AHHHH...someone stop me!!

  • I'm having this huge craving for a chick-fil-a sandwich and fries in the caf just a few feet away from where I am now!!! I would treat myself, but I've been doing bad this whole week...plus I had a sausage burrito and hash browns from mcdonald's for breakfast this morning!!! I know I shouldn't have the chicken sandwich and fries, but this craving is seriously coming on full force!! What should I do??
  • Don't do it! I have also found that if I have a bad breakfast, the whole day can easily go off from there. Tomorrow start with a great breakfast!!
  • Remove yourself from the temptation! Drink water, or eat something healthy, like fruit or something. Another thing that I usually ask myself is "Am I REALLY hungry, or just want it because it's there" feeling? I get those alot! It usually passes after awhile. Also I'm an emotional eater, and when I'm stressed and such, I tend to crave "comfort foods"....

    I agree with Jasmine, if you eat bad in the morning...it's harder to get back on track for the rest of the day.
  • The more bad stuff you eat, the more you crave it. It seems so simple, but I just recently figured this out. If you can say NO today, then saying no tomorrow will be easier.
  • Yup I think it is the breakfast burrito that set you off. You need to try to work through the cravings. I agree, once you eat one bad thing it can turn into a lot of bad things. You need to do your best to nip it in the bud before lunch becomes chick-fil-a and dinner becomes a double whopper (example).
  • Wow...I can't believe this really helped!! I just went to the caf, and I got a chicken salad sandwich on whole wheat bread with lots of lettuce! Thanks so much, girls. From now on, I'm coming here when I'm having trouble with cravings. Thank you so much
  • Hooray!!!! Good for you for getting through that craving!!!! Good job!
  • Good Job!!! Isn't this place great!
  • Resist, resist, resist ! I know how hard it is to resist at lunch time, especially if you work and eat out. I deal with this every day.

    I do eat at chick-fil-a and they have a great Southwestern Chargrilled chiken salad. I have it with fat free honey mustard dressing and it's only 360 calories! Check it out, it is really tasty
  • Oh, good for you!