3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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mommyleelee4 01-07-2007 12:52 AM

WW's #1 frequent joiner lol
Hi all... i have to say i think i have joined WW so many times they should offer me a frequent joiner discount lol!! well i'm not sure the number of times some more sucessful than others but i have been a WW member more times than i'd care to admit.. I have made it to my 10% 3 times i have the key chains to prove it lol but i just can't seem to get the same boost anymore although i know it is the only program that works for me and can help change my life so here i go again and i am vowing this will be the last time!! I have to make a perminant change in my life and i know that with the support of you all here and at WW i can do it it's crunch time !!!! I just feel like i'm backtracking i'm scared i'll do it all over again start off great and then cheat once i do i feel awful like i've failed and give up ... well if anyone has any words of wisdom i'd love to hear from you i could really use a boost.. any ideas for keeping up the momentum from the begining and continue it!!! I have approx. 106lbs to lose!! I'm gonna stick to my guns this time..I get support at home but have 4 kids to keep me busy and my hubby tries to be supportive but does not understand because he's a twig lol and can eat anything and not gain an ounce so he does'nt understand why i don't just do it because he has never had a weight problem..well enough whining to you all i'm just glad to be here. I'm new here at 3FC and i'm really excited to get to know you all!!! Thanks!!!



Lolow 01-07-2007 05:30 PM

Hi, Carolee,
I also joined Saturday for the umpteenth time and this is going to be the time I make it! I also have 100#plus to lose and after listening to the leader Saturday, finally realized something that made sense. She said not to be disgusted when it shows a half pound loss. In a years time that's 26 pounds, and a pounds loss is 52. It will be slow, but heaven help us, we can do it.:carrot:

Jachich 01-07-2007 06:50 PM

I have been a lifetime WW member for several years but am well over my goal weight AGAIN. I have lost 20 pounds in almost a year--in between time having had 3 surgeries after a nasty fall which broke my wrist and messed up my knee. I am going to go back to my weekly meeting tomorrow--having fallen off during the holidays--a big mistake!!! I sure do hope I can get some additional support from everyone here. Thanks.

mommyleelee4 01-07-2007 09:15 PM

Hi Lowlo, nice to meet you glad to hear you are giving it another try it's definatly a great program and the meetings do give you alot of great ideas and motivation .. i guess you are right even if it's slow every ounce it a step toward our goals.. like everyone tells me it did'nt take overnight to gain the 100+ pounds so i guess i can't expect the loss to happen that way. Well i wish you all the best plase feel free to drop me a line anytime .. We can do this !!! take care

mommyleelee4 01-07-2007 09:20 PM

Hi Jachich .. thanks for writing.. wow you made lifetime thats a great accomplishment i know that though you've gained some weight back that you'll go to the meetings and get your motivation back and i'm here to give you a push anytime, lord knows i'm gonna need one trust me i feel like i keep losing the same 30lbs over and over and never get past that it's discouraging.. but i am determined not to quit this time and not dwell on the small backslides like i always do.. drop me a line i'd love to know how you are doing .. take care

Lolow 01-09-2007 01:10 PM

Hello, Girls,
How are you doing this week? I've stayed within my points range but am having trouble getting in all my veggies. Do you suppose V-8 juice would count for several vegetables? that would be easy enough if it would. I had my heart set on fixing tilapia with black bean salsa tonight. Had it at Applebee's last week and it was delicious. I thought I had tilapia in the freezer, but after going through every package (I'm not well organized) I couldn't find any, so guess it will be chicken tonight. Last night I noticed that my hands weren't swelling all, my ring was loose on my finger. Today, it's tight again. Guess that means more water. I do so want this to work this time, ounce by ounce, pound by pound.


Lisa_WY 01-20-2007 08:10 PM

We could be twins!! I am also a frequent member and dang it I know WW works when I DO THE PROGRAM!! I need to remember to do the program and stay the course. Last time I detoured when I quit smoking and it has been a year since I quit...so now it is time to get back on track. I re-joined last week and had wi today and lost 4lbs.

I am going to try to follow your posts. I am also looking for encouragement and friendships. I used to post on here before but I couldn't find the thread.


Lolow 01-25-2007 10:18 AM

Hi, girls.
Carolee, I must apologize to you. I answered your message and told you the same thing about Applebee's tilapia again. I take it that you all know now I really think it's delicious! lol.
One thing among many, that I have trouble with is exercise since I have two bad knees. This past week I bought "First" magazine and it had a simple exercise in there which was walking in place, many different versions. I'm going to try it since I really can't get to the malls that much anymore. (I have a tendency to spend while there instead of walk!!).
Don't forget you all - every ounce you lose counts toward out goal.

Lori Bellie 01-26-2007 02:05 PM

Habitual Joiner here!
Oh my! I have so many weight watchers booklets it's unbelievable! I am almost embarassed to go back. I still have a bunch of coupons from where I prepaid last time I joined. It makes me feel better to hear that I'm not the only one.

Last summer I had lost about 40 pounds in 11 weeks on the flex plan. I think that is the only plan I can do and still live with my family. I have got to get back on track. I really hope I can find a community on here to share my weightloss struggles and triumphs with.

Maybe I'll go see if my coupons have expired!

exercisebimbo 01-27-2007 04:44 PM

Me too
I just rejoined AGAIN myself!! Together we can get it done!!! I just made a thread under weigh ins for Saturday weigh ins if anyone wants to check it out!!! I am in for the long haul this time too, just gotta be, no real choice here.............hope to hear from you all soon.

Lori Bellie 01-27-2007 09:16 PM

Did you have to pay a joining fee? My sister in law said there was a special until march, no joining fee. I am going to join back for sure if that is true. Otherwise, I may try a weigh in day on here and do it that way.

exercisebimbo 01-27-2007 10:15 PM

It is free right now
I just checked and there is no registration fee from now through march 10th.........only the weekly fee........and if you can afford it off the top, you can pay $40.00 a month and it comes out to like 9.22 a week, the cheapest way to go and then if you want you even get WW e-tools for free....

Lori Bellie 02-04-2007 11:28 AM

I rejoined
I did go and rejoin. I have been doing the plan for a few days now. So far so good. I found out one of my best friends also joined so that will be great support and my sister in law is going to join as well. Yay!! It is great to not be alone doing a diet especially if you get together alot.

Good luck to us all!

exercisebimbo 02-04-2007 08:36 PM

I am so glad you joined and are going, and its nice that you have your friend going too.........It so helps to have both virtual and real friends to get and give support...........so far this is a good week, I am so in this for the long haul, my whole mental attitude this time seems so much better, so much more positive on making these changes for the long haul.........And I have told so many people that I am doing it, so I am also held accountable that way.............talk to you all soon!!

Lori Bellie 02-04-2007 09:52 PM

Me too!! And I am not going to put so much pressure on myself to lose this much by this time. I think that is where I go wrong. I am trying to look at it like I am doing it to be healthy. Its funny, after only a few days I DO feel better.

WooHoo!! we are going to do it!!!!

exercisebimbo 02-10-2007 02:10 PM

How is everyone??
Just checking in.........how did everyones week go?? Lori......you here???

Weazy 04-11-2007 08:37 PM

Hi everyone.........congrats to everyone on your accomplishments. Its nice to know we're not in this alone!

klawster 04-11-2007 10:29 PM

i have rejoined too
new to this site and am excited to get to meet everyone, I too have joined several times and then tried just at home. In fact i joined 6 weeks ago and only went twice. I am rejoining this next wednesday. my forever goal is 120 but i am sure that will take me twice as long to take it off than when I put it on.:p

hope to know you all better and i hope to be a support to anyone who needs it.




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