Newbie needs some guidance: Where to start?

  • 23 years old, currently 338lbs, looking to get down (to start with!) to about 240. I'm PCOS/IR and a compleeete beginner at this stuff... I'm calorie counting (1600-1800 a day), cut out 90% of pop/sugar on a daily basis (I still have it on occasion), I am gluten free (because of wheat intolerance) and eat aloooot less grains than I used to, and doing portion control and have already lost about 20 lbs since January (and gained a few back by slacking in April...whoops?).

    For exercise, I've been doing about 6 days a week, either 30 mins of Walk Away The Pounds (at 2 mile, working up to 3) or Zumba Fitness for the Wii (I was at 35-40 mins at a time, but I got sick and my fitness level went back down, but I'm working on getting it up again!). However, I've done a bit of reading and I'd like to start weight training.

    I don't have a gym/y membership, nor can I afford one at the moment. I'm hoping to get one for Xmas from my family.

    And I honestly don't know how/where to start? Any tips/articles/links/DVDs/books that might help? I don't wanna ruin myself lol! I plan on looking into some free weights, but don't know what to buy/what pounds?

    Should I wait til I'm smaller to do weights, or does size not matter? Will weight training help improve sagging skin on the arms as the muscle tones?

    Are free weights or resistance bands better?

    I'm a little leery because I have the PCOS and -do- have a higher testosterone level than most women...and I'm leery of bulking, even though I've read that women don't?

    So I guess I just need overall guidance. Thanks
  • Good for you for starting this journey, by admitting you need a change you are going to succeed for sure. Calorie counting for me didn't work, lost 76lbs in the last 7months. I had to learn to make it a lifestyle. Eating better more thimes than not, and exercising atleast 3 times a wk at the least. I went to a qualified Trainer and he helped alot. Have you considered using exercise bands, they work just as well, even better my trainer said for leaning and toning. Are you on a program, or just watching what you eat?
  • I would recommend you get the New Rules of Lifting for Women book for starters. It's a 7 month strength building fat loss program. It gives you all the workouts, with alternatives if you don't have access to equipment. You can order it at There is also a forum to go along with the book and the authors are there to answer any questions you might have. And they are very nice and supportive.