pound weight loss challenge on another thread and my goal is to get to 250 by December 1st. I haven't seen 250 in a lot of years and I know I can do it I just have to make it through Thanksgiving. Enough about me. Come join the 10-pound weight loss challenge for the month of November everyone.
  • One of my biggest challenges is our love of going out for Thai food or Indian food. Does anybody know an easy (or at least manageable) way to count points for this stuff? I'm not finding what I'm looking for on the WW online points plus site.
  • You can eat basically anything, but need to account for it in your points. No food appears to be off-limits, but some foods "cost" more than others in terms of points. I'm finding this easier than MRC, the Zone, Atkins, etc. because of the flexibility of choice. Haven't had to give up a glass of red wine in the evenings!
    Just have to account for it.
  • Hi! My name is Becky and I did WW after I had my son in late 2007. I had DD in 2011, and need to get the last bit of weight off. I really need some accountability, meetings were a big help for me but my job no longer has WW@work. I have about 7 to get back to Lifetime Goal, but really it's at the very top end of the weight range for my height and I wouldn't mind losing a bit more which is why 155 is in my ticker.

    Quote: Hello just joined WW and there are no meeting areas near by that work with my busy schedule. I am hoping to get a boost here. Any tips? I am lost as to what I can eat ect... I was on atkins for a while that is very strict and it is confusing but nice to have more options. SO... on that note... what have you eaten that seems to increase weight loss? Thanks ahead of time for your answers!
    Technically any food is on plan. As PPs have alluded to, though, you need to stick to your PP budget. Don't be afraid to use your weekly allowance, though! For it it was my saving grace for this program, it made my poor-choice-days workable.

    WW does a good job of teaching maintainable eating habits. Use the 8 healthy guidelines. (They don't seem to be emphasized at all with PointsPlus but they really do help.) In other words: it's not going to be quick but it is maintainable, and teaches how to balance everything out. It keeps foods in context of real life. For example: Thanksgiving is this week. WW helps you take a look at it, and in the snapshot of that week's points, you can balance out the one day of eating. Portion control helps. Saving weekly points (not using them on other days) helps. Getting some AP in that day (and the rest of the week) helps.

    If the number of choices is overwhelming, maybe pick 2-3 breakfasts, 2-3 lunches, and 2-3 snacks that are within your budget. Planning ahead helps a lot.

    When I was doing well, I would pack xxx Points in my cooler to go to work. It covered a couple of snacks and lunch. When the food was gone it was gone. Basically, it gave me a mini-budget for when I was at work, and let me be sure I had some points when I got home for supper. It only took a couple of days of running out of food at 10AM for me to realize: I had to pace myself, but also I am an absent-minded snacker. I tend to graze, graze, graze.

    That's ^^ as much to help myself out as anyone else... mornings are more hectic with two little ones to get to day care! I need to find a way to get back into the groove.

    I plateaued hard at 163-4 before, lost focus at the stall, and moved Goal up to the max so I could complete maintenance and be done. I'm done having babies (bittersweet!) so would like to somehow get past all that.
  • WW Works
    Hi all, I am another person who is joining WW again! Third time lucky charm. It works, we all know it works. I think I end up missing meetings due to work schedule then just think, ouch! I don't want to have to pay all those missed meeting fees, I can do it on my own. NOT. I need to go to meetings and be accountable to the leader, not that she is a tyrant - it just seems to work on my pschie that way. So joined again Oct 30th, lost 5 lbs so far. Started Spinning classes, and already feel better. Love the new Points Plus plan, 26 points! plus 49 flexible points! I eat more now then I did before!
  • I am back at it. I haven't done weight watchers since the new points plus program was introduced, but I like it! I love fruit! Yesterday I went to a meeting, and today I am organizing all of my kitchen and getting myself prepared for the week. I am a little nervous because I am having a Christmas party tomorrow, but it is embarrassing to admit.... My inspirational board on pinterest is really going to make me think before I shove something in my mouth. I will drink wine. I WILL be merry.

    Glad to be back, ladies!
  • Hi all,

    I am new to the site but this is my 3rd or 4th go at WW. The first time I did it, I lost about 20 lbs in 6 weeks but fell of the wagon due to stress (go figure). When I tried the other times, I had ZERO success, I actually keep losing and gaining the same pounds. I was on "plan" and the first few weeks, I actually gained weight, it was the weirdest thing. However, it was with the Points Plus which I didn't particularly like. This time, I am using an iPhone app that was recommended on this site with the "old points" system. I am hoping to GOD that I can get 40 lbs off.

    You just feel so much better about yourself when you are losing, instead of gaining. Good luck to all and I am looking forward to losing weight here!
  • Hey, my name is Becky. I am in Charleston, SC where my husband is stationed. We have 2 girls 2 yrs and 3 mos. I tried ww years ago, but honestly didn't put much effort into it. I have pcos and thought that would prevent me from being able to lose weight. Not true, just an excuse. It may take me longer, but I can do it.
  • Holla!
    I'm brand new to 3FC and not so new to WW however my weight has gone down to up to down to up to down and back up again. WAAAHHHH!

    Just looking for a place to vent, get ideas, and inspire. encourage and gets us all goin'!