Just for Lapbanders #4

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  • I just got Banded
    I was just banded in Tijuena by Dr. Kuri on Dec. 6th. My insurance would not pay so I opted to go there. It was a wonderful experience. I have already lost 30 pounds and feel great. I am 46 and was afraid too....but there was nothing to be afraid about. If you are thinking of getting this done....I would highly recommend it.
    I can already see how things are going to be so much better. Good luck. Leslie
  • Thank all of you for your encouraging words! I have one more nutrition class to go, and then hopefully they'll "set the date." I'm already starting to panic about losing food as my *best friend* just like I went through with cigarettes when I quit 21 yrs ago, but experience tells me "this too shall pass." Teaching this ole dawg new tricks will take persistence but from what I've been reading in this forum, it's certainly worth the effort. I'm so encouraged by all you brave folks who are on the same journey, and finding this supportive group has been a great blessing. Anything positive in life worth doing is worth doing TOGETHER!! Yea for us!! Chick power!!
  • Eating After Surgery
    today is my fourth day out of surgery and I was able to eat a meal from wendy's. I ate it really slowly, but I am scared. I know i have to learn to control my bingeing, and I was fully prepared to eat one or two bites and either throw up or be in pain, but I WASN'T. Now I am scared that there is something wrong. Why would my doctor and all the websites and books say that my stomach would be too sensitive for solid foods, but mine isn't? I know I should go to my doctor, but I am really embarrassed. Does anybody have any advise?
  • anais, honey. it seems to me as if you're testing the limits a little too soon!! please PLEASE go back to what your doc said you should be doing at this point, and stop experimenting. there's no telling when these experiments will backfire AND THEY WILL!!!

    breathe, darlin.
  • Ana,

    I've never heard of a doctor allowing anyone to eat solid food 4 days after surgery. I was not allowed solid food until 5 WEEKS after surgery. Usually its clear liquids for a week (or two), then thicker liquids for a week, then mushies for a week and then maybe solids. You might want to check with your doctors guidelines, don't be embarassed, just be informed.

    What you are doing sounds dangerous. The last thing you want to do is injure your insides. Good luck

    Smoldering.... CONGRATULATIONS !!

    Grammy your gonna do wonderful.


  • i just got my band on monday so i am only on liquids but i am really feeling shaky, but i feel really full. what do i increase, my protein or what? thanks for the help
  • Quote: i just got my band on monday so i am only on liquids but i am really feeling shaky, but i feel really full. what do i increase, my protein or what? thanks for the help
    Congratulations on being in bandland
    Did you call your doctor? Its so important to keep that communication going with your doc and follow his diet guidelines (because each doctor has different rules). I don't know what you are eating or how much protein you are getting so its hard to give any suggestions. When I was on week #1 I ate ice pops (no fruit pieces) gatoraid, tea, coffee, water, clear stuff, broth, etc.... Like I said its hard to give advice when I don't know what your allowed or what your eating. Make sure you are getting plenty of liquids, last thing you need is dehydrtion and another trip to the hospital. Call your doc and ask.....

  • Leenie thank you!
  • Who will do your fills on your band?Will you have to go back to Tijuena?
  • I am STILL waiting. Thought everything was all set to submit to the insurance company and sure enough still have one more nutrition class to attend (next week). I'm on pins and needles - waiting, waiting, waiting!! Now that I've pretty much dealt with my fears (for now) I'm ready to get it on!!! My weight is creeping up, not down - time to reverse that! (maybe I'm eating more because I AM kinda nervous after all!) Carol
  • Carol, I was so nervous when I started the process... I ate everything in site. I was lucky though, I think thats the only time my nerves kicked in some over time because I did not gain. Hang in there and get that class over with so you can get that date

    Jo.... your welcome, I hope it helped <---- me.

  • Thank you, Leenie - hopefully the nerve thing will go away soon. Last nutrition class is this coming week, THEN maybe we can set the date! Am just getting more and more ready to get this on and start feeling better and better. My DH swears I have no idea how bad I really do feel (sleeping all the time, nightmares at night, etc.) from being so overweight. (He should know since he had GB a couple of yrs back.) He's my bestest cheerleader, thankfully. Carol
  • Carol thats wonderful that your DH is your #1 supporter, how awesome is that. My DH is thin and eats like a pig which does not help me what so ever, and he's not one of those thin people who eats to live...this guy lives to eat, I swear. still love em though LOL.
  • HELP!
    This is my first time to this site and not sure how things work. I am going to have surgery sometime in the next couple of months. Right now I am supose to diet and exercise. If I could diet and exercise I wouldn't need surgery would I? It is very frustrating. I work 8 to 10 hours a day, and am sore and tired when I come home, and hungry! I live in Oregon where it rains all the time....or most of it. The only place here in this small town is Curves and I do not have exercise equipment. How do I get going on loosing and moving. I am at a BMI of 43, and it is hard to move, let alone exercise.
    I spend hours reading at the Lab Band site and now here. I don't find any post about how to get started. Didn't anyone else have a hard time....was anyone else very over weight and their body sore and hurts all the time like me? I worry about getting banded and then what. I don't have energy now to exercise will I have energy after?
    Please help me out here someone...I can't be the only person like this...am I??
  • nightmares, not sleeping at night
    Quote: Thank you, Leenie - hopefully the nerve thing will go away soon. Last nutrition class is this coming week, THEN maybe we can set the date! Am just getting more and more ready to get this on and start feeling better and better. My DH swears I have no idea how bad I really do feel (sleeping all the time, nightmares at night, etc.) from being so overweight. (He should know since he had GB a couple of yrs back.) He's my bestest cheerleader, thankfully. Carol

    wow, I so relate to this! Lately my sleep is so messed up! I am miserable during the day...so tired all the time. I don't sleep well at 237. I have crazy crazy anxiety producing dreams all night long.. i wake up to pee about 5 times a night, I think I may have sleep apnea..my lips are dry and cakey in the morning from sleeping with my mouth open all night. Ido have a deviated septum...but it was never this bad b4 I gained this last 1 lbs. Nothing ever kept me from sleep till now! I am also waiting for surgery. Ins. has approved now I am waiting on doctor. Geez! I go in April 1 for an appt since ins. approved...they said to wear comfortable shoes? ANyone know what may take place here? I asked when would I get to have surgery after this appt and they said 4-6 weeks. Bummer! What takes so long? Insight here anyone who has been thru it? I know doc's are different, but what do ya think is the process?

    thanks, deb