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srmb60 04-01-2008 08:03 PM

I put on my HRM when I changed after work. I've probably got a good 90 minutes of elevated heart rate in dancing, running laundry upstairs etc. You can grapevine in the kitchen waiting for fish to fry.

BattleAx 04-01-2008 08:30 PM

I never let myself get too hungry. I carry food with me everywhere, and I have snack stashes in my office and car. Keeping hunger at bay helps me stay on plan.

When I am feeling a strong pull to gorge myself on the cake, treats, etc. at a party, I remember: it's only x (cake, etc.). Somehow that puts it into perspective.

Buying incentive clothes has been very effective for me. I buy at least one pair of pants in the next size down, when I see something super-cheap on clearance.

Touching a newly-slimmed part of my body at regular intervals throughout the day helps me to stay positive and focused about what I'm doing. For me, it's touching my newly discovered collar bones.

HudsonHawk 04-01-2008 08:47 PM

I force myself to cook every night. I often find that by the time I'm done cooking, I'm not that hungry anymore, so I eat significantly less than if I just grabbed a bowl of cereal the moment I walked in the door. And making the effort to cook a nice, GOOD meal makes me think about making healthy choices for the meal.

Bring my lunch to work. I pack my lunch every night while I'm cooking dinner. Usually I have 10-15 minutes while dinner is cooking. I pack my (and FI's) lunch right then.

Having snacks on hand is always a good thing. Even if it's just a clementine or an apple, having it there on hand eases my mind.

Special K Protein Water. I'm really not a fan of diet food, but this product has changed my mind. What can I say, it works. Because I work out in the morning, I often find myself getting hungry about 30-45 minutes before "lunch". This is even after my breakfast and a good bit of my water for the day. Having a SKH2O takes the edge off and helps get me to the lunch hour without hitting my boss' candy bowl. It's also great to have on hand for my commute home. We commute an hour+ each day and sometimes we don't leave the office until 6. I'm usually getting hungry by that time, so having a SKH2O for the ride home helps get me to dinner.

Tracking my cals on thedailyplate.com helps a great deal. It really puts what I put in my mouth into perspective. I find the little pie chart on the right to be a challenge as well. I like to try to get the chart to balance at 40protein/40carb/20fat. Their diary feature is great too. I record my morning mood, energy level, and workout in the diary as well as any observations from the previous day. It's helpful to see the cycle of bad mornings vs. good and how it reflects in my workout.

Gracenote 04-04-2008 04:12 PM

Wow, these are really great tips!! Thanks guys.. if anyone has more to post, I'm sure everyone can benefit from them.

Keep 'em coming!!!!

Ravengirl 04-04-2008 06:38 PM

Well, this isn't so much my tips as my *Miracles!!!* I have been learning about nutrition, exercise, weightloss in general for several years now...and I got almost where I wanted to be when all **** broke loose in my life. Now that I have so very much to deal with I found myself struggling and losing ground again. 2 surgeries with possible cancers in my immediate family in the last 2 weeks and my DH still undergoing chemo once a month for a brain tumor. I was put on Prozac last summer and recently had my dose upped...I had wondered if that was causing my weight creep. Now, I don't think it has...it has been what it has always been since I can remember...periodic binges and emotional overeating...not loving my body enough to realize what a precious gift that it is. That simple fact has been brought home to me in a big way. My body is not my enemy...it is not something to be beat down and controlled...it is to be listened to and nurtured and cared for, like you would the person that you love the most. I have always gotten the endorphins from cardio exercise...always loved it in a big way...but it never made that much difference in my food...if I was upset or down or angry I would still over eat. I have discovered yoga in the past months and even that was not the complete key...though it is a big part when you factor in my yoga magazines which I read incessantly and find so much inspiration in...the final piece of my personal puzzle was only found a few days ago...when I picked up the book Meditation for Dummies...meditation fills the void that food once did...only when I use it I feel better instead of worse...a true miracle. I still have to look at all the other things to get where I want to go...the cardio...the keeping track of calories...but when I don't have that burning need to fill the void with something...anything...that all becomes so much easier and I know that this time I will make it to my goal...and stay there...

the slim me 04-04-2008 06:43 PM

One thing I haven't seen addressed is eating out. One of the things I do is go online to see what they have before I go. That way I can make a good selection without going through the menu and getting side tracked. I ask for a doggie bag as soon as they bring my meal, and I put the part I'm not going to eat in it right then. If I wait untill after my meal I will sit there and pick at it untill it's gone. Eat slowely and chew your food. It takes 20 min for your stomach to send a signal to the brain that it's full. Put down your fork between each bite. Don't drink alcohol. I have nothing against drinking, but it sure lowers your imhibitions and you will eat things that you didn't intend to.

fiberlover 04-04-2008 06:49 PM

I never leave the house without some type of snack in my bag. Either a Zone bar, or string cheese or a couple clemetines. That way if I get stuck out, I can eat something without having to stop somewhere (danger zone).

For meals out - I look online at the menu and plan what I am going to have ahead of time. Then I don't even look at the menu when I get there, so I am not tempted by alfredo sauce or smothered with gooey cheese items :)
We do tend to eat at the same places, so I know what's on the menu.

Gracenote 04-26-2008 12:52 PM


GatorgalstuckinGA 04-26-2008 01:28 PM

here's a few of mine...
1. cut up all fresh fruit and veggies as soon as you get home from the store. I find i'm less likely to grab them for a snack whole. For instance...i bought a ginormous watermelon last night and sat there and cut it up into cubes. i just grab a handful when needed. Same with celery. Its there and ready

2. prepare lunch the night before...just in case you are running late...you don't end up making back choices.

3. when eating out...share a meal. luckily dh and i are small eaters. We'll usually split a salad and an entree...less calories and less money!!!!

4. exercise first thing/. I use to exercise in the evening ...but work has started to get so busy that i find lately i'm getting home so late i don't have the energy to go. yes its hard some days to get up...but you feel so much better if you exercise first thing in the morning

5. listen to your body. If you are working out hard and you are really really exhausted...you may need a day off

6. as already stated....plan your meals (breakfast/lunch/dinner) a week at a time. Go to the store for all the stuff and spend a little time prepping. Sometimes that helps to get a meal done faster. Also, if you have it planned you are less likely to eat out

7. don't deprive. if you really are craving something...allow it...however, be sure its a small amount and don't go crazy.

trooworld 04-26-2008 03:35 PM

For eating out, I go online and I actually print out the nutritional information and take it with me to the restaurant, that way if I want to change my mind at the last minute, I know what I am getting into!

I cut up stuff for salads when I get home from the store and I buy pre-washed spinach for salads...no washing, no chopping.

mimosa08 04-26-2008 06:50 PM


I just sound something I love and when I crave something sweet crunchy or salty this helps me so much

They are true north pecan almond peanut clusters. They are so tasty and knock my cravings out.

mimosa08 04-26-2008 06:52 PM

Then I go out to eat I always get a box, I can eat the food later and Im not overly stuffed

I also take food with me everywhere especially since they sell food at my job Im not tempted to even go in the cafertia and grab cookies pop and pizza.

CountingDown 04-26-2008 07:56 PM

Most of mine have already been mentioned but ...

~ When eating out, share a meal, or If that isn't feasible, ask for a carry out container when the food arrives. Split it immediately. Out of sight...
~ Don't scrimp on certain foods. I love dark chocolate. I buy very good dark chocolate. I eat a little daily and savor every single bit of it.
~ Eat slowly and mindfully - no eating in front of the TV
~ Smaller dishes, I drink much less red wine when I use a tall, Catawba glass (3.5 oz) than when I use a traditional 10 oz. cab glass
~ raw veggies satisfy my "crunch" cravings. So does dry cereal (but make sure to measure or weigh it)
~ Make your own yogurt. You can use skim (or 1/2% milk, and sweeten it the way YOU want to (stevia or agave are my choices)
~ Whole grains - skip the "white" varieties - whole grains keep me full so much longer
~ Serving size Rubbermaid containers. Like Amanda, I make extra at dinner and package up my lunch. If you don't have a refrigerator handy, freeze the container before taking it to work. It should be thawed by lunch.
~ Workout room makeover - I set aside a place to work out and put up posters, added fun floor pillows, etc. It is a soothing, nice space which I enjoy.
~ Mix it up when it comes to exercise. There are a lot of DVDs and exercise props that are inexpensive and can help you find new ways to move and groove :) My faves - stabilty ball, resistance bands (great for pilates and dance videos), and yoga props. I'm not very flexible and blocks really help me keep the integrity of the pose.
~ Stretchie bands are great for travel. They don't take up much room in your suitcase and you can work out in even the smallest of spaces. Many moves can even be done on a hotel room bed or chair :lol:
~ Weigh daily but record the average. Weighing daily keeps me motivated, and recording the average each week keeps me from getting depressed by the occasional "blip".
~ Do what works for you. Don't let anyone tell you what you are doing is wrong. There is no perfect plan that works for everyone. What works for me, may not work for you at all. It's OK (and fun) to try new things, but only keep the ones that work for you.
~ Don't put life on hold until you lose weight. Enjoy life now - get out there and don't worry what others are thinking. Be the best YOU that you can - NOW!

mimosa08 04-26-2008 08:19 PM

Oh a couple times when I didnt feel like going to the gym I would go to the one that is farther away and once I got there, I couldnt just drive all the way back home so I would have to go inside if only for a little while

Gracenote 04-26-2008 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by CountingDown (Post 2170212)
Don't put life on hold until you lose weight. Enjoy life now - get out there and don't worry what others are thinking. Be the best YOU that you can - NOW!

Well put, CountingDown. This is hard for me and a lot of others I'm sure, because we somehow feel that we are less worthy of happiness/enjoying life. I always tell myself, when I reach this goal or that goal, then I'll be happy. I've recently come to terms with shopping at Plus size stores. I went to Lane Bryant and tried on a pair of jeans. Wow, never realized that getting jeans that actually fit (even if they are plus size) are much more flattering than trying to fit into something that wasn't made for your body.

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