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invisigoth 08-02-2006 02:00 PM

Truly and Utterly Bummed Out
I just found out that my surgeon is closing shop. This really sucks and I feel abandoned. The reason I went to him in the first place was because of his follow-up care and the support groups. Hopefully, the support group will continue, but I'm sure it won't be as structured as it was.

I really trusted him, and now I need to find someone who will check all my labs and follow up care. I've never had a primary care physican who I felt "got it" so this really is bad news. I already feel myself sliding and I really do need a good, swift kick in the pants to make sure I stick with the program.

Anyway, I just need to make a quick post and share with you guys. I kinda feel like crying right now.

Kelster2 08-02-2006 02:42 PM

Can you ask him for a referral?

I wouldn't think he'd have you go to just anyone. He'd want to make sure that you receive the same level of care that he provided.

:hug: it's hard to lose a dr. that you trust.

invisigoth 08-02-2006 02:55 PM

Yeah, he's already listed two docs for referral. One I'm positive I won't go to because I heard bad things about him. But, hopefully the other one will work out.

jiffypop 08-02-2006 02:59 PM

oh geez. maybe some of the people in your support group have other backup plans? and maybe - we can hope - there's someone SOMEWHERE that will 'get it.' i left my first PCP because she didn't quite understand life after the surgery, but the main reason was because there was 'diagnosis by office manager,' and i simply won't tolerate that.

i asked around my WLS friends, and found a PCP who has actually SEEN the surgery because he was interested in it, and he makes every effort to keep up on things. and perhaps more important, he doesn't treat me like an idiot. Trust me, finding him wasn't easy.

Leenie 08-02-2006 03:40 PM

Oh that stinks ~ Why is he closing shop?

Hugs and kisses....don't worry, you'll find a good one :hug:

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